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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. They kiss you goodnight & bid you farewell- They got bloody strange ways in the Strangeways Hotel
  2. 5 years is along time 5 years is a long time Nev a £10 record can go for £100 in that time!
  3. Thats less than half of what I paid for mine - Bargain!
  4. Tony MIchaels - Old enough - UK Polydor - EX WOL £30 (Very rare) The Mob - I dig everything about you - UK Polydor - EX £8 Nancy Wilson - End of our love - Uk Capitol - mint minus £50 Original First issue Image - Were Movin - Verdy - Ex £15 Major Harris- Jealousy - Atlantc demo - EX £8 Little Mliton - Bet you I win - Stax VG+ £5 or a UK demo in EX for £12 Add postage Paypal please IF you want the lot then £80 secures them and I will even pay the postage! cant say fairer than that. These are up just for tonight !
  5. I used to think sampling was the art of the devil The problem is we have all heard the original andwhen you become attached to it from a musically listening perspetive its difficult to shed the predjudice. This also happens in Rock music a lot. eg Iron Maiden versus Stray - All in your mind . No stray fan will admit to liking Iron maidens version because stray was the original. another is Budgie Versus Mettalica - Breadfan . I like both but if I had to choose I always go for the original which in this case is by Budgie-This is based on historial musical listening. Its rare IMO that a later version is better than the original because of predjudice as I described.
  6. Showtime is the 2nd release - 1st release on Partytime and considerably more expensive
  7. Sounds interesting but Black music in White britain was before 1948- A recent TV programme highlighted about this (Cant remember the name of it but included Leslie Thomson) One of the main protagonists (Ken Snakehips Johnson) in the programme was killed during the war in a London Theatre. The progamme was about Black Bands in the UK- It was on late at night & was superb . Found this which is what the programe was about and proves pre 1948 :https://www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk/#/black-british-swing-caribbean/4567525345
  8. Most people were selling the original for £75 about 2-3 yaers ago but with its popularity its should only go up by 20-30%. I still think a section on here called "Whats it worth" would be a good pointer and stop these artificial inflated prices!
  9. Prefer Ember copy Pm price and conditon Cheers Steve
  10. Garland Green - Dont let love walk out on us - RCA issue - mint minus £40 Andy Williams & Zodiac band - Just cant get it together- Dal-segno mint minus £50 Beloyd- Get into your life-20th century Issue copy- VG+ £80 SOLD The Counts - Our love is stronger- Yes - VG+ £100 Little Jr Jesse - LIttle Playgirl - Metrodome - EX £145 Marv Johnson - Never too late - JObete Acetate - VG+ £125 Diane Jenkins - I need you - Creative Funk - EX(The rarer spoken intro version) ? Dont know - Just make a reasonable offer SOLD Pstage£2.50 recorded in UK Special delivery £7 needed on all over £50 Paypal only
  11. I can undertand having the 45 to touch etc (AS Pete says- technically for personal use) but then theirs the argument of Djs using them as Sean has pointed out which then gets into the OVO argument again. So if you subscribe to Seans Theory you can play (As a DJ) whatever Lp track you want off a re-release or carver and its perfectly acceptable to do so & your DJ credibility wont be questioned? So If someone decides to re-release Lee MC Donald - Lets play love from the Lp Sweet magic DJs can play it off th 45 at any events without fear of ridicule? If thats the case the whole argument of DJs playing original vynil means absolutely nothing at all! Or am I wrong? Sorry Moderators- if this reply is in the wrong section please move it or advise as to starting a thread!
  12. I know will get my head torn off but - Why are these being released on 7 inch when they are already on cd? Unrelased tracks I can understand but whats the motive to do this one (Clyde MCphatter) Id like to be educated!
  13. Sold mine (Original in EX cond) on here 3-4 weeks ago for £120 cannot see why apart from the idiotic "Its in demand" syndome as to why its so expensive.
  14. Cheers Pete - Appreciate your input!
  15. So was my Nancy Ames tri centre CBS worth £20 or am I just a bloody idiot?
  16. I sold on here a few weeks ago the South African Nancy Ames in EX for £20 It might be rare Pete but does a Uk copy really demand that much? ATB Seve
  17. Ive bought doubles in the past usually for the wrong reason! Having lost out on a record Im desperate for -When Ive seen two copies on ebay Ive bid on both! ONly to win both of them!
  18. ASK Mal C hes a bit of an Aussie Collector!
  19. Well Ibought this a week or so ago for £1 so its under the fiver and I think its great!https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ow1a7ecsQ0Y?feature=player_detailpage
  20. Its a small thing in the scheme of it but from small acorns as they say! What about the issue of covering up? AS I said what if you had designed /written/recorded something and it had taken considerable effort to get the finished product only to find that some smart alec was passing it off as something else. Last time I noticed a record had copyright. If not fool them! I actually received a settlement of about a thousand pounds many years ago as a band had used 90% of the lyrics on an lp track were written by me.
  21. Chalky - Have you ever met Betty Lavette? I picked her because Ive interviewed her and she would not be pleased to say the least of it! One of her band turned up with some chips and she wasnt a happy bunny about the smell so I could just imagine her having abee in her bonnet about this subject. Heres a quote from her #THe only thing the music industry owes me is MONEY# It was a tense moment I can tell you!
  22. Ill sell you the original LP with it on for the price of the Reissue £10 + P&P
  23. Brilliant Dave! Thank goodness he had a sense of humour- Im telling you Dave that if that had been someone like Betty Lavette she would be after blood. Ive interviewed a few of our so called Lesser known artists and some of them have not a very positive attitude about the industry, feeling ripped off, so any opportunity to them is seen as worthwhile. I love your record hunting stories and the scary ones as well. It must have been a surprise for the Spaceark member to contact you. Did you discuss "Do what you can do" ATB Steve
  24. Cant remember the name of the woody allen film where two people are discussing about a certain person when out from behind a screen comes the said person to put them right ! Id love that to happen with a cover up in that a member of the band accidentally hears a radio show with a Dj playing a cover up that he has found in some old collection. The said member then gets his lawyer to sue the Radio station who in turn sue the DJ for mis- representation. How would you feel if you had written a book or play or some other piece of work just for someone else to pass it off as something else! My Sweet Lord / Hes so fine

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