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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Big Maybelle- Quittin Time or I just cant wait any longer Id haver to put on alot of weight and lose the facial hair and be a heroin addict and and of course- Get a decent voice!
  2. New York port authority - I got it - was massive at the Mecca Also Cloud One- Atmosphere strut P&P and that goes for £100
  3. Miroslav Vituous was only lp track for the long version and was a 7" for the short version& its pretty rare! How about Cleveland eaton- Quasar one 12" Acetate-Promo only
  4. Hi- I have both on DVD which I could burn for you- I am away next week for 10 days to New York but could do it when I get back- Otherwise speak to Pete Smith- He sells a DVD with both on
  5. This numpty of the week would still like some info please! Anyone know it? eetc etc etc!
  6. Heaven in the afternoon(Lew Kikton)- So I can go on a bender in the morning Temptation bout to get me(Virgil brothers) Because thats wot probably killed me! Too late to turn back now- (Cornelius & sister rose) because it will be!
  7. Are you speaking shite or what? Obscure it may be but it does have charisma it just doesnt wash on you. Its a great record so much so I exposed myself to my intoxicated friends as i jumped out of the shower shouting "What the f**k is that" its brilliant! Personal taste of course- thats what makes the scene revolve Give me some of your charisma lined tunes that I may not know please to analyse and report!
  8. Your point about bootlegs being near to their origin- Some Northern DJs in the past actually bootlegged particular records and passed them off as originals as they dumped them back in the USA so it looked like they had come from an original source so I am afraid your point of 1% chance is actually agreat deal higher!
  9. Never heard this since the 70s but what a thing to dance to_ The Bang Gang- Who said honkys aint got soul on Warner bros Very funky but god everyone went daft when it came on! memories ah!
  10. What do you think of BEBE Winnans- Thankyou- Masters at work mixes Atlantic Promo- IPlay it in my Spot and it goes down great even though its 90s
  11. I paid dave abit more for the Fir ya but its still a brilliant tune and yes it is 70s.I played it to a few guys from Dublin & They like it!
  12. How rare- price wise as I missed one on ebay 3 months ago
  13. Phillip Mitchell/ Betty baker Or the Girl who was on top and singing(Im coming!) -to your rescue!
  14. Pete have you heard- Born to Lose by jackie Lee on Decca ?
  15. The above records are now sold but the laptop is still for sale!
  16. Daddy says thankyou
  17. If you go on Gemm you will find she recorded on Bell as well although the one on Gemm is not the one I am after.
  18. Chessmen- Why cant I be your man- Chess white demo M- £25.00 Bobby Paris- Personally - Australian Polydor- VGtoVG+£20.00 Anita May-When its dark- Audio arts- Mint- £25.00 Connie McGill & Visions- Take it like a man -Edge VG+ £45.00 Emotions- Do this for me- Vardan VG++£25.00 Honey Drippers- I can stop you from doing- Alaga VG+ £20.00 Chuck Boris- You wake up wiser(male version of B lavette)Enterprise VG++£15.00 Betty Lavette- Almost - Karen White demo(Signed)EX £25.00 Exotics- Boogaloo investigator-Excello VG++ £20.00 Invicibles- Woman is soul of a man _Warner Bros demo VG+ £15.00 Gene Chandler-There was a time- Australian Coral Mint- £reasonable offer major lance- Rythem- Australian CBS VG++ £10.00 Gene Chandler- Groovy situation- Australian Mecury(Swirl) VG++ £15.00 Toys- Cant get enough of you baby-Australian Stateside Mint- £20.00 Toys - Lovers Concerto -Australian Stateside(Green label)VG++£10.00 Zelema Cliff-I dont believe-Battle White demo VG+ £15.00 Trilons- Im the one- TAG Mint- £12.00 Bobby Wade- Im in love with You- Way out VG £10.00 Clark Sullivan- I cant get away with it- Romac EX £15.00 Gloria Parker- The best thing for you baby- Samar EX £15.00 Arlene bell- I wanna be loved-Velvet Mint- £15.00 Whispers-Where have you been-Roker demoVG+ £10.00 Soul Duo - This is your day- Josie demo VG+ £10.00 Paul Flagg- What did i do wrong-Atlantic demo EX£15.00 Carla Thomas- Ive fallen in love with you -Australian StaxEX £15.00 San Remo strings- Hungry for love- Australian Statesside VG++£15.00 Ring me on 07899 658590 If you want abargain lot then everything with the exception of gene Chandler-There was a time is for sale at a job lot of £200.00 Off to States at end of month so getting rid of afew P>S Anyone want a Toshiba Laptop 1.8mhz CDRW&DVD 30gbhd 256DDR,Modem etc 18months old in immaculate condition- battery life is 2 hours comes withXP Home edition loaded and Antler bag with recovery discs £275.00 Reason for sale- My work have just given me abrand new one so my personal one is for sale.
  19. Is no-one going to help me with this please! 3 years Ive being trying to find out
  20. RCA- Unbelievable amount of northern and mostly quality tunes Even the cheapies like the Partnership or Lorna doone are not that bad!
  21. Connie Stevens- "Think" on Bell Not sure if this is right Very Girlie disk starts off singing Tick Tock- Dont know what your saying (or something on that line) Someone once had it on their site on a soundclip but its no longer there Hope anyone can help- Pleeeeeeeze
  22. I took the price from an old manship catalogue I think! I wouldnt pay more than 50 for it in any case even though its very good
  23. At Dundee- People camre in because they wanted to hear the Kentuck fried Chicken music and kept coming back because they like d the music
  24. I have a Uk Stateside demo of the fashions. The Margo & Marvettes was on PYE and is about£100 I think. Ive had a US issue and white demo of DeeDee A firend of Mine has aUK Mercury copy and has been playing it out for years

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