Ahhhh so many information which my poor brain hardly can process
This is obviously something i know very little about, and thank you all for your help.
Seb, as for the shops - HTFR also are selling "new" stuff, Vinyl Underground has sold me only used stuff... but basically there were many shops which would deduct, or at least i could see that they have a mention of VAT added.
To put it bluntly (because i can't do it any other way anyway ), if a guy has an ebay shop and sells a used record and he has:
Value Added Tax Number:
GB 9817(xxxxx)
on his listing, and on his own site, the very same record during checkout has a mention of VAT, which deducts (but fail do to so in the end) - does it mean that he has VAT added on this item, and that i can't be paying the same price for it, like people from EU?