Why the stupid dubbing (insult to my native country) to the clip, a weekend of across the board soul/northern music from proper legendery DJs Searling Sam,Evison Chapman Terry Davis and the rest. My wifes in the clip lovin the music great end to agreat weekeend, 2500 bodies dancin the night away Friday,Sat and Sunday.Im really pissed off by some of the comments on here makin it out to be some stag/hen weekend. Been into soul music 35 years been to venues up and down the country . Richard and Kev do a great job, as for the original poster lickin Richards arse in a recent post, read his blog on his website says it all! Love to see a rare soul weekender in the tower,Sunday night slippers on sit back an stroke yir chins. Id rather stick my Knob in a beehive
Nighty nite.