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Everything posted by Kempy

  1. Hi PM sent
  2. Messaged you
  3. True legend , RIP Chuck
  4. PM'd you
  5. Hi Martyn As I don,t live in Burnley couldn,t agree more ( gonna have to be careful here as i,m dj'ing at Burnley Miners on the 18th lol) the road sign says i'm still in Gods Own County Gonna be at Shauns wedding,so a beer sounds a good bet Best Mike
  6. Hoping your well,will be in the City of CULTURE in August if not before(culture in Hull ?,never thought i'd say that)
  7. Read ? come on Birdie your from Hull !!!!
  8. The one I highlighted earlier, has just sold for the asking price - £490
  9. Another one has just appeared on Ebay-only £490 lol
  10. A fitting end to the story,me thinks
  11. I only asked
  12. Is it possible that TrampRecords have done more than the one run of 400 ?-but why the difference with the matrix.Come on you Guys, the one advertised on here can't be the only stamped copy,lets hear from you if your copy is stamped, and came out of a sealed double LP
  13. Thanks for the info,as you say collecting is a minefield !
  14. Hi all, Can anybody tell me if the Cheatin Kind 45 contained within the Don Gardner double LP has a stamped matrix ? The reason for the question is that I bought one of the sealed afore mentioned LP's and the bonus 45 has a scratched in matrix,the one for sale on here has got me thinking, as it appears to have a stamped matrix.
  15. Hi, Is the Roy Handy still available ? Best wishes....Mike
  16. R.I.P Paul,gonna miss you
  17. Pm'd you
  18. Found out last Saturday via Brad,many happy memories with Paul at the Casino and other places, plus numerous ' dodgy' adventures that spring to mind ( was always an interesting time when out with Woodsy ) Was his Best Man when he Married at Beverley Minster, later he returned the favour by being mine, when I Married Pam in 1980. Another character gone,leaving the 'scene' poorer for his passing,RIP,gonna miss you
  19. Must be at a loss with what to do with their £
  20. paid a fiver for mine,seems I got a bargain
  21. Seen them on and off for the last 40 odd years
  22. Terrible news,lovely genuine guy R.I.P Ian Mike & Pam

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