I looked at the pre stuff for Movin on I did in Dec 2009.
Ive pasted Jadds top ten at that time
To me it was wonderful- I even played Expansions by Scott Grooves and they Like it
They are very open to progressive sounds.
heres Jadd (From madrid)Top ten
J.A.D.D (Madrid)
José íÂngel DíÂaz Durán has been a well known Madrid soul, jazz and funk Dj since the middle of the 80's, with residencies in some of the most important Madrid clubs: Siroco Soul Club (90-95) Kathmandu/Jazzin´Club/Salute! (95-08) y Marula Café since 2003, also managing at the same time different clubs such as Soul Cellar, Funky People, Soul Cargo or Blackout; he's also member of Jazzin´Club DJ Collective. Nowadays, he is resident DJ at Marula Café Madrid and Kathmandu, he's also responsible of the fantastic blog soul-cargo.blogspot.com, check it out!
Appart from his regular club duties, he's been involved in the Spanish Soul scene for many, many years, having deejayed lately at the last edition of S4R meets Soul Essence.
TOP 10
Clay Brown-Walk with a groove Florentine
Cecil Lyde-I´ll make it on my own Alwest
Brief Encounter- Get a good feeling Capitol
Giften Four-Fallen Star Hamito Semitica
Grey & Hanks- Gotta put something in Rca
David Nevin-You´re for me Pardner
Ray Crumley- I want to be a part of you Alarm
Sins of Satan-Dance and free your mind Buddah
Ray Munnings- It could happens to you Tammi
Cojo- Play it by ear Destiny
Perfections - can this be real Calgar
back in 2009