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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Really nice, don't think it's funk myself, beautifullly soulful
  2. Been saying about over talc-in the floor for years, absolutely loathe the stuff, hardly ever needed and only used cos the pamphlet says you should. First danced on it in 74, think it may have been the liberal club in Bedford, was in major use when I first visited Wigan later that year, have no idea where it originated from. Winnie
  3. Why does there have to be a difference, if someone says 'ton of dynamite' or 'manifesto' is funk, do we have to re-evaluate whether we like it or should dance to it? Just read a post by Nev, basically ''what floats your boat'' is exactly that, why does anyone need it diagnosed. I don't particularly like 'voodoo working' I find it neither soulful or northern 50 pro posts from the most eminent Soul sourcers aren't going to change that view, because what they think would have no more relevance than what I think, to me. Knowledge doesnt' necessarily equate to taste, let your own ears do the deciding
  4. thanks Winnie (Winston) I'm a man
  5. Thanks Carms - top man I am a clean up woman mate not a bloke names Carmen short for Carms , nice to meet you thanks for the listings
  6. I remember it Carms wouldn't want the responsibility of being a panel member though, it'll end in tears, I can almost taste the carnage..........
  7. This made me think of Matt Jahans, didn't he colour code his records............
  8. I don't get it, Chalky's comment presumes a universal definition for soul music, I've never seen a thread here or anywhere else that gives the difinitive explanation, how is funk music not encompassed by the word ''soul''? The northern scene has gone off on all sorts of tangents over the last 40 years R&B, crossover, modern etc, those elements aren't to everyone's taste, but they've been accepted, because in essense the northern scene wasn't/hasn't been/isn't restrictive. Winnie
  9. Because of Dave Godin, or because it's good? Winnie
  10. Things have improved then, 4/5 years ago it was a fortnightly feature.........
  11. crossover soul music is really good :thumbsup:
  12. I must have got the wrong end of the stick, I thought it was about the lack of young DJ's breaking through on the current northern scene, they surely have no problem breaking through in events they've organised themselves? Winnie
  13. I get that they throw themselves into it as you say, but if they don't know that it's being played off vinyl are they not missing what many consider the backbone of the scene? Also, if they don't know the tunes they're dancing to are they at all worried that they're even at a northern soul event? If the scene is going to be restocked with 'the youth', surely some of the old ethics/etiquette has to be maintained if it's to remain the scene we all know? Winnie
  14. Didn't Father's Angels morph into Barry White's backing band?
  15. If the figures are correct and for the sake of argument let's say they are, if 90% of the northern soul fraternity aren't worried about the discovery of new sounds, how much importance can be placed upon it? When I was going regularly, and admittedly it's been 2 years since that was the situation, I liked to hear new sounds, but ones that reflected what northern soul was. It's become increasingly diversified, particularly over the last 10 years, and I would worry that was more in the name of rarity than quality. I'm not saying there's nothing decent being discovered, Margaret Little isn't bad, but compare the first time you heard that to the first time you heard Too darn soulful (or any of another 100 that could be named) which comes out on top? Winnie
  16. If we take it as read that the nighter calendar is full, how then does a promoter of a new nighter decide when to put it on. Does he check if there is a nighter that has dwindling numbers and go up against that? Perhaps go up against an established nighter because he doesn't get on with the opposing promoter? Check to see which nighter is the furthest away on a given date so as to minimise the clash? Check musical policy of other nighters, so for instance put on an oldies night against a progressive night. Basically I'm asking how a promoter decides when to put on a nighter and how he comes to that decision. Winnie
  17. I noticed Bearsy said there's only 1 nighter down South and its starting soon, doesn't London still count as 'down south', fairly successful nighter in that area. also Bisley used to have the odd nighter? Stevie, how come it's always a Kev we're waiting to give answers when it comes to venue clashes..............
  18. good shout, they always said they were going to put on a nighter there, but weren't allowed, used to hate leaving at the end it was always such a good night
  19. it's not a new occurance, it appears that the powers that be (promoters) won't be happy until the golden goose breathes it's last. That's not all promoters just the uscrupulous ones governed by greed
  20. Kudos in who's eyes, the beholder............
  21. No problem with the term myself, would expect it to finish around 4 a.m. Also would expect some of the better known nighter DJs to be playing. Soul nights I classify as something finishing between 12 and 2, could be all local DJs. I liked nighters to finish at 8......just seemed right Winnie :-)
  22. It's clearly for people with excellent eye sight, couldn't read a word of it Winnie
  23. I went to a niter years ago at La Scala, think it was ran by Keb and Ion, and there was a guy there doing all this malarkey, might not have been in the northern room, I can't remember exactly, anyway it looked quite good and didn't look out of place, maybe the way forward for us wrinkly types............speaking for myself of course not you Sian x

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