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21 Again

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Everything posted by 21 Again

  1. Could it be Gonna love you more from the In Flight album. Had a few plays at modern venues. Cheers Pete.
  2. It has happened, it happened last year, I think it will happen next year(because of the guy who kicked this all off) just to piss people off. Why cant people just get on with it The Tower will be a near sellout next year. If you dont like it dont get involved,do your own thing. Anyway well done to young Steven Coutes for winning the dance trophy .
  3. Why the stupid dubbing (insult to my native country) to the clip, a weekend of across the board soul/northern music from proper legendery DJs Searling Sam,Evison Chapman Terry Davis and the rest. My wifes in the clip lovin the music great end to agreat weekeend, 2500 bodies dancin the night away Friday,Sat and Sunday.Im really pissed off by some of the comments on here makin it out to be some stag/hen weekend. Been into soul music 35 years been to venues up and down the country . Richard and Kev do a great job, as for the original poster lickin Richards arse in a recent post, read his blog on his website says it all! Love to see a rare soul weekender in the tower,Sunday night slippers on sit back an stroke yir chins. Id rather stick my Knob in a beehive Nighty nite.
  4. Lost a good friend a couple of years back loved Face up to the truth by doris troy the name always sticks in my mind. Ill re register my real name to keep the anoracks at bay.
  5. Use the name of doris troy, came of the top of my head dont see the problem with that. Whatever people call themselves its about the content of their opinions not their title. Away to listen to my Doris Troy Album
  6. Relating to Steve Forlans choice
  7. My era some of the best northern/modern sounds ever played on the scene.
  8. Eddie Holman I surrender. Will Collins Anything i can do. Cant go wrong with these two.
  9. Billy Woods. I dont want to lose your love on verve. Not often played, but when i hear it sends shivers down the old spine. On the modern side Bobby Thurston. Just ask me What a voice he had (not a bad wee album as well).
  10. Agree Jocko (is that you Mr o Connor)? Your Song was massive earley 80s Wigan,Clifton Hall. If its you Jock dont bother with those jumpers,i remember them ! Couple of later tracks that should get a mention I Touched a dream. Great ballad. What ever turns you on. Great modern dancer. Cheers Doris Troy aka Pete Doonan.
  11. Ah soul bowl only spoke to the man on the phone (understood the man no probs being a fellow jock). Got great sounds from John always got what i wanted through a phonecall mainly the modern biguns e.g. Daybreak,Will Collins,Roy Dawson,Ike Strong,Pretenders,Bobby Thurston ,Ridout and a few more. His lists were always somethin to look forward to,great when he started doin the indie stuff in the later days.
  12. Is this the new Wigan away strip hence the price tag What next Primark 40 inchers with 90 pleets.
  13. Bus from Scotland came down Regular , great photos at the time best modern/60s dicoveries were uncovered gelled together made one of the best venues ever.
  14. Younghearts. a little togetherness taylor made for northern soul.
  15. Made my night. Bought a lot of big sounds from J.A. early 80s, sent me a box 100 singles by mistake. being the honest person that i am sent them back to John, always wondered if ther was any hidden jems in there. Dont think there was any James Last demos in the pack.
  16. Check out Smokey singing cruisin on the motown dvd definitive performances. Must be one of the best chillout tunes ever made. Also love the footage of him doin his version of Yesterday with the miracles. The mans a class act.
  17. Clouds Would be good if only they could turn the clocks back, bouncy dancefloor the aeroplanes dangling from the ceiling. i no this has been talked about before again the late night license seems to be the problem. A lot of punters travel down south for weekenders and nights, it would be good to offer somthin back.
  18. Some good clubs on the go in Scotland just now covering all tastes northern,modern r&b. Would be good to get all the promoters together to have a nighter. Theres plenty of quality djs up here to make this happen. Togetherness came up to Scotland a few years ago (Searling &co more of a modern night) Could be a good idea to bring these guys back up with a mixture of djs north & south hopefully bringing up the punters up north.Also finding a venue to cater for this(assembley rooms in Edinburgh being refurbished could be a goodun) just gettin heads together to make a nighter happen i think it would be a night to remember .
  19. Must be a double glazing salesman !
  20. Sorry Springfield Rifles
  21. Just heard this track on solar played by Steve Plumb,what a crackin sound how much does this go for ?
  22. Wife bought me similar product off amazon Newmark dj in a box for £105. Looks exact same only difference the mixer is black. Everthings included bargain at £65 quid, great for the weekend if your not goin out just stick an amp and speekers in get the records boxes out and off you go. Best xmas present ive had in years.
  23. Some kinda Highland fling goin on in the background me thinks !
  24. Fantastic clips Dobbie Grey Out on the floor and Johnny Taylor Whos makin love great stuff
  25. Soul talk. I really dont mind. Al Olive. Beatiful stranger. Eric Benet featuring Eddie Lavert. Paid How good are these tunes,great year for new releases.

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