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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. I thought it looked pretty good, saw the first two series of the UK skins, don't remember northern refererences. I think it would bring young blood onto the scene, and not necessarily because people think they'd encounter lesbianism, more likely because young people have the ability to make it look cool again. Thinking about it, it would have to be a fairly regular occurance (the northern element) to actually entice people. Winnie :-)
  2. Bob Relf - blowing my mind to pieces Duke Browner - crying over you Flaming Embers - westbound number 9 Corey Glover - Little girl Little Ann - who are you trying to fool Cindy Scott - world of Happiness Charlie n Inez Foxx - tightrope Toby Legend - time will pass you by Almeta Latimore - these memories Jock Mitchell - not a chance in a million
  3. Winnie :-)

    Rip Gladys Horton

    So very sad, mortality is so fleeting RIP Gladys
  4. to be totally honest, IMO, the real music aint bad
  5. Impressed is a good word, really enjoyed it Winnie
  6. cynic............
  7. Mikey put up a brilliant explanation a few years back, unfortunately more than 10 words, but difficult to explain it in 10 words. Enthusiasm, passion, soulful, danceable beautiful, powerful, moving, life changing music......... Winnie :-)
  8. shoes n sole Winnie
  9. In times of plenty the politicians are nowhere to be seen, you know they're there because the obesity problem is increasing and although they're the ones who issue the health warnings, they pay no heed to them themselves. One new venue after another pops up, some have a longer shelf life, but eventually most of them go sour. The problem is there's too much product and not enough consumers, the politicians (spin doctors) would have you believe you'd get a better quality product if you went 'here', their opposition will champion the virtues of 'there' which includes the equavalent of green shield stamps, so the political spectrum is set up. There will then be the usual battle opening salvos usually include ''they play boots/CDs/MP3'', or ''more played out oldies'' these will be accompanied by assurances....''it's OVO here and as rare as hen's teeth'' or ''if it's underplayed we'll give it a spin'', never mind if it's not particualry good you'll come to love it if you want to be and remain in the elite. So all of a sudden it's election time, do you go for the devil you know or do you plump for the brave new world? If you go 'devil you know', you risk being castigated ...... '' have you seen them there, some of them still wear bags...blah blah....footsee.....blah'' do you want to be associated with that scene? The alternative asks ''do you really want to be drawing attention to our multiple chins by trying to stroke all of them'' what's a voter to do?? For me personally, I try to pay no attention, I've always gone where I liked, danced to what I liked, chatted to who I liked, it's perhaps a simplistic ethic but it's worked for me, guess I can't ask for much more than that in life Winnie :-)
  10. yeah, I used to go, loved it there, liked the set up people could sit upstairs and not bother us on the dancefloor. Got on with Sam really well, good bloke. Sure there were 3 rooms at one point? Winnie :-)
  11. I agree it needed a climax but at least use a couple of decent dancers, the actors inept moves won't be attracting many youngsters IMO. As said previously I enjoyed it and gave it a 7 Winnie :-)
  12. I might be wrong but the current northern soul scene isn't a 'youth explosion', so what is he trying to portray by asking for 'youthful' looking dancers......1973 in 2011? Bit of an insult to those still going, the vast majority of which won't fit his criteria. If someone wants to photograph the northern scene/culture/clothes then do so with what's available, not sanitise it.............anyway what's wrong with air brushing out the wrinkles/bellies and adding hair? Winnie
  13. Have finally got round to watching this, decided to watch it for what it is, a film, and overall I enjoyed it. Its not edge of your seat stuff, but its well worth seeing IMO. The script was pretty good although I think it could have been smoother if the film had been longer. Winnie :-)
  14. very sad news indeed R.I.P. Winston
  15. A few years back we had a thread on here that tried to find a track that everyone likes, hundreds of responses, but not one (as I remember) that everybody liked. I have a few that always come to the fore when asked this question, but the one that comes most to mind is ''crying over you'', can't explain why it just does it for me every time Winnie :-)
  16. Happy xmas and a great new year to all sourcers x Winnie :-)
  17. that's great news as I plan to go back there again in the new year
  18. as ever with these pounding intros it just drives you to the dancefloor, there's a little known instrumental covered up as the shadows apache, better known as Cochise
  19. thank you, that worked
  20. why don't the links work?
  21. No nighters, but they do still have soul nights there, not sure when the next one is Winnie
  22. Very sad news, haven't seen either of them for a while, but my thoughts are with you Mandy x Winston
  23. Yeah I remember it, saw Edwin Starr there and was allowed to go and meet him and his quitarist Also remember The Lair in the Anglers, Pilgrims and the rowing club, where they had a couple of nighters (not very well attended) Winnie

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