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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Hiroshima - Never Ever - Arista w/d -Ex £40 The Impossibles - Its alright - French roulette with Pic slv - Ex £45 James Crawford - If you dont work you cant eat - mercury - Ex £20 The Columbians - Forever more - Club w/d - VG+ £20 Herb Day - Sleepin at the fooot of the bed - Hurricane - VG+ £20...Sold Cortez Greer - Very strong on you - Violet VG+ £20 The Lions - Girl of the world - Mack IV - VG+ £20 She Devil - She Devil -Charm city - VG+ £10 Sadly Mistaken - Golden earings - Challenge w/d - mint minus £12 P&P £2.75 in Uk More outside Thanks for looking
  2. Recently on JMs auction Original version of this classic in mint minus cond £45 plus Postage
  3. Is That the one on Verve? If it is I have one but don't remember what condition it is.
  4. Cunnie Williams - Come back to me - French Universal 12" single ( The only way to get this) Ex £12 James Brown - Money wont change you - Uk Pye - Ex £10 Maxine Brown - Im gonna get along without you - Spanish Test press - EX £12 Attitudes - Sweet Summer music - Uk Dark Horse - Ex (rare) £15 Tyrone davis - Can I change your mind - US Roulette -EX The alternative version £8 The Lions - Girl of the world - Mack IV - VG+ £20 P&P wit be £2.75 Signed for in Uk and £3.50 for the 12" Thanks for looking
  5. Sorry only just seen that you've sorted - sent you a pm
  6. 4 white demos all £15 each inc P&p in Uk or £45 for the 4 inc P&P Roy Brown - Standing on Broadway - Bluesway VG ( Plays ex) Honey Cone - somebody is always messin up a good thing - Hot wax -EX SEdatious Brown -We aint gonna make it - Roulette VG++... Independent movement - Your love is slipping away - Polydor -EX
  7. For sale : Clen labels exccept where stated. Paypal only. P&P in Uk £2.75 signed for out side UK more. Quinn Harris - Ill alway love you - MLE - VG+ £65 Sold She Devil - She Devil - Charm city W/D - Ex £10 Flip Dip - It could be more beautiful - FADA - VG (plays Ex) £30... Jackey Beavers - Tryin to get back to you - Dade - VG+ £15 Marv Johnson - I need you - UA - VG+ £10 Danny Dollar - Hello Blues -Solid Soul(with pic slv) - VG++ £100 The Brothers - Secret Place - Zanzee - mint minus £25 Brenda Jones - Good thing - Mercury - EX £15 This will take off Jon Paul - Girl - Envy - VG++ £45 (Absolute bargain) The Lions - Girl of the World- Mack IV - VG++ £25 Jimmy Lewis - Let me know - UK Minit - VG+ £25 Rare uk copy Humbug - I got a feeling - UK CBS - Ex £12 Great version Tyrone Davis - Can I change your mind - Roulette (- Ex (Rare alt take)£10 Mylestones - Sexy Lady - Hawk orig - VG++ £8 Thanks for looking
  8. Have an issue - Have to look for cond! will get back to you later today.
  9. Well I just looked on Popsike and I couldn't find one for less than £20 INc P&P for the last 7-8 years
  10. Well done Dave! Its good to hear a bargain has been found to counteract silly prices!
  11. The festivals was a daft price - But the one that got to me was " The family Underground" £125 for something released just a few years ago 3-4 I think! Now its agreat record but just shows how the scene is well and truly Phooked as I have been saying for the last couple of years!
  12. Its not actually audience size its actually calculated on the size of the room in sq feet. I know this because when I was involved in the management of an Indian restaurant they wanted their fees and we had to submit the size of the room the music was being played in not the number of customers!
  13. Rarish 12" only made in EU Cunnie Williams - Baby come back to me - ALM records IN EX cond I have an issue copy for £20 and a demo for £25
  14. OK the next one to go daft will be David Rhodes - Hung up in Mid air. only 200 or so copies made Ian promotes it Butch plays it and the whole world goes ballistic and it ends up on Jms auction for 700 quid. The scene really has become a joke.
  15. got a 12" in EX cond if you don't get a 7
  16. Jim - Got a 12" for sale in VG++ cond £20 inc Postage in UK
  17. Got a Venicia Wilson I think - will have alook
  18. Got an issue in ex cond - £10 plus P&P
  19. Id like all the different coloured label releases of Aint nothing but a house party on UK Beacon. The vinyl can be absolutely trashed /cracked but the labels have to be clean- Its for a framing of the original 60s poster together with the records that will be used at a charity event. Pm me Cheers Steve
  20. Yep got one here ! VG+ at least clean labels
  21. Broadways WTF! £30 record demo or issue! I love the record but if I was gasping for it it wouldn't be more than£50
  22. Zodiacs is also on CRS - Both damn expensive now!
  23. 10% off for 3 purchases or more For Sale : Paypal only Postage £2.75 in UK recorded more outside Esther Phillips - Catch me Im falling- US Atlantic VG+ £15 Johnson Family - Peace in the family - UK Antic - Mint minus £60 The Muchachos - Domino - US good Luck - VG+ £150 Valerie & Nick- Somebodys Lying on love - Glover w/d - VG £15... Marcels - No Love left - Super M - Ex £20 Maxine Brown - I cant get along without you - Spanish test press -EX £20 Jackie Ross - Ive got the skill - Teal (?) VG+ £20 Brenda Jones - Good Thing -Mercury -EX £20 Otis Brown - Will you wait - Lujuna - Ex £15 Ray Charles - Tired of my tears - ABC/Dunhill - Ex £15 Jimmy (Billy The kid) Breedlove - I cant help loving you - Pye acetate -VG+ £35 James Brown - Money wont change you - UK Pye Int - EX £20 Lovells - Here comes the heartaches - Brent w/d - VG+ £35 Tony MIchaels - Old enough - UK Polydor - EX WOL - £15 Fabulous Shalimars - Playin a losin game - Cotillion - VG £15 Johnny Harris - Footprints on the moon - US WB w/d - VG+ £8 Jesse James - Belive in me baby - 20th cent - EX £7 Cheers For lookin
  24. Marion James - WTF sold mine last year to John Weston for £50 The scene has really lost the plot
  25. WAnted Kenny Summit - The Dirty Lowdown PM Me if you have

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