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  1. Tlscapital's post in Harry deal and the galaxies was marked as the answer   
    The first local press has no promo variant. Then the Atlantic Group distributed pressings from 3 pressing plants ; PS and PL on vinyl and the MO on styrene. Normally all theses should exist as promos and stockers but only the PL as stocker pops up. The MO and SP are mostly if not only seen as promos. So it's all a bit more complicated than that...

  2. Tlscapital's post in What have you learnt today. Oriole label UK. was marked as the answer   
    Saw that too. What you've learned today is that this is bollocks. Don't believe the hype ! Although the Martha is musically much betterIMHO.
    Last EX copy on eVilbay sold for £164 with at least 3 times more past sales / auctions than Mike and the Modifiers that last sold for about £800...
  3. Tlscapital's post in Fathers Angels was marked as the answer   
    A late November 1968 M-G-M British only release for this Jerry Ross production with that group on the real 'A' side and likely an instrumental studio take filler oddly titled 'Bok to Bach' (British accent tongue in cheek) for the flip. But was that really a Jerry Ross or maybe a UK product...
    The Father's Angels was never released stateside on Heritage but its 'A' side was Jerry Ross Philly recording. Like his previous Showstoppers 'Eeny Meeny' also released on M-G-M two month earlier and that "opened" the British M-G-M doors in hope for more Mr. Ross "million" sellers... 
  4. Tlscapital's post in Temptations TMG 587 - test pressing? was marked as the answer   
    The stamp matrix is machined so it's indeed a genuine acetate.
  5. Tlscapital's post in Songs with different versions was marked as the answer   
    Shing-A-Ling by The Cooperettes could have been the Irma & the Fascinations 'you need love' cut that was previously unissued until issued by goldmine on a Sevens 45.
    Innocent bystanders 'frantic escape' ?
  6. Tlscapital's post in Two tone records was marked as the answer   
  7. Tlscapital's post in Tyrone Barkley - Man of Value was marked as the answer   
    As Chalky says and the fonts of some typos are significantly different from the original promo white label variant (3 pressing plants involved for the original pressings in 1979) here below and the outer edge of the molded label has a rounded dip. Telling that yours here above is the reissue or bootleg. I don't know what's the real nature of this later made for the NS scene pressing...

