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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. All prices in POunds Add £2.50 for P&P recorded delivery Joey Dee -Baby dont you know I need you - Janus w/d VG+ £8 Chuck Corby - - See you when I get there - Sceptre EX £10 The Originals - Good lovin is only a dime away - Motown - EX £15 Herman Harper - Headed for the streets - LOadstone EX £12 Hugh Boynton - Were gonna Make it - Soul Potion - EX £10 Littel Milton - Sometimey - Checker VG+ £10 Kenny Lynch - Another Groovy saturday night - SAtril -VG+ £10 Magnificent men - Together forever - Capitol VG+ £15 Rotary Connection - Teach me how to fly -Cadet Concept - EX £15 TYrone & Carr - I want to give you my everything - Supreme/DJM (With Pic slv ) Ex £10 (Great version of Candy & Kisses American you choir - Keep your fine self near me - POlydor w/d EX £20 Robert John - Raindrops love & Sunshine - A&M -EX £40 Brooks Odell - You better make up your mind - Bell - EX £20 Cottonmouth - Treat her kindly - RC (Rare issue copy) EX £20 Independent movement - Slippin AWay - POlydor w/d -EX £15 Peoples Choice - Just look what youve done - Phillips w/d - VG Plays much Better £8 Thanks for lookin
  2. Luther - This close to you -US Cotillion - (Includes Dont wanna b a fool) Ex £35 Pic & Bill - Soul Music - Italian Joker (Includes Come back baby)EX £45 Charlie Rich - Ill shed no tears - HI (Includes -Dont Tear me Down EX £30 Hold Chuck bridges & LA Happening- Vault -(Inclues Head over heels) EX £25 Joe - E Young - Soul Buster - Toast EX £30 Hold Maxine Brown - Out of sight - Epic EX £50 Willie & mighty Magnificents - P Vine EX £30 Please add £4.00 P&P for recorded delivery
  3. Never seen it on Ember - MInes on Prestige!
  4. Here by any chance:https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190828116421?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  5. Crystal Motion- Your my main squeeze - Sound gems white demo - EX £20 HELD The Brothers - Are you ready for this - Canadian white demo - mint minus £30 (Very rare) CODs - I'M a good guy - Kelmac white demo (x on label) £18HELD Nancy Ames - I dont want to talk about it - South african CBS - EX (Tricentre ) £25Held The Decisions - I cant forget about you - UK A&M - EX £15 Willie Harper - But Icouldnt - Alon White demo- EX £18 Carol Fran- IM gonna Try - Port white demo - EX £18 HELD Jimmy Breedlove - Cant help loving you - Pye acetate VG+ £25 Fir-Ya - Keep on Tryin - Starglow - EX £45 Vessie Simmons - I can make it on my own - Simco - EX 18 Four Voices - Your love is getting Stronger -Voce (Gold copy) EX £40 Cookin on 3 Burners - THis Girl -Freestyle - mint minus £15Held Deon Jackson - Thats what y0u do to me - Carla - EX £25 HELD Jimmy Robins - I just cant please you - Impression issue(Labels reverse) - VG (Plays very well) £50 HELD Johnny Williams - Just alittle misunderstanding - Bashie White demo - EX £7 P&P £2.50 Recorded delivery Some small discount for multiple purchases Cheers for looking
  6. I was told by a french policewoman at a station south of Paris 2 years ago that we (The Uk) are not really in Europe are we! and she really meant it!
  7. In CRowd - Irie Blessing - Revue -EX (Label offcenter DNAP) £30 Jo-An Garrett - Little brown letter- Duo - EX £20 Held Darrow Fletcher- I like the way I feel - Revue - EX £20 Held Magicians - Is it all gone - Villa - VG to VG+ (Plays great) £35 Shirley & Shirelles- Never gonna give you up- Bell Issue EX £20HELD P&P £2.50 recorded delivery
  8. IN the 70s a boot was the only way to get a tune to play at home but today their is no need for it with Youtube/cds and downloads. A lot of these people who buy these want their 15 miutes of fame playing them at soul nights - So would you be happy PK seeing someone playing a big tune off a bootleg white label when you just spent 2k of your hard earned cash on the original only a week before and was looking forward to playing it out at the same venue.
  9. Just realised how stupid I am in my title as theirs no books for lps as far as I know unless someone can point me! Cheers for the replies guys Just need some idea on PIC & Bill / Joe E Young & Charlie Rich
  10. Cheers Kev- Again Id be happy wth that!
  11. Thanks Chalky - Id be happy with that!
  12. Thanks Chalky! Id be happy with that!
  13. Im selling some Lps so whats a reasonale selling price- Assume they are all ex cond unless stae Luther - This close to you US Cotillion Pic & Bill - Soul Music - Italian Joker Charlie Rich - Ill shed no tears - HI Chuck bridges & LA Happening- Vault Joe - E Young - Soul Buster - Toast Maxine Brown - Out of sight - Epic Skull Snaps - Skull Snaps (Original) GSF in VG+ (just) condition Willie & mighty Magnificents - P Vine Cheers Steve
  14. Sod the offers ive put fixed price on them! I will give some discount if more than one is bought
  15. Original 10" acetates Fantastic puzzles - Come back (Istrumental version with just the chorus being Sung) in VG cond but Plays ex £45 On Hold Felix Cavaliere -Never felt love before - Sterling sound - VG+ Plays mint minus £30 On Hold Steve Mancha - I need to be needed - Groovesvill music - EX £75 ON Hold Original 8" acetates Soul Brothers six - Thankyou baby for loving me - Trident Studios in VG+ cond £35 on Hold Happiness is - Ill always love my mama (Same as intruders) in VG+ cond- United technique recording studios -This appears to be a one off with no release at all produced by Phil Orsi £150 ON Hold
  16. NO pic sleeves unfortunately
  17. 2 original Willie Mitchel Eps on US HI records That driving Beat (includes the Champion) On Top ( includes Louie Louie/Take five/ Poppin & Canadian sunset) plus 2 more Both in VG+ condition £20 the pair plus Shipping
  18. Steveit finished a week ago! 75-100 quid is theprice guide for anice one
  19. Thats a pity Ive only just seen & I have at least an ex if not mint minus copy for £30
  20. The Tom Emmanuel is £100 Id be amazed to get one at £50 seeing as I paid £150 for mine
  21. The problem for me is the lack of imagination around pricing when selling records- You see so many at the Book price when if they were not greedy and varied their prices they might sell a lot more!
  22. Neither is the Spaniels Pete Im suggesting a random record here- Lets Groove together - Our ladies of soul- on Kelton Lets just say hypothetically that John puts it on his auction next week - I bet you someone would have one on here for offers pretty soon after or at an inflated price! Its just bloody nonsense IMO!
  23. Back to the old chestnut - How much is it worth. The Spaniels- Maybe on Buddah Yes its agood record but a £30 record everyday of the week Manship puts it on auction so its now for offers on here Come on and get a grip!

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