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Mr Smithy

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Everything posted by Mr Smithy

  1. Late as always HB to you xx
  2. HB to you x
  3. Sent a package of 12 45s NYC to London customs value $30 Mailed 2/25 arrived 3/4 No tax, no 8 quid no nothing Result !!
  4. Half way there, depending how long it faffs around in customs. I'm sure we all await the upshot, be nice to get a real world result.
  5. Ok, we'll await the results. Be interesting to see how long it takes as well. It's not surprising really, he's probably sold a 45 or 2 to the UK and even with the 24/7 folderol over here B------T snuck into the news. It's not a big deal as a legit $30 45 + mail wouldn't normally set off any duties or PO charges, it's going to get interesting if they start opening and looking at top $ ones if someone puts $5 on it. I'll await the news when it drops It's all going to play hob with Auntie Ethel sending hand knitted gloves for their favourite neffies over
  6. The way the mail is running has anyone got anything from the US>UK since The Deal? In a straight sale of cheapies not though EBay Discogs etc does the above apply? Using that calculator 4 or 5 45s total value $30 gets a VAT of GBP 7.92 and I'm assuming the Mail gets it's 8 for collecting it. Is that right?
  7. Otisettes - Sitting Alone / Everything You Said Came True – Epic 10879 (yellow label) Bit scuffy & wol. Plays with a couple ticks VGish Pics & full clips below $75 PP F&F Mail from NYC International mail seems to be getting out of NYC OK now $4 US domestic $15 ROW Otisettes Alone Epic Yellow both all .mp3
  8. Are things generally bottled up in London too? 4 days from my house to London, then nothing.
  9. Anyone have any recent info on US to Australia ? I've got a few ready to go to.
  10. Is this new, ie today? This was updated yesterday. I mailed a piece from NYC to UK on monday lunchtime, and the guy said there were restriction in place but not to UK or Europe. I didn't ask about going west. It's at JFK as of now. https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/international/welcome.htm?_gl=1*galdek*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE1ODc4Mzk4NjguQ2owS0NRand1TXJYQlJDX0FSSXNBTFdacklqRkJJcnA3WEw0elpoVkpmZHNNN1E0R1drU0lzQ2xMaVoyMERPNmtrNGZrR3ZlY0NjR0FOY2FBcDlKRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE1ODM4NjY0MTUuQ2owS0NRanc5Wnp6QlJDS0FSSXNBTndYYWVJVG01ZFpFcEg3ZWFEOTRUY1JaVkQ2S3h1dEh3SkF1VENhQ1BwcEZmcmZsbWhMeVdwU0xZTWFBdHpMRUFMd193Y0I. I also found this while I was looking around https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/pdf/air-to-sea-diversion-in-effect.pdf
  11. FWIW I live in Manhattan NYC, we haven't got any mail since Friday and other areas in the city are the same I went down to the local PO to see if they had a package there that was held up, fortunately they had and the guy was willing to go dig around for it. He said their casualty list was "extensive", especially in mail carriers and I would assume it is the same in most major US cities / mail hubs. They have sorting guys etc out trying to do the rounds They are having to scrabble around for their own masks, gloves etc. I've had very slow mail going out of the city too. They all get a round of applause from me, and if it's still being tracked at all I'd cut them huge slack
  12. Domestic mail very slow here, have a package been on the road from Georgia to NYC for over a week, says it's due tuesday. Likewise going out. That may be just because it's NYC I don't know. Not sure about international now, I haven't sent anything to UK for a month but it did alright then. Down the line it doesn't look good though https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/492377-trump-threatened-to-veto-stimulus-package-if-it-contained-bailout https://www.kltv.com/2020/04/10/us-postal-service-says-it-will-run-out-money-by-september/
  13. ART NEVILLE - LOVER OF LOVE - VOCAL / INST - CINDERELLA 1201 M- Store stock A few light paper scuffs $20 WILLIE HARPER - BUT I COULDN'T / NEW KIND OF LOVE - ALON 9000 M- COH A few light paper scuffs $25 Supremes - Back in your arms again - Motown 1075 1 sided promo M- Barely a mark on it $25 + mail $4 US domestic $15 ROW PP F&F / Gift
  14. Anyone got a value / info on this? Do the ..... Seems to be the same as the JAS Matrix LAURA DUNN 3281 SCRATCHED The Mama.... side plays Something is wrong Matrix LAURA DUNN 3284 SOMETHING IS WRONG SCRATCHED
  15. Shoelaces - Work Song/Ball And Chain - Brite Leaf VG++ $45 Dynamic Soul Machine - Moving On / Boom -A-Rang - Respect VG++ $30 Mahogany - My Chance To Dance / Inst - Mahogany VG++ $15 Wack Attack - 24 Hour Love Affair - Budweiser Showdown with Picture Sleeve M- Probably unplayed $125 All play clean PP Gift / F&F + Mail from NYC
  16. Looks pretty naff. But plays pretty well. Few ticks. OK for DJing seems to be the phrase. Pics and full clip of both sides below $300 + Mail from NYC Stoute Bag Trex 2 both all.mp3
  17. You have a PM
  18. Stridells - Power to dream / Stick-em up kind of lovin - Morgan VG++ A few light paper scuffs is all Plays clean Pics and clips below https://picosong.com/wKcbU $175 + mail from NYC PP F&F
  19. Ray Pollard - The Drifter - UA 916 Visual grade -Reasonably hammered. See Pics All over surface scuffs etc but no major gouges. Plays better than it looks, couple of ticks you probably could get out with a little TLC, up to you. Clip attached. $225 + mail from NYC PP F&F I'm not on here everyday so may take me a bit to get back but I'll do it in the order posts or PMs come in Pollard Drifter both all.mp3
  20. Darrow Fletcher - Rising Cost Of Love -Mon / Stereo Promo - Atlantic 3600 M- barely a mark $40 Douglas Gibson & The Sweet And Sours - Run For Your Life / I Won't Leave -Tangerine 969 Promo Surface scuffy so VG+ VG at worst Plays great - clip attached $60 PP F&F + mail from NYC $4 Domestic $14 ROW Douglas Gibson Tangerine run Both all .mp3
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  21. I just read about this and was about to put it up but I was late. My True Story When I was a sprout , probably 7-8 on this occasion, I used to share a room with my older brother and he/we'd listen to the radio in the dark after bedtime, as you did back then. It was probably Radio Luxemburg 208 Med Wave. Anyway I heard this song, we didn't catch who or what it was, but after several years on the wagon I must have almost wet my knickers. I loved it. Hummed the bits I could remember for quite a while. It wasn't until several years later I found out who and what it was. Never been without a copy since. By this time I was well getting into this stupid record / music thing that's sometimes the bane of our lives, other times it make your heart flutter. This was definitely one of the songs that moved my ass along the trail. Over the years I've followed them and I can't say I liked all or maybe even most of the stuff they've done but that song and his voice I've always loved. He could come to my house and sing last months gas bill and I'd be a happy man. I don't know what it is about some voices. I've seen them several times since I've been over here and always thought they put on a slick professional show even though they 70s and 80s up some of the songs sometimes- BOOOOOO. But his voice!! One in a while when I'd think about it I'd google him. Never much. He seemed to be a quiet man, but I never saw or heard a bad word about him. So thank you Gene for what you did, for good or ill, and may you rest in peace. Smithy
  22. Fragrance Of Soul - Disco Love - HRC One surface scuff on Part 1 NAP VG++ Pics & clip below $150 +mail Fragrance HRC Disco love both short.mp3
  23. Long shot? Almost invisible I'd say.

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