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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Get off my arse! more like it
  2. Worked for me- Shit Am I that old?
  3. Ill try anything -got a few spins if I can remember that far back Can I get a witness ep is quite hard to get- I had the album Lent it to someone and never got it back- Whoever you are I want it back please!
  4. How much are you looking for Give me aring on 07899658590 Regards Steve
  5. Think Ive got a VG- copy for10quid if you interested
  6. It means you havent shaved your little goatee or more like your head for a few months- I used to be a werewolf and all that HAHA!
  7. I just sold one for twenty quid
  8. Back to the original thread- Snow By tina Roberts Its Sixties its not a grand in price like her other one - ten quid and its very lynn Randell type
  9. Paul how do I receive one of these or even a few to give out- I really enjoyed the Ian Levine Topic Regards Steve
  10. Whats your view on this Pete P.S. Have you sent that record Yet Cheers
  11. Yes its Mr Robertson Isnt it- The promoter who dissapears at 4am and does not pay djs when he gets a couple of hundred through the door at a tenner a shot. Am I wrong- Please put me right!
  12. Mr Keo - are you the same guy who promotes soul nights in Edinburgh? I think you are- If not then tell me your name and as for blaming your wife for your own mistakes just about sums you up- You put Midnight on ebay and it sold for about #55pound- You could have had the decency to say to the person I made a mistake but will cut you a deal and meet you halfway. No you are a greedy person and I will echo Petes Smiths comments about you have to drop prices especially if you need the money quick. I bet you didnt pay the same amount for the records that you are selling! Smells of Oportunism! and boo to you!
  13. Not Going but would love to come back with a copy of Rivage or even that tune by New Grooves on Gemini Have agood one everyone
  14. War - Edwin Starr first 45 First Lp - Pendulum Creedence clearwater revival
  15. It only happens by jackie wilson is actually on the Nobody but you LP and not on the Beautiful day one as you have advertised or am I a lunatic?
  16. Can you get me an oriental woman 20-35 years of age for no charge?
  17. This was a hit and If Im right they were the equivalent of Take That POP me thinks!
  18. Who is this? _ I quite like it
  19. I actually prefer- catch the fire- I think it has both the other 2 rolled into one
  20. Hi do you still have Esther wiliams- Last night changed it all Can you ring me on 07899658590 Tried to email you but communcation problems with PC Cheers Steve
  21. Ive never seen an issue copy- Are they all demos?
  22. Sweats! as about a sweaty as a walrus Or was that against the wall Russ! Hah Ha!
  23. I have brought back from the States a copy of Thank you by Bebe Winnans -Masters at work mixes. I played this last year(My own copy) and it went down well. Having searched the net I cannot find another copy so this is relatively rare Its in Mint condition and is an Atlantic 12" promo Any interest then mail me
  24. Told you I was getting too old- Im going senile now! If I can remeber that I am(Going senile that is)
  25. Looks like Russ winstanley will have olevels in Northern soul if he gets his way ARRRRRRRRGH

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