In times of plenty the politicians are nowhere to be seen, you know they're there because the obesity problem is increasing and although they're the ones who issue the health warnings, they pay no heed to them themselves. One new venue after another pops up, some have a longer shelf life, but eventually most of them go sour. The problem is there's too much product and not enough consumers, the politicians (spin doctors) would have you believe you'd get a better quality product if you went 'here', their opposition will champion the virtues of 'there' which includes the equavalent of green shield stamps, so the political spectrum is set up. There will then be the usual battle opening salvos usually include ''they play boots/CDs/MP3'', or ''more played out oldies'' these will be accompanied by assurances....''it's OVO here and as rare as hen's teeth'' or ''if it's underplayed we'll give it a spin'', never mind if it's not particualry good you'll come to love it if you want to be and remain in the elite. So all of a sudden it's election time, do you go for the devil you know or do you plump for the brave new world? If you go 'devil you know', you risk being castigated ...... '' have you seen them there, some of them still wear bags...blah blah....footsee.....blah'' do you want to be associated with that scene? The alternative asks ''do you really want to be drawing attention to our multiple chins by trying to stroke all of them'' what's a voter to do??
For me personally, I try to pay no attention, I've always gone where I liked, danced to what I liked, chatted to who I liked, it's perhaps a simplistic ethic but it's worked for me, guess I can't ask for much more than that in life
Winnie :-)