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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. RIP Donna Summer another sad sad loss
  2. Only if we're easily influenced, and it looks like it might work in reverse, who's responsible for telling you that ''Bad Breath'' track might be ok
  3. Oh I dunno, what about the fashion for people in their forties, fifties and sixties still necking gear :D
  4. Put enough of these threads together and we might just come up with a nice pair of baggies
  5. Do we have a list of where they do and don't go........
  6. Each to their own for me, don't wear the 'threads' myself, but I'm not overly worried by those that do and can't see why it should cause consternation. There's already enough people telling us what to listen to, now what to wear?
  7. Yes, I'd like to hear what's played, might motivate me into going
  8. No, the areas can't continually accommodate this amount of nights in the same area, and most of them will probably be short lived affairs, but as has already been said, they'll take punters away from the better nights, and ultimately all suffer.
  9. I'd suggest you ask promoters to PM you Mimi, lots of us could suggest different places, but if the promoter doesn't actually want the cameras in, would be a waste of time. Have a look in the events section, might tell you what's close by and give you a name to contact
  10. As I said Pete it's my personal opinion, I've just tried to explain to Ian, but doubt he'll get what I mean
  11. Oh well, at least he 'toned it down' for soul source. Being totally honest, I don't see why he has a voice on here, he's banned and never has a good word to say about soul source anyway, just my personal opinion by the way.
  12. Oooh you've gone all Richard Ashcroft
  13. That's not exactly what he's said is it, certainly not in his ''open letter to Flanny''.
  14. Biggest changes, Bitching: In the old days, if you went somewhere and didn't love it, you probably wouldn't go back, and you might tell your immediate circle of friends. Nowadays, don't like somewhere, plonk it on the internet so that everyone can read a myopic view based mainly on your own experience. Advertising: Connected to the first one, sites all over the place telling you what's on and where. Don't necessarily see this as a bad thing as it allows choice, but moving onto my final choice for change, it promotes...... The number of soul nights/nighters: Absolutely loads of them, some just aren't very good and cause those that are to suffer. If you've got something to offer, yep put one on, if you haven't, have a think about it, consider your reasons, if it's mainly so you can have a drink/dance/chat and get a taxi home, the main impact your having is negative. Whilst you're enjoying your year, eighteen months of promoting, before it all goes belly up, you may be taking away significant numbers from a venue actually making a difference, causing said venue to also fold.
  15. Can't deny that
  16. I really like it
  17. If I remember his intro correctly, he's pre spencers and baggies, he left the 'spin and drop' scene in 72? The whole thing feels like a wind up, but the threads had nearly 40 replies Steve do you happen to have the Jo Boxers in your box................
  18. The other problem with 'Mercy' is it's not very good
  19. They can get a bit more judgemental as you get older Mel My boy (who's now a man) regularly tells me I should be a bit more discerning in my interests, he actually asks me why I'm not growing up. My daughter on the other hand (who's currently staying at mine) is more than happy with me going out, as she gets to turn the sport off of the tele The self analysis that Len's currently experiencing can also come from questioning the ''politics'' of the scene, because it's at odds with the basic prerequisite of enjoying yourself
  20. 20 a day Len, so you've been a bit busy today buddy
  21. I stopped going partly for personal reasons, but mostly because I was bored, there seemed to be no natural progression, different genres were appearing, popcorn/latin/R&B but I'm not a great lover of that sort of stuff, I was and am, preferring the modern sound a lot of the time over the classics. It could rightly be said, I chose my venues so the musical fare was down to me, I wouldn't deny that, but the constant barrage of oldies was becoming monotonous and even new/rare stuff becomes old hat if it doesn't fit in with your own understanding/description of a genre. Hence the need for me to see the scene moving forward, but as I've already mentioned from my own perspective, I preferred modern and felt/feel that is the natural progression, rather than some of the sub-genres I've already mentioned. The other thing I found was I missed dancing, and I missed the people, I know we're not really all best mates, that can't be when the only thing that really binds you is music, but there definitely is an affinity between most of us and reading reports of venues, made me realise I was missing out and the scene still had something to offer me. Name checking Dave Abbott here, because whilst I wasn't going out he took the time to send me some of the funkier northern he was playing, and I found I liked it, and that went some way to getting me to want to put on the dancing shoes again. Another thing that really affected me was losing friends for ever, and a simple message I got that said, ''you live once, go out and live'', I've thanked the girl who sent me that, because it stopped me wallowing. Currently I'm out every week and thoroughly enjoying it, I should probably have never stopped, but I've addressed that now Winnie
  22. If you name some of the sorts of sounds you want to hear, I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction, even if it's done by PM
  23. Corey Glover - Little girl Jimmy Cobb - So nobody else can hear

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