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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Look on the bright side, none of the students have found their way onto soul source yet (or at least not posted within this thread) and as far as I can recall nobody on the thread has sung the praises of dance classes
  2. Hmmm that's annoying my youtube has gone down, and I soooooo wanted to put up the video of northern soul dancing in the kebab shop, it would have been nice to put names to faces hahahahaha
  3. It was irony Neil, reflecting just how picky we as a soul fraternity can be
  4. Steve, I didn't sit and watch Soulboy, and think, what a masterpiece, I enjoyed it for what it is, a little bit of frivolous entertainment, and something I'd rather watch than 'My big fat Gypsy's big brother is a Kardashian living on the Geordie Shore'. ;) From what I've seen, and been told, Elaine's film looks good, the story appears to be a lot punchier and the script better written, hence me looking forward to it
  5. Really looking forward to the film, from the clips I've seen I think I'll enjoy it and there's certainly nothing in the trailers that fills me with dread.... strike that, I did see an extra clap put into Duke Browner, so I will now question whether it's been researched properly........ It's a film, let's all watch it in it's entirety then talk about it
  6. I actually thought Soulboy was ok as well, but I watched it from the perspective of, it's just a film with the characters storyline being based on collective memories, not necessarily my own
  7. Can we get someone to re-enact the scenes, then video it, and put it up so I can get a flavour.... lol
  8. I can't watch it for some reason, says watch it on Vimeo which then asks for the correct password. Anybody advise please?
  9. I think I know who that was Krissii, stand up Simon Cuerden
  10. If it wasn't it will be soon, still at least the uniform is colourful....
  11. I'd like new blood to come onto the scene, but I can do without the 'Celebrity dancers'. Just said to someone, we're starting to get 'Prawn cocktail Sarnie Soul types', I just hope they realise that talc will make their pâté taste awful
  12. And so it began .........
  13. I'm wondering if it's the same teacher Rob, if it's the weekend I'm thinking of, then it is I'm not kidding, this weekend I saw someone (not one of the students, so the teacher is exonerated on this occasion) dancing full on rock and roll, including a little bit of Chuck Berry's duck walk.... As I said at the beginning, WTF??
  14. Coming soon...... The 'Ronco Northern Soul Dance Mat'. Do you dance like a wounded gnu in quicksand. Fed up with putting your feet in the wrong place at the wrong time? Then try the new and improved 'Ronco Northern Soul Dance Mat', be the envy of your chums. They come in a set of ten each detailing intricate dance steps to specific records. ''I'm on my Way'', you certainly are....... Disclaimer: Currently only produced in size 8s, so you may trip over if your feet are bigger.... Sorry!
  15. It looks like 'how to pass a football accurately using the instep''.........
  16. I'd heard of it happening at weekenders Manus, but not outside of that.
  17. No problem myself with people going off into a side room, it's when they're let loose on the rest of us, and for some reason when they land on your feet, you'd swear they had diving boots on. I will say it again though, this had nothing whatsoever to do with the promoter, this was a dancer (fairly well known) who decided to impart 'The moves' for the benefit of 'The audience', Can't really kick the punters out without ejecting said 'fairly well known dancer' as well
  18. Nice to hear that tune again
  19. It isn't a div magnet do Byrney, but because someone offered to teach someone else it went in that direction. The promoters can do little when 'A Master' utters those immortal words ''Ah Grasshopper, you must shuffle without leaving a mark on the ricepaper, then you will have reached northern soul Nirvana'' ;)
  20. Yes buddy, Keep Talc Forbidden
  21. Yep, that's exactly as I see it. That's the bit you just can't teach
  22. Following on topics we've had on weekenders and the possible influx of newcomers because of media coverage I thought I'd bring up the subject of teaching people to dance. Mainly because I happened to see it happening over the weekend. I won't name the venue because the promoters had nothing to do with it. It was absolutely excruciating to watch, three people trying to do the basics and doing them very badly. Yes I know it sounds picky, yes I know we all started somewhere, but c'mon, don't teach people at a venue. What about the rest of us, we've paid to get in as well, and don't want some numpty freewheeling around the dance floor, with total disregard for someone else's space. If you're going to teach, then at least pass on the basic etiquette. Maybe also let the students know that they almost certainly aren't going to be able to 'dance northern' after 10 minutes not least because they have no connection with the music. I realise I'm making a lot of assumptions about the 'Students' I happened to see the other night, but they weren't good believe me. What it also made me wonder, is the way the scene is going to go? Instead of finding the music, people are more interested in finding a social event that they feel comfortable with, hence requiring dance lessons to somehow fit in? Bottom line, if you really must 'coach' please do it away from a venue, and tell the students to practice at home
  23. These informal gatherings were quite popular about 15 years ago, I can recall at least 3 round our way, Bedford, Rushden and St Neots. People used to turn up with a box and play something different, but nobody ever danced as I remember. They then fizzled out, but I think there was one in St Neots a year or two ago.
  24. I don't mean written rules and regs Chalk and I don't mean no talc bans, I'm all in favour of that I'm not talking about when someone visits a venue, very rarely have I seen anyone made unwelcome, or be made to feel like an outsider. It's within threads like this that the implications are read, when people read them and see themselves referred to as clowns, idiots etc, or have their dress sense, or record choices ridiculed, or more importantly their dedication to a northern scene questioned, that's when people start referring to the rules and regs set out by those who consider themselves northern soul royalty. I'm not talking about you in the previous paragraph Chalky, I know how passionate you are about the music/and the scene, as I do a lot of the posters on here, but because a lot of the readers don't frequent the same venues as yourself for instance, the only way that they can reach conclusions is by reading what's written in front of them. A lot of the time posts can come across as a list of dos and don'ts which doesn't necessarily enamour the writer with the reader, especially as most of the readers are grown ups.
  25. Chalks, you can pretend there's no rules or regs all you like, you've only got to speak to the majority of people on the scene to know different. Best we agree to disagree on this

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