Look at what was happening in Manchester 10-12 years ago. There were a few really good nighters, CIS / Middleton, Twisted Wheel, plus some really ace soul nights like Greatstone, Different Strokes, A Taste of Honey. There was a decent mod presence with Hideaway and No Way Out, loads of bar gigs with the likes of Steve Cato, Dave Rippolles, Big George, Adam Leaver, Gumbo, plus loads of my pals doing our own thing. There was SO much going on, it was an amazing time.
The City had its own mini scene that meant every weekend something was on. It was an exciting time, everyone supported each other's nights and people from further afield could travel up for the weekend knowing they could get to 3 or 4 quality events.
Once the nighters stopped, that was a big reason the rest started drying up, in my opinion. Isolated events aren't enough to create a local scene. That was a special time and it won't be repeated again, unfortunately.
We were the young guns in our 20's and 30's that attended all the nights. Now we're all grown up with kids. There isn't the strength of that exciting scene to engage a younger, dedicated crowd that buys into and maintains the ethos of the scene. It's now a confusing space where influencers are taking over and the nights I've been too barely excite me, let alone a new generation.
I remember walking into the CIS all nighter when I was 21 and it blew me away. Packed, dark, pounding music, cool crowd, it changed my life. I don't feel that magic is there anymore, and maybe that's ok. Everything has a shelf life.