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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I Prefer Margos version of this even though its more expensive. Also the Fashions version is equally as good and nearly as cheap
  2. Jamie - I have one for sale
  3. Hi Mate I have one for sale Give me a mail s.eckersley@nhs.net
  4. Hello Ritchie buying records again are we! Ill tell your mother youve been anaughty boy! Hee Heee
  5. Cheers Paulie- Might do that- I just thought that watercolours of records was unusual.
  6. Thanks mikey- Wouldntit be nice if in 50 years tiem someone had one on show in the antiques roadshow. Im going to do a few in February when I get back from the states.
  7. Would be nice as a present to someone though? If not all Dogs should be castrated especially the Pike variety
  8. It would be difficult to get the watercoulur effect as it would look just like a photo. But It would have a title of "My(Steve's) : favourite record" at the top and then the painting underneath. If you think about the coasters than came out/Watches /Clocks etc this would be a personal touch
  9. No- Just Barking Mad! MEEEOw
  10. Hi- Not sure if there is a market for this but here goes-Tell me what you think. I am going to start painting records in watercolour and advertise them as your favourite record in paint- I will on order paint up in watercoulur anyones favourite record /label and frame it. Price will be according to difficulty of design and how many different coulours would be used. Example Too late- Williams & Watson OKEh £7.99 + cost offrame White label would be £6.99 for this one 2nd example James Bounty -Prove yourself a lady -Compass £11.99 White demo(£6.99) +cost of frame 3rd example Natural four on Curtom would be £11.99 + fraME sO IT WOULD BE BY ORDER AND PRICE WOULD BE GIVEN What do you think!
  11. Hammy - Its Steve Eckersley here Not Riddell- How you doing? Thanks for the info
  12. Not if they come from the same source (brooklyn born) I had several emails with this person and as I said in another thread he told me to wise UP! ( Ie repressed)
  13. £5-£8
  14. and its for sale!
  15. Ive got one- will look out the number etc Value it goes for £50-£85 depending when on ebay. Most copies have tracks that jump
  16. Whats the IA&P like as I have just bought one from the states but its not on that label? Good set apart from Curtis- Thought it was too disco
  17. Hold on Pete - Remember you got that demo off me in 2000 for a fiver cos Ididnt know what it was worth even with the needle burn on one side.
  18. Cannot think of 3 at the moment but definately one of them would be The Dynamic superiors- One Nighter (Absolute Class)
  19. Just look at Me! age 46 Look like a 36 and move like a 86 get the Zimmer ready for me boys!
  20. The five Stairsteps were supposed to be the rivals to the Jackson 5 and never made stardom but IMO were infinately better and more diversive
  21. I voted for RCA- Probably because of the Volume of Northern thats come from this label
  22. Brainwashed by Love- The heartstoppers- Just tells me what a fool Ive been over the years
  23. Actually - Where were You (When I needed you!) by Ernie Andrews is not much of a dancer but its so F***king soulful its unbelievable. Just about sums up everymans feeling about a woman whose deserted them and left them in the prverbial crap.

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