Chessmen- Why cant I be your man- Chess white demo M- £25.00
Bobby Paris- Personally - Australian Polydor- VGtoVG+£20.00
Anita May-When its dark- Audio arts- Mint- £25.00
Connie McGill & Visions- Take it like a man -Edge VG+ £45.00
Emotions- Do this for me- Vardan VG++£25.00
Honey Drippers- I can stop you from doing- Alaga VG+ £20.00
Chuck Boris- You wake up wiser(male version of B lavette)Enterprise VG++£15.00
Betty Lavette- Almost - Karen White demo(Signed)EX £25.00
Exotics- Boogaloo investigator-Excello VG++ £20.00
Invicibles- Woman is soul of a man _Warner Bros demo VG+ £15.00 Gene Chandler-There was a time- Australian Coral Mint- £reasonable offer
major lance- Rythem- Australian CBS VG++ £10.00
Gene Chandler- Groovy situation- Australian Mecury(Swirl) VG++ £15.00
Toys- Cant get enough of you baby-Australian Stateside Mint- £20.00
Toys - Lovers Concerto -Australian Stateside(Green label)VG++£10.00
Zelema Cliff-I dont believe-Battle White demo VG+ £15.00
Trilons- Im the one- TAG Mint- £12.00
Bobby Wade- Im in love with You- Way out VG £10.00
Clark Sullivan- I cant get away with it- Romac EX £15.00
Gloria Parker- The best thing for you baby- Samar EX £15.00
Arlene bell- I wanna be loved-Velvet Mint- £15.00
Whispers-Where have you been-Roker demoVG+ £10.00
Soul Duo - This is your day- Josie demo VG+ £10.00
Paul Flagg- What did i do wrong-Atlantic demo EX£15.00
Carla Thomas- Ive fallen in love with you -Australian StaxEX £15.00
San Remo strings- Hungry for love- Australian Statesside VG++£15.00
Ring me on 07899 658590
If you want abargain lot then everything with the exception of gene Chandler-There was a time is for sale at a job lot of £200.00
Off to States at end of month so getting rid of afew
P>S Anyone want a Toshiba Laptop 1.8mhz CDRW&DVD 30gbhd 256DDR,Modem etc
18months old in immaculate condition- battery life is 2 hours comes withXP Home edition loaded and Antler bag with recovery discs £275.00
Reason for sale- My work have just given me abrand new one so my personal one is for sale.