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Everything posted by Kempy

  1. Utter madness,£100 sound max,some people have more money than sense!
  2. The '1' in C-162 is also a giveaway
  3. A few more that spring to mind Flower Shoppe General Assembly Cindy Scott
  4. What about Dee Dee Barnes on Arctic ? rarely turns up
  5. My copy on C-90-A has Salvation on one side & If you've stopped loving me on the flip,Cressa Watson lightly inked over & Rita Lee written on label
  6. Nice one Martyn,nice to see us Hull lads still view the 'scene' in the same way !
  7. No gossip regarding Wakefield yesterday,its fact,I appreciate the Promoters have no control over who buys tickets over the internet and from the venue itself, but the place had more than its fair share of handbaggers and high heels on show. Arrived at around 3pm with my wife,but by 8.45 we'd had enough of ladies on the dance floor with drinks and afore mentioned handbags in tow,shame as I'd fond memories of the venue from the nighters in the 70's.I think this occurance is a problem the 'scene' faces at these large well promoted venues, as your normal punter sees no differance between a soul 'do' and a place just to have a drink and a ' boogie '
  8. Dealt with him once-never again ! just pass on what ever he is auctioning
  9. get an issue,you know it makes sense !
  10. Hi, Is the Victors still available ? Mike Kemp
  11. Very sad news indeed,hope things improve soon. Best wishes... Mike
  12. Hi all, issues do exist,had mine for around 25 yrs,no idea of value in todays market
  13. Hi Adam, Is the Little Beaver 45 still available ? Best wishes.. Mike Kemp
  14. Hi Derek, will you take £40 +p&p for M Wilson? Best wishes..Mike Kemp
  15. Thanks for the info
  16. Hi all,whats the difference between the 1st issue & the 74 (I think) bootleg / 2nd issue ?Help appreciated-thanks

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