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21 Again

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Everything posted by 21 Again

  1. How can i help but love you from his album Your the one. what a piece of wonderful gospel soul.
  2. Evening Jamie do you still have Gene Chandler for sale if so can you keep it for me. Regards Peter.
  3. Hi Do you still have Charles Wright keep saying if so can you reserve it . Regards Peter.
  4. No problems cheers.
  5. Morning Do you still have Family of eve and Goldie Alexander for sale. Regards Peter.
  6. Evening Dave Could you reserve the Numonics. Regards Pete.
  7. Bobby Thurston. just ask me the ending to this song is subline.
  8. Hi Karl Could you reserve Chuck Jackson. I only get this feeling. Regards Peter.
  9. What a great CD from the guys again. Modern soul heaven, best one yet for me. Pete.
  10. Sure they guys were called I.D.J. dancers in photo, saw them at the Edinburgh festival . If it is them worth watching, hope they show their old footage amazing dancers.
  11. Give a smile great album track great artist,
  12. Evening please could you put Rodger Troy on hold. Regards Pete.
  13. Morning could you reserve the following johnny c Dont depend on me.
  14. Jimmy Sterling best modern tune ave heard in a long time awesome.
  15. Hi Roger could you keep Laura Lee for me. Regards Peter.
  16. Sad news dealing with John early 80s after coming back from Wigan to Edinburgh, then on Monday phoning him about the availability of all those magical cover ups from Searling and Sam. Was a great time in my life Sowl Boul always comes to mind when I hear these tunes when I hear them. The one I can still remember to this day was asking him nervously if he had the Top Cat c/u (Larry Houston) in which he replied yep no problem pure bliss. R.I.P John.
  17. Hi Pat do you still have Finlay Brown . Regards Pete.
  18. Very sad to here loved his shows on solar took me back in time with all those club classics R.I.P.
  19. So sad news always had a good chat and banter in the early days of the tower weekender. Stayed in the same hotel as him a couple of times, and as mentioned above was a funny guy . Will be missed by many but not forgotten. Pete and Mairi Edinburgh.
  20. Just off the turntable playing these tunes mainly from late Wigan,Clifton Hall, and Stafford. Bobby Womack. How could you break my heart. Bill. Space lady. L.T.D. Love magic. Dutch Robinson. Cant get along without you. Intregues. In a moment. Mike Jemison. You ll never get my love. Bill Merriweather. That's Love. (anybody remember who played this). The Dramatics. I cant stand it. Mind & Matter. Under your spell.( not orig but what the hell). Ronnie Le Shannon. Where is the love gone. (should be played out more tune). Eddie Holman. Time will tell Micheal Wycoff. Tell me love. Gwen Owens. You better watch out. Lady M. Please don't break my heart. Tommy Tate. You taught me how to love. (one of my all time faves). Revelation. Feel it. Charles Mann. Sure nuff no funny stuff love. Tyrone Barklay. Man of value. Larry Houston. Lets spend some time together. Glenda Mcloud. No stranger to love. Stanley Clarke. Straight to the top. Rufus & Chaka. Any love.
  21. Evening Des Do you still have Bill Merryweather That's Love, if so could you keep it for me. Regards Pete.
  22. The Love Committee. Law And Order. Cheaters, Put in The Back of your Mind, Tierd of Being the Fool, all great dancers but so soulful. Picked this up for a pound at a market stall in Edinburgh only because Mr Searling was using the name as a cover up (think for Will Collins). Great bargain.
  23. Hi Des Hope you got the payment for Darrell Banks, could you hold Dutch Robinson Cant get along without you. REGARDS Pete.
  24. HI could you keep these for me Al Downing, tyrone davies ,GQ Cheers Peter.

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