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Everything posted by Tlscapital

  1. Words don't come while I hear his singing in my head... R.I.P. soul provider 'Sam Hutchins' +
  2. I'd say with the Occasions 'there's no you' maybe...
  3. If I had this bootleg home I would put it up on the eVilBay as a 'buy it now' at $200 with references to the to the just won auctioned one that sold for $460 described as a real one but in real that is only a 1976 re-issue hoping to make the buzz to reach maybe the buyer who could still upon reception of the item file in for a refund.
  4. Expensive bootleg. I wonder what's the winner thinking like I got a bargain or maybe something's off here...
  5. We did ask him. I asked him twice and got no reply. Member on here Okehdownsouth had more luck. So now we know of at least four 'reports' that have been posted to the eVilBay and as we expect they won't take action not to lose their fee on the auction ending in an hour. If memory serves me well the last time we caught him doing that he got almost €800 for the copy... Reports were also provided to the eVilBay back then.
  6. https://sleeves.bigboppa.co.uk/UK/2-tone/2-ton-uk.htm
  7. The 'white' 'oldies' northern pop sounds like April Stevens, Lindy Stevens, August & Deneen which in comparison of what they were changing hands for don't achieve much on auctions nowadays for example. But this is part of the change of 'fashion'. More than that of a 'scene'. Still a scene 'dismissal' doesn't forcibly signs the faith of the records they were playing as the the scenes permeability allows 'migration' of records. So rarely for the better IMO. Signs of a scene shrinking. Instrumentals are not as much in 'vogue' anymore. Too fast tempos have also fallen out of love for most. Can one call those 'types of soul music' as such ? Me not.
  8. That's exactly the same crap story he gave us years ago with the first copy that I saw (where there others) he auctioned that very same way.
  9. Thanks for that. Have also reported it now to the eVilBay 'watchdogs' for being the bootleg infringing on artist's copyrights. First time I did report it for wrong item description / listing in regard of its authenticity. Not got an answer from either party.
  10. Yes just unscrew some the red and black plastic knobs and twist your naked speaker's wires around the rod and tight them there by screwing back the red and black plastic knobs. That should do. Banana plugs are neat and easy. I love them too. But all your speaker's wire need is good contact. Hopefully check if the rods behind the R&B knobs are not corroded. If so spray some contact cleaners on them and scratch them with some steel wool. If ever you find to prefer the sound of your NAD there are other ways to add an external MONO switch. What do you mean 'alternatively' different connection the amp will take ? Like other ways to connect speakers to it ? (and also speakers) ? That's even more mysterious to me. You want to swap for other speakers ?
  11. Please let us know the guy sends you the pics (today ?). On the other end Miste Fix-it LATER or AFTER would do better to post them pics on his auction window. FWIW I got no reply from that thief.
  12. And to foresee what will be the scene like in the next decade since the seventies has always been most unpredictable. With the continuous changes of scenery in pace, taste and records business. But it's still here and there. Alive but not kickin' I would say. Never the same as the decade before. With the eighties and mostly nineties going uphill in quality I would say. The turn of the century was a 'kill'. As for the collectors more specifically the whole 'internet' thing acted like a 'breach' that slowly drowned the ship. It brought deep-pockets new comers, born-again and outsiders into the game. Prices boomed. What next ? A crash down of values on most records for less public and an overdose wealth of offerings (with many elder's collections hitting the streets) with no more worth mentioning club scene and dee-jays. That 'young' replacement wave once in control will go for mp3 all the same no ? Surely they will want to hear something else than 'tainted love' that was not previously reissued. And if so mp3 is their easy way to go.
  13. Not saying otherwise. A common practice here in Belgium was to put the first good looking and sounding but vinyl promo press of Sam Fletcher on Tollie into the pink promotional sleeve. But that was the crook business of back then as you say. This is now and this guy knows his gear and most likely did that intentionally. For all of us to see.
  14. Mix of medium 'rare' original soul records showing a run-out matrix photo of the Detroit Soul 'all of my life' for example (to show it's OG authenticity) and not answering my quest if ever I was a potential bidder a first time (rather leaving me in doubt...). Strange no ? I mean why do it for the Detroit Soul and not the Anderson Brothers ? Greek seller shipping from Spain with his HQ address in Germany. Now his 'vicious' bits ; claiming authentic OG pressing with 'all the correct markings'. Record in an original company sleeve. Believe this seller did it before using this whole 'vicious' technique for another copy of the Anderson Brothers years ago... Meaning he's a recidivist.
  15. Baring a Greek name (or pseudo). Bids are adding up. Wonder when or if I'll hear from the eVilBay people as this should provide them with a decent fee... This is the styrene bootleg. So it's normal there.
  16. I've reported the 'item'. Let's wait and see now.
  17. Not for me I have mine. For the sake of it. Somehow I even believe that this is the same seller who years ago did the same and after few PM's withdrew his auction... If such is the case it makes this auction even more vicious.
  18. Looking not right to me on 'close' inspection. Looks like it's the styrene bootleg. Have written twice to the seller asking if it was styrene and to provide photos of the matrix for the auction but got no answer yet. Have written him again asking him to confirm before tomorrow noon or else I'll have to report as he states that this is an OG copy that has all the right 'markings' (his own terms)... Bids are evidently HOT stacking up fast as he's offering other soul 'raries' that all seem legit. The perfect fool's trap. What do you think ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/375118161070
  19. But evidently yes as even on the 'online store' it doesn't give a clue... Meh !
  20. Leon Haywood 'it's got to be mellow' either on Evejim or Decca (USA) or the British cover version of Jason Simms with Music Through Six on Domain...
  21. I was not aware of this thing but apparently yes.
  22. Indeed none found yet !
  23. Yes it's another thread. But I'm afraid that they're not 'investors' as such but more like 'opportunists' who as I said are willing to part with them for the "right price". Hence a Minty USA promo just finished at $1.200 on the EvilBay and Manship a month ago auctioned one ending at £1.200... Giving more "reasons" for those priced on DatCogs.
  24. Here counting almost 75 past auctions of originals out of 155 on Popsyke. The others are all reissues / boots. Which indeed is not rare. But since it dried up and demand for TOP500 sounds boomed. With crazy prices on many big ticket items it just made it all more scarcer. Stuck in collections. Ready to move out if ever only for the new crazy price if ever. This speculative game has even contaminated records that are not currently played out.
  25. +/- 1 K and about for a minty USA promo. About the same for a minty stocker. Can't say about brit releases if ever.

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