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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I have to go and get some work done but as I have 6 spare copies of the executive Suite - when the fuel runs out - Whoever guesses it right gets acopy!
  2. No- Good effort its a £500 record so thst narrows it down by afew thousand and the label is green thats all your getting! Hee Hee
  3. :angry: Keep trying Ha ha!
  4. Nope not that one- Infact I had to sing it to her to get her to sleep!
  5. Too Late to turn back now- Cornelius Brothers & sister rose Do it to me- Southside movement Where were you when I needed you- Ernie Andrews
  6. MY daughter is nearly two and loves Northern- Can you guess what her favourite tune is given her age?
  7. The answer is none as they were all made south of the North pole if you see what I mean! Oh well Ill take some more tablets!
  8. Mellow fellows is excellent- Got one recently but in bad condition but plays ok A Good one for me is - Get yourself together- The Younghearts on Pick a hit Not sure value as I have not seen it often- maybe someone could help!
  9. Might put the value up awee bit but not in the same league as Paul Sindab(Candy)
  10. Come on - Its not abad record and its catchy! Maybe not the greatest soul record ever but its not bad imo! or do I speak shite most of the time!
  11. Quite anice tune- Reminds me of the Manhattans or Independants
  12. Oh God this one is really a minefield. Curent price of these things passing off as originals is around £150.00 Be careful when buying it It is a fabulous record however and one of my top 5 favs. Bought my copy from SAM who told me where he got it from and how much- This was confirmed by the dealer in question and it was not £150 far from it. If you want a tape of it or CD then just PM me as I dont think its been released on a cd yet but I may be wrong.
  13. Your in Hospital recovering from a terrible accident or disease and you regain consciousness. The first thing you see is the most stunning female nurse(sorry for the sexist remark) you have ever seen- Which tune comes to mind!
  14. My copy is on Uk polydor- Whens next list Pete?
  15. Hi Jamie- Not so fruitful on the record hunt a couple of obscurities not much rare stuff at all infact next to nil- They all have manships guide under the counter. What was brilliat though was meeting Peter Brown of P&P records fame(partrick adams et al) Got a few records of Him and had agreat chat. Third time around was played at the Mecca and Ritz as well. Great tune Keep well - regards Steve
  16. This is very good Pete- Still like Lyn collins version though!
  17. Had to Be - Jose Nunez- Get Down I can do last nights washing up to that one it keeps me moving around the Kitchen!
  18. Always loved this record- prefer the instrumental with the chorus at the end. I suppose the Shatz version is worth quite abit if their are few copies but Ive stopped thinking about Mr Manships rarest of the rare cos hes got so bloody many of them now on his site section.
  19. I dint think Royal Five was worth agreat deal so I assume the big money is for the oxford nights?
  20. Prove yourself a lady- james Bounty- Sheer class and before anyone says it- You can offer me your drugs on a silver platter and I wont take them" From one of the old jam butty Brigade at Wigan - God Bread was so expensive then maybe I should have taken drugs it would have been cheaper!
  21. George Blackwell- cant loose my head at 48 rpm Misery has finnaly got me and 25 years down the line it still bloody has!
  22. Iwas in New York for First Time February- They all have Manships guide under the counter so It doesnt matter what you say you are looking for they still check. I diid get a few pieces but nothing spectacular apart from Ann Perry orig Ohio Players LP- I got about 20 12" and Lps Did get a Esther williams twelve inch- You gotta let me show you which goes for a fair bit these days. House of oldies is expensive but you will pick up some good lps there/ Academy records is good for LPs but very lttle singles although they have a shop in Brooklyn I didnt get to. Apparantly the best way to get some stuff is to wander the streets looking for garage sales( i got a fablous Joe Simon lp with a wondeful track called "Dreamin" for $5 or their is a big fair in April sometime. Bleeker Street is probably the best area and in the same street as House of oldies their a modern soul shop but the power went when I was there so couldnt listen to anything. Good Luck great place to meet people. I had a fabulous week there
  23. Not sure is that one on Gemini Cheers
  24. Still havin shit with you know Who Off to Edingburgh Sat for some work with TV Company(Romans) Back Sunday Night Got a sylvester Boyd- Hopefully when it arrives Off to Dublin for the Alldayer in April and DJying in 70s /Modern room Speak to you when you get back Hope you froze your bollocks off- So Linda gets nowt on return(Only dsaying this as I get nowt anyway! Hee hee
  25. Wanted New Grooves on Gemini Cheers

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