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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ========= Think it's a slight over reaction, remember the 70Ts when we used to dance in a normal club, and then a crowd would form, mumbling about....there's a bloke over there doing the footsee. Never really worried me at all, just carried on enjoying the music Winnie:-)
  2. ========== I'm going to Desborough tonight, he might be there, if so I'll tell him to get in touch. Failing that, he quite often goes to the dome so he may be there Pottsy Winnie:-) PS. Really enjoyed the last do at the Milton Keynes venue, that DJ playing that set of modern was excellent
  3. ========== Not quite sure I understand the theory behind the thread. If we don't like the track, then we come up with a new one? Or is it if we think another track would prove more popular we produce a new one? If the latter.... Vel-vets === gonna find me somebody
  4. ========== I'm quite proud of the fact that I still have my own TOOTH. Winnie:-)
  5. ======== Yep true to both :-)
  6. ======== Is DD coming as well? ;-))))) Winnie:-)
  7. ===== Think we'll just change the way we dance, for example...... Shuffle for 20 seconds puff on inhaler Shuffle for 15 seconds Spin Wait for 20 seconds til we regain our bearings Sit down but grab the arms of the chair as if in backdrop mode Attempt to get up for 1 minute, multi backdrop scenario Shuffle for remaining 5 seconds of track, clap, limp off floor. Then do the whole thing the week after Winnie:-)
  8. =========== Jas, perhaps Billy Whizz can help, think he's from the Norwich area :-)
  9. =========== As an ex postman...... In general the problem does not lie in Britain. Most countries seem to have worse systems than ours. Some only deliver once a week, or deliver to an area/address when they've got enough mail to warrant a visit. Here, although the second delivery has mostly been done away with, every address with mail is visited at least once. Over recent years the routes, which should really be left to the postmen to sort, as they're the ones who know which is quickest route, have been taken over by faceless people in offices playing on computers. I know it doesn't help, or make anyone feel any better when they've lost mail, but it is a fact :-) Well it was about 18 months ago, things may have changed since then. Winnie;-)
  10. =========== Jo always ends with 'make sure' dells
  11. ========== As I generally put water on the floor anyway (to slow it down) I don't think I'd find it a major problem....and look forward to the time when I can surreptitiously empty a bit onto the floor via the incontinence knickers, in a "Wooden horse" stylee Winnie:-)
  12. ============ Personally I think Toby Legend should be played, but I also like to hear the drifter near the end of the night. Probably we've all diversified so much that we'd never agree which 3 should be played. For instance I thought the record Pete put up recently "Stop the clock" would make a perfect ender. Winnie:-)
  13. =========== There's a guy I used to see at Manchester Ritz, (don't go anymore, so not sure if he's still about) who looked like he was between 65 and 70. He mostly used to wear a white shirt, and used to see him dancing well into the night. Maybe not dancing trad northern style, and I don't mean this at all disrespectfully, just floating around the floor. Seen some at the 100 over 50 I think, but at the end of the day, as long as you're enjoying yourself, and your incontinence trousers don't leak, who cares :-) Winnie......heading into the above bracket very soon:-)
  14. ============ Just thinking about this, and realised IMO a lot of it has to do with who's singing, and how they're singing it. Agree with Jerry williams, and gerri grainger by the way. Some others ...... Just walk in my shoes I'll never stop loving you Take me up to the top of the stairs These memories If you want a love affair List is endless really.......aint we lucky we like this sorta music? Winnie:-)
  15. =========== Andy Holroyd, from Nottingham area. Sammy not sure where he's from. Tall Paul and Caz (todmorden area) Chantelle (Bedford) Carole (somewhere in Lincs)
  16. ========= Chalks, who ran the winding wheel? And when did it finish?
  17. ============= It's not the quality of the acts that puts me off them, most of them are still really good. It's the palava before and after, and the fact that a lot of people seem to leave once they've played. Live acts for me just bring whatever buzz there is to a stop, and in my experience, it's almost impossible to recreate :-( Winnie:-)
  18. Whats a Soul Disco link
  19. ====== Agreed, I'm a traditionalist on this record Winnie:-)
  20. =============== As someone else said, don't mind seeing live bands in their own enviroment as it were, (a gig) but in the middle of a nighter........well it's not for me. Who can forget how many chorus's of Do I love you Frank Wilson sang Most of the time these days, I look in another room, or if there are live acts in all rooms, I bimble about at the back of the room, mumbling and grumbling :-) Winnie:-) PS.......funny how the majority of the posters on this are anti live acts, cos all weekenders and some nighters have them....so there must be a call for them amongst some.
  21. ============= could have been 1978 more like Winnie:-)
  22. ============= WHAT?? You mean we shouldn't believe all we read? But, but, but there's a photo and everyfink Winnie:-)
  23. Just been thinking about live acts at niters. Do you think they fit it do they spoil the night, or slow it down. I remember seeing the Dells a few years ago at Trentham, and as good as they were, when they'd finished, many people went home. For me they interrupt a nighter, but I'm probably in the minority. Having said that Barbara Lynn at Fleetwood a few years ago was awesome! Winnie:-)
  24. =============== Billy, here's what Kev said to the original thread.....bout a month ago. ======= Pete, I have run the Kings Hall, Stoke All Nighter for 8 years, so I can't possibly comment. Kev ========== So he's well aware, and not worried about it seemingly Winnie:-)

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