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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Ian did have his 'second coming', late 9Ts early Y2K so pretty sure everyone's aware of him, even ''the Stafforders''
  2. Got no axe to grind either way, but find a thread with balance far more interesting to read/take part in than one that's all in one direction
  3. It was being used in early 74 when I first went to a soul do
  4. Loads of positives Len, the music, the people, the venues, take heart buddy
  5. Did/do like the Four Vandals
  6. Has Andy Rix had a mention? If not he should have, another bloke who'll chat to anyone, no airs and graces and soulfully a walking encyclopaedia
  7. I seem to recall that happening
  8. Time marches on ......... Laine Hill
  9. I actually think in terms of SS Pete does deserve a mention, over 25000 posts on here, many of them informative, and generally when I've got a question about records it's normally Pete I ask, although do sometimes ask Chalky as well, both always answer without taking the p*ss, at my like lack of knowledge :thumbsup:
  10. He must have stood out like a sore thumb........... :D
  11. I quite like the girl's voice ;)
  12. Understand that Mike, but without the site, no members, no easy access info, no day to day stuff, all important to me and many others
  13. I think Mike Hughes and soul source should also have a mention, very influential over the years, loads of information and keeps everybody in touch
  14. scratch that it was Clark Carlisle, soz
  15. Ady Croasdell. Great bloke, time for everyone, doesn't throw his achievements in everyone's face, lets them speak for themselves. Kent records. The 100 club. Cleethorpes............yep he'd be my choice.
  16. Like both but prefer Don Varner
  17. Del Larks for me
  18. This I get, and recognising that playing OVO is only a small part of integrity, couldn't agree more
  19. surprisingly I don't agree with you regarding the original ethos of the scene, it was first and foremost a dance scene, punters liked the elitist feel, belonging to something different, its always been something young people want, so as to carve their own niche, but as for people caring that the record is an original, that has always been a smaller crowd. The buzz phrases that you've mentioned have come about because the majority of people who go to soul nights/nighters don't want to be educated, as Pete has said, they want to go out they want to have a drink, a dance and a chat and have a general all round sociable evening. Listening to records you don't know doesn't work for most and to be fair you rarely find these people venturing onto these threads, so I don't get that what you want is being undermined?
  20. good balanced post that sums things up pretty well, not that that approach will necessarily be welcomed..........
  21. Would Lenny not be a bit young to remember Mr F.......
  22. You make some good points but then spoil it with 'you won't see me on here again'. If you have an opinion continue to voice it, doesn't matter if people agree or not, the politics on the scene have been there for ever, and are of little consequence, so accusing a few vocal people of 'killing/spoiling' the scene is inaccurate. Carry on carrying on
  23. Winnie was what my Mum called me, real name Winston
  24. You might not have seen the sketch, but this is all very 'Spanish Inquisition' (monty python)

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