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21 Again

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Herb Ward Srange change

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    Love Soul,Celtic FC,and golf.

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  1. How can i help but love you from his album Your the one. what a piece of wonderful gospel soul.
  2. Evening Jamie do you still have Gene Chandler for sale if so can you keep it for me. Regards Peter.
  3. Hi Do you still have Charles Wright keep saying if so can you reserve it . Regards Peter.
  4. No problems cheers.
  5. Morning Do you still have Family of eve and Goldie Alexander for sale. Regards Peter.
  6. Evening Dave Could you reserve the Numonics. Regards Pete.
  7. Bobby Thurston. just ask me the ending to this song is subline.
  8. Hi Karl Could you reserve Chuck Jackson. I only get this feeling. Regards Peter.
  9. What a great CD from the guys again. Modern soul heaven, best one yet for me. Pete.
  10. Sure they guys were called I.D.J. dancers in photo, saw them at the Edinburgh festival . If it is them worth watching, hope they show their old footage amazing dancers.
  11. Give a smile great album track great artist,
  12. Evening please could you put Rodger Troy on hold. Regards Pete.
  13. Morning could you reserve the following johnny c Dont depend on me.
  14. Jimmy Sterling best modern tune ave heard in a long time awesome.
  15. Hi Roger could you keep Laura Lee for me. Regards Peter.

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