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Tlscapital last won the day on May 5 2024

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Top Soul Sound
    Spyder Turner 'I can't make it anymore'

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  • A brief intro...
    Crate digger since my early teens, I always did favor my northern soul 45's. At the same time I also always loved my souls in the broader sense at the same time. My modern and deeper 45 always had room on my 45's home sessions. Even when I occasionally DeeJay'ed to empty the dance floor with pride ! Records crate digging became problematic the last decade, so lately I finally took the time to tweak and invest in my phono set-up to give justice to my OVO's for a blast. IT'S ALIVE ! I'm passionate so I'm radical ;)

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  1. No matrix info on this Sugar and the Spices release but other Swan styrene release from the same pressing plant (similar typos and label design of the same 'time' or 'era') like with the 3° Degrees medium hit 'Gee Baby (I'm Sorry) bares this matrix ∆55454X and ∆55454 on the flip.
  2. A bit rarer for a rare recordicould can mean for some 'never seen before'. Only I did see it before so that was a bit of a let down expectation here. Was looking for something maybe more trivial or audacious too somehow (anorak's).
  3. There could be up to 3 stocker pressing variants as there are 3 for the promos. But have yet to see a Monarch West-Coast styrene stocker variant if ever... In the meantime here 2 of the vinyl stocker variants ;
  4. To each its own. I love some early Temptations. 'Slow Down Heart' being one I really dig. But not all. And this one not.
  5. I'd say no. The Surinameses "sound" involved way too much oddities too. Far from being 'soul' orientated or even mostly we have yet to catch what made 'IT' when we browse through them in Holland's record stores. Northern Soul is easier to resume as a 'club dance sound', Belgium Pop-Corn too as a mid tempo to dance R'n'R in slow-motion and the Carolina's Beach-Sound too as a 'happy go lucky' uplifting soul dance sound.
  6. It's indeed a weak Temptations kind of ballad (perfect fit for the Surinamese thingy) called 'Baby, baby I need you'... Totally forgettable. Mind you all these Surinamese boots I've seen respected the original pressings flips in not the labels at all times.
  7. Holland's Surinaamse bootleg.
  8. Looking for a super clean copy please. PM me if ever. Cheers, Tim
  9. It might but my question is it ? And what's the average going rate for a copy these days then ?
  10. So apparently that eVilBay Carolina Soul recent auction sky high jump in price didn't reflect a sudden popularity of the record on the NS front but was likely a one off crazy American deep pocket's collectors moment.
  11. Yes but a sudden recent boom in play to explain a sudden double plus (triple) in price ?
  12. What's the status on this one now on the Northern Soul front ? Is it big a second time around or was the eVilBay's Carolina Soul last September auction another one of these mental 'one off' over the roof finishing auction ?
  13. Yes but the 'partial refund' on their end was not completed while you transferred all these sales funds onto your bank account by which time eVilBay couldn't gather the funds from there and then anymore. If so It maybe a time in action criss-cross situation that putted you in that situation now. Could it ? Or not ?

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