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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. If you haven't played them out yet, how do you know they cut it?
  2. I'd say that what has now become known as the ''northern/rare soul'' scene, started because there was a natural need for a generation of youngsters to rebel against the music of their parents. The initial rarity inference would have come from the fact that the records were very difficult to get hold of, rarity nowadays is a much more factual reference. Somebody said earlier in the thread, there are too many DJs playing under the ''rare'' banner, the inference being, that they just couldn't cut the mustard, which to me means, we're likely to be listening to someone's personal take on northern, rather than our own. All well and good if the records played are hitting the spot, not so much if they don't. Winnie
  3. I did see that you didn't like that as a term in another thread Paul
  4. Wouldn't the term ''moving forward'' cover the definition, does it have to include which decades records are being played?
  5. Is it because a lot of the people who now like modern come from a ''northern'' background?
  6. Maybe check out the Caliente in Peterborough, Russ Holley will be able to give you more info, Sam was at the last one, and I really enjoyed it
  7. Not really, I'm one of those fortunate ones that makes the best of where ever I am. I choose to go to events, generally I know the sort of sets the DJs are going to play, so I don't think I have the right to try and influence their choices to accommodate my personal musical taste
  8. You do have to laugh, three quid, won't even buy you 10 fags. In the interests of total transparency, i now smoke roll ups only, none of these ready mades for me don'tcha know..........
  9. Would that be all of them, most of them, some of them? Seems a little unfair to me to tar everyone that prefers oldies with the same brush.
  10. It's a soul night FFS, one that caters for the local crowd, Colin was/would have been a draw, if there wasn't a massive amount of complaints by the punters there, why is it being debated here (again) does it matter that much?
  11. I'm just thinking about the playlist if it were to be put up. Track 7 and 8 ''Wigpool Camecca classics'' Track 15 ''Up all night'' Track 2 ''asleep at the wheel'' Track 98 ''K Tel's northern soul story as told by Russ, Win and Stanley'' etc etc
  12. Haven't we already done this thread though? I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone, but it turns out, Colin is the only DJ allowed to play classic northern from CDs, because of his standing on the scene from his early days. Personally it wouldn't worry me much one way or the other at a soul night, I go to dance, and I'm not going to trek up to the decks each time, to make sure it's vinyl, and most times wouldn't know if it was original or not anyway.
  13. Thanks for the input people, my mind is at rest so will close the thread, see you out and about
  14. The thing that has pleased me no end, is that we're all basically the same and have the same attitude overall, ''dance and be damned'', I was kind of worried for a minute there, but my mind has been put at rest, thanks people
  15. I guess they'd suffer far more than us, but that would be down to genuine old age? As you said in the first paragraph, on our scene, it can be driven by all sorts of things, artificial stimulation of some kind or other, being one of the biggest factors, but even though we know that, and most of us are reasonably intelligent, it doesn't seem to stop us. I'm certainly not saying it should, I just can't work out why we're all so obstinate :D
  16. Couldn't agree more Smudge
  17. I hope this is the right section, if not please feel free to move it. I look at the soul community and regard ourselves as probably the first generation that has had a life available after forty, soul nights, nighters, weekenders, there's always somewhere available for us to do ''our thing''. Then I note how many times we see RIP notices, and begin to wonder is there a link? Are we paying a heavy price for not growing old gracefully, and if the two are linked, is it a price worth paying? I suppose what I'm saying is are we unwittingly taxing our bodies beyond their income, as it were? I've no intention of stopping dancing, but thought the possible link, might be worth discussing. What say the rest of you?? Winnie I highlighted certain words, because it's meant to be a discussion, rather than a definitive
  18. I'd guess they're the same film, unless we can expect to see Alan ''Aha'' Partridge as guest DJ somewhere soon
  19. Winnie was what my Mum used to call me, it's derivative of Winston, did think about changing it, I used 'wizened's chosen few' for a few months on facebook, I thought it was an incredibly witty play on words, but I found out what it really was, was something I had to explain on a daily basis, not quite so funny then Winnie
  20. The bottom line for me, wait until you've seen the film before you critique it, if you don't like it once you've viddied it, then make your point, same should apply if you do like it, nothing wrong with a bit of praise.
  21. I asked Elaine about cameos for the older folk (not on my behalf I'll hasten to add) she said there was no room at the inn, so Grampa Dopson will have to wait for his film debut .............. :D
  22. Explanations give the opportunity to make a reasoned judgement based on facts, ''Bad Idea'', does nothing but make you sound like you have some sort of agenda. Elaine is putting in her own time and efforts to make the film, just to dismiss it on a whim, is unreasonable and lazy IMO when you don't say why.
  23. But not that interesting........ :D
  24. He/she had a grizzle about the film in another thread, check his/her content, you get the full explanation, I think it's 2 lines, so much more extensive.............
  25. Having looked and listened to most of the selections, I don't see what you're all feeling so guilty about or more importantly who's making you feel this way xx

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