  8. Tlscapital's post in Tom Moulton - Frankford Wayne - Carstairs was marked as the answer   
    Ok so it's a styrene press. So likely a 'test pressing' dubbed from the original Chess/GRT copy. A job done at Frankford/Wayne for 'Quality Control' and further then passed on to some British folk involved in the scheme...
  9. Tlscapital's post in Ronnie Walker - Now there is you - Gala was marked as the answer   
    An old boot for that ? I can't think of anything booted from him really. Only his early Philips 'you're the one' got an official re-release on USA Philips to supply the UK Northern Soul demand.
    This 45 on Gala was never anything really regarded up to recently because it's rarer and interesting as odd somehow in regard of his other gear. It's really not the best period of Ronnie Walker IMHO.
    As far as I understand it's the rarity that arose the interest of a broader deep pocket collector's newcomers of hipsters after the recent releases of his early gear on Impact 45's that start to boost all his 45's prices.
  10. Tlscapital's post in The Charades - The Key to my happiness was marked as the answer   
    Not me one bit. Love it like so. Get a stocker then maybe... If you can that is if ever more likely...
  11. Tlscapital's post in Sweet little girl was marked as the answer   
    On Atco yes £30 for a minty promo on either SP, PL or MO press. But unless the seller had an old price tag on it the Ru-Jac copy if clean enough commands more than that now. About double and up IME. There's a reason on top and behind the label for that reason; the much better mastering that Atco managed to mess-up. Not so rare on the lovely Ru-Jac still but clean a bit tougher to come by than in VG and below condition. 
  12. Tlscapital's post in Jobettes on eBay was marked as the answer   
    My 2 cents here the 'no explanation needed' side was first picked up on the northern front some 10 years ago as 'something obscure' and else (that's for sure) by some dee-jays without better not 'overplayed' tunes as it was still a fairly easy pick back then (got mine so). It's an OK record but never one that I find exiting to play home. As for out I would never have dared. Music is lazy and the vocals pushy to the limit of bare-able to me.
    The under therapeutic obstinacy 'low rider' commercial boat (now sucked in by hipsterism and other similar almost Satanic cults - so clearly not the real-deal elder folks out there) is starting to seek deeper and deeper in some strange musical realms at times I find. Going for the odd small pressed-up runs of small labels records with deep pockets newcomers investors willing to 'splash' their money with arrogance anytime they can.
  13. Tlscapital's post in Brussels Vinyl Record Fair - Ravenstein Gallery was marked as the answer   
    Nice gallery but made to pass through (access underground to the train station) and/or stop to stop by and have one or more drink in one of the bars there before taking the train.
    Doing that record fair there it is because it's "cheap-er" and doing it now and then at the same time as the X-mas market (sacrilege) is purely with the commercial aim to catch that public.
    Browsing through loads of such wrong records there in those conditions is purely despairing and coming home empty handed almost depressing. I stayed home and work. I meet Raphi else where.
    Last time was Thursday at my place. And Lord spare me those toothless "sharks" (I love animals so might sound as a compliment but not) in those collector's (those who prefer money than music) realm. 
  14. Tlscapital's post in Ebay knocking back your bid ??? was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like one of the typical crap eVilbay is regulary pulling lately. Whipping you off your feet most unexpectadly for no valid blame. Regulary I mean more so lately than ever before in my experience. Same applies to other sites like Datcogs FWIW. That since Covid where their respective customers "service" has become a total joke.
    I think the success they had with people being locked-indoors because of the authorities incapacity to stop international human flux whi then compensated by purchasing online gave them the big head. Leaving them to believe that could suddenly treat their old customers like newcomers willing to be treated like "unsignificants".
    Like Masters treating their slavs if you will. For real. Or at other times by not being available making you feel like unimportant when you need them. Because now ot is you who need them. Not the other way around. I can't foresee what you can do there. It seems like an 'automated' implemantation they have there. And a worrying one.
    Often I await later to pay for my purchases awaiting other auctions from a same seller to end to finaly pay on combined shipping costs. Now I wouldn't want that to impair further potential winning auctions. If ever you get some enlightement on that matter from them eVilbay customer "services" please let us know. Good luck with it.
  15. Tlscapital's post in Gifer Records (Belgium?) was marked as the answer   
    Mmh, Surinamers were more into bootleging I've always understood than this presentation suggests (obeying politicaly correct crap-trap of DatCogs). The Surinamers were a "niche" market.
    And it's true that many of the Surinamers bootlegs I've seen are baring the SABAM (Belgium State (back then - not anymore...) copyrights registration 'badge' but then what ? Call the police ?
    These records all seem to have been pressed in Holland if you ask me. Baring the SABAM logo could have been just a fluke. And the cheap company sleeve (colors of the Dutch flag) an extra bonus.
    Finally I haven't seen much of these in Belgium but have come across them in bigger numbers in Holland. Without paying much interest into what they are, true. But I'll ask people there next time.
  16. Tlscapital's post in Fantastic Four - Can't stop looking - Promo was marked as the answer   
  17. Tlscapital's post in Irma and the Larks - don't cry was marked as the answer   
    Priority... but not by long.
  18. Tlscapital's post in Lee Dorsey And Betty Harris 'love Lots Of Loving' was marked as the answer   
    This because this is the Canadian release and the Sansu was distributed by the Bell/Amy/Mala group.
  19. Tlscapital's post in Enchanted Five On Cvs & Topics On Brothers I I I + Heavy Duty was marked as the answer   
    Ahah ! Thanks for those infos. It does make sense that they are different groups since I couldn't really put together the voice and the way of singing between the Enchanted Five 'try a little love'/'have you ever' & 'darling I need you now' but I could have almost put together the Topics 'please take this heart of mine' with the Enchanted Five 'your love grows stronger than ever' imagining another way of singing. They could have few members change before changing the name... Being different groups, contemporaries under the same direction/imprint as Bruce Clarke, they are "sounding alike" even though vocally quiet different. It did seem that the H-D was later 1972 sounds right and 1969-1970 for the CVS and Brothers III a more accurate dating. Got the picture now.

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