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Everything posted by Investinsoul

  1. pmd you
  2. Just listed 100 more! About 60 more Lps coming soon and 80+ 12" singles to be listed in the next few days! Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
  3. Ha! Well the 45 did not sell for $9 on ebay. So if anyone wants it for 9 bucks let me know. Would be great to give as a joke gift to someone.
  4. Wow! Just listened to it...incredible. Thanks Steve.
  5. not in manships book...sorry
  6. Just listed 50 more LP's. Even more on the way in the next 2 days!
  7. Just listed a bunch of new auctions. Will be listing over 200 more in the next few days. Here is the link: https://shop.ebay.com/investorinc/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 Let me know if you have any questions. More than happy to help.
  8. Hi...Which black label is it on? Is it like this one? https://www.popsike.com/THE-TRENDS-THANKS-FOR-A-LITTLE-LOVIN-ABC/260508249753.html
  9. Ha Yea I guess I hope someone will like it for a novelty item.
  10. Ha well...I have decided its not for me so off to ebay it goes. Here is the link https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140399023778&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  11. Ha...I do too. Just wish that backing had some different vocals.
  12. I asked him for his phone number so I could call and listen to the records he has. He just sent it too me. So I will give it a shot and tell yall whether he is for real or not. Donald
  13. I might be wrong but I only think its worth about a tenner.
  14. I would say about 100GBP is a fair price. Been some that have sold for a bit more and a bit less. Someone should buy it for that price.
  15. I know...that's what I was thinking. I wish I just had a track of the backing. I got really pumped when I heard the first 7 or so seconds and then the vocals came in. I guess they could be worse, but o well. Keep your opinions and thoughts coming...
  16. It wont let me. It keeps saying that the link is broken and won't let me through
  17. I just picked up this 45 the other day. I am still struggling to form an opinion this one. Very strange blend of sounds. The artist is Billy Lee (I don't think its any of the famous Billy Lee's) The song is Midnight on Boot Hill on the "FEUD" label. Tell me your opinion of this song and if you know any further info on it. I think its relatively unknown. DivShare File - Billy Lee - Midnight on Boot Hill.mp3
  18. Here is his response to me wanting to pay him in person: "Im sorry, I do all my business by mail order. If I do anything from home, I will list as such. Thank You for your inquiry." So fishy. I told him a wanted to meet up or be able to call him just to verify the condition of the records. Waiting on his response... I am thinking about reporting him to the NY-FBI.
  19. Talked to him and he said he is selling each of these records to the best offer. I've got my eye on the Charlene and the Soul Serenaders
  20. I told him I lived nearby and would love to buy everything he has as long as I can pay him cash and see the records first. Ha...waiting on his response.
  21. ha...probably sold to someone on here that knew that was a good deal.
  22. The Larry Clinton one that sold has the exact same scan as the one that closed a week ago for $3800 with the reserve not met. The good thing is that paypal protects the buyer from sellers like this. Yea he may have to wait a couple weeks to get it back, but surely will if he has been ripped off.
  23. You might have already seen this copy, but might be nice for a backup https://www.gemm.com/item/ALAIMO-c-STEVE/I--DON'T--KNOW/GML305633030/

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