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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Maybe the underlying theme is powder, marching for us (allegedly), talcum for the wet suit brigade
  2. I should explain, I never made any of those comments mentioned in my initial post, I also thought the film was very accurate and very good, they were just some of the things I saw quoted on various threads both here and on social media. As for the research done on the advert. I was meant to audition for the part, I was given 4 hours notice to find memorabilia and clothes that I might have kept from the early 7Ts. Then expected to travel to Manchester the next day for the audition, (from Bedford). I declined due to personal circumstances, but the filming was supposed to be done at Blackburn, but was switched to Worcester the very next weekend. So I would suggest that research was set at minimum. Personally I don't see any way in which the Northern scene is not going to be touched, tasted and ultimately spat out by the media, just the way it is in 2015.
  3. How in 2015 can anybody expect the northern soul scene avoid the media? A film gets made, it's not accurate enough, the music is wrong, the dancing is poor, we're portrayed as a 'vest and bags' movement, research not deep enough, bringing the northern scene effectively into disrepute. Just some of the things claimed about the recent film. Now an advert has been made, much the same things being said about it. Are we saying we expect a total media blackout on the subject of Northern Soul, or is there a film, or an advert that could be made that we'd be happy with? To be honest I can't see it, never going to please everyone as they say. I'm half expecting no replies to this thread because ironically to have your say, you have to use the internet, which in effect is 'spreading the word' rather than keeping it underground, especially if the same sort of post were made on social media sites. I'll get the tumbleweed emoticon ready shall I
  4. Why does TV pigeon-hole the 'Northern soul lover'? Well their point of reference in most cases is a 1977 documentary showing people in vests and baggies. We're busy shouting ''but everything's changed we're different now''. Obvious next question from the producer. ''What music do you listen to now, are current releases played on the northern scene''? ''We still listen, collect and dance to most of the same records that we did throughout the 7Ts Mr Producer''. ''So what exactly has changed''. I haven't worded it brilliantly, but we're a product of our own making, yes we might wear slightly different clothes, but if you were a spinner or a dropper in your youth, wouldn't you still do it if you could now? Bottom line is, nothing much has really changed accept in the really upfront venues, and even in those the bulk of the music played is from the 6Ts. Why would a TV producer see us any other way than in a 'This is England' style?
  5. Don't worry about it, I took the comment for what it was a joke
  6. I have a confession to make. A while back I was added to a group, on facebook, basically a casting group. Thought it might be a laugh, so this job comes up, and I'm invited to audition. I said ok because I wasn't up to much. I said I wouldn't do anything I considered tacky. It turned out that it was this ad. This was on the Monday on the Tuesday news of Tony Warots death broke, so I wasn't in a good place. Had already decided to say no, but was still being contacted, on the Thursday night I got a message asking me to bring clothes I'd worn in the 7Ts and other memorabilia, and to bring it all to Manchester the next day at 11 for my audition. All to much and I declined. Reason for the confession, we'll some of the people on this thread are the harshest critics of commercialisation of the northern scene, and I include myself in that category. But it could have been me. I'm fairly confident even without the tragic news about Tony I would have turned it down, but I can't be 100% sure.
  7. It might help if you give some examples, not verbatim obviously and not with names attached, but at the moment I'm wondering if you're talking about in soul related topics or life in general.
  8. Very sad time within our local soul scene, Baz Redman died this morning, after a battle with cancer. My thoughts are with his wife Mags, his brother Kev, and the rest of his family. RIP Baz xx
  9. Sorry Len, it was meant to be a rhetorical question, agree though it should be one scene, that would be the ideal.
  10. Is that wanting it all though, or just what it should be?
  11. Well taking Bob Sinclair as the example, it's never going to go down in the annals of Northern as a great record, but it's hard to deny that it doesn't have an energy that's contagious, so if you're up and dancing already, it just seems natural to carry on. From a dancing perspective, I find nothing wrong with the record, but if you're sitting at the edge of the dance floor analysing what's being played, I doubt very much it would get a good press. Sometimes your mood can dictate your reasoning.
  12. Isn't it similar to when Pharrel Williams was played, done so for a giggle, got a good response, and if other DJs took notice, it would probably also be being played regularly. The majority of the dancers (myself included) have never necessarily paid much attention to the actual quality of the record, more interested in it's dance-ability as a rule
  13. So sorry I hadn't seen the posts about donations, let me know if you want me to contact Tony's niece for more information, I realise with the lateness of my reply you may already have made your donations. Once again my apologies.
  14. 1) Talk to some of the older generation who've done the early days and are still doing it now, but bear in mind you're getting individual perspectives. If the aim of the film is to portray a current scene, might be a good idea to talk to the youngsters, they can tell you what they're getting from it now, and all in all they've probably got a fresher less prejudiced approach than 'the ancients'. 2) Not really aware of the music industry ever learning anything from anything, they're a huge money making machine in my view who have no real interest in music other than seeing as a commodity they can sell and make profit from. 3) No there's not enough young people involved, realistically to bring it to them and I mean at a rate of knots similar to 75 it would have to be commercialised even more so than it is now, this would sit very uncomfortably with the elder statesmen because the rose tinted glasses mean we try to wash over those bits that actually created the initial interest. This is all just my opinion. Good luck with the project, you're going to need it
  15. MK41 0RL 104 Norse Road.
  16. I have done Sian
  17. Received this today. If you have any questions please ask. The funeral will be held at Norse Road Crematorium, Bedford, Monday 8th December 2014 at 12.15pm. You are all welcome to join us. There is no formal dress code, so please wear whatever feels comfortable! If you would like to send flowers, please send to c/o Clarabut and Plumbe, Bedford. The family will return home for a private gathering, but I understand that Jo Roberts and Dave Crawley have very kindly organised a wake at The Pheasant in Bedford from 13.30: The Pheasant 300 Kimbolton Road Bedford MK41 8YR I am certain that some of you will want to say goodbye to Tony at the Chapel of Rest, I shall be organising this shortly and hope it will be open by mid week next week. You may contact me for further details. This photo was taken by his big sis, Julie, on his 60th Birthday. Miss you Tone, love maggot x
  18. Not a big lover Andy, still like to hear some occasionally, bari track, bird-walkin', soul step, but wouldn't be impressed if loads were played. Just prefer vocals, nothing deeper.
  19. Just read an announcement on Tony's FB page from his niece. Can't begin to say how gutted I am. RIP Tony x
  20. RIP Jimmy Ruffin x
  21. From the replies, I'm guessing monthly might be optimistic, have you considered every 29th of February
  22. Where's the video showing how to run up to the decks to see what's playing
  23. Laughing? My first thought was are there toilets on the coach ;)

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