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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Hi Mark my name is Steve Eckersley and Im originally from Swinton. I use to work part time in Global/Yankees. cannot remember where I met Siz I used to Dj not on the soul scene at the beginning but in the usual clubs and private Parties. I used to frequent most of the places in Manchester. Iused to love the Blue rooms at Sale cos we played football outside more than we danced inside. It always used to be Spurs V City cos Richard was a Spurs fan. I rember getting my cock out once and slapping it on the counter at the paybox in the Blue room and saying to the girl "One Please"-things you do when you are young!
  2. Yes I was there- It was amazing seeing all these uk demos-A Patten/major lance etc I went to the studios and got a few pop demos as the souls ones had all gone. :angry:
  3. Nobody got any answers or dont you want to play! Another one - Newcastle united semifinal FA cup- "Born a Loser" Hee Hee
  4. Apparantly from London- I am sure their is some info on one of their albums. Will look tonight. "one more step to take- is getting spins I hear its from the US copy "Delegation" on Mercury or UK copy Eau de Vie on Ariola
  5. I was reading another thread and came across I record I wanted. Dramatics LP with Stranger in the night on it- actually need it pretty quick. Cheers
  6. Yes Mike- I heard it while I was in new York watching the Superbowl final. I was half cut and was singing with the tune- I got some very funny looks from so guys dressed with cowboy hats on!
  7. In a previous thread- I mentioned I went to new York recently for the first time and enjoyed myself immensely- However every record shop had Manships guide under the counter. Unless you are the likes of Dave Thorley who venture into absolute unknowns the days of big rarieties going for a song are gone!
  8. John has a reat deal of knowledge and due respect should be given to him. The times he upsets me is when he should be openly honest and retract statements like "in its rarest form" That would suggest he is the only person who knows and he has been proved wrong on occasions. The other is taking advantage of a given situation and its easy to criticise a business man who is just doing his job. However he can be oportunist sometimes which demeans his credibility as a soul connoseur. Due to financial pressure I had to sell a few bits on ebay- I got an amazing price for a record I did not expect more than£70 for (New Wanderers-This man in love) Johns guide at the time was £75.00 I got £225.00 from a guy in Germany- A week later John has acopy on his auction starting at I think £200. I think this was opportunist as his start price was nowhere near his price guide. I hope you understand what I therefore mean by this. You can have knowledge and profess yourselfas the Guru but when it involves money he is just as cutthroat as anyone else.
  9. Just thought this would be totally tastless but Fun I wil start of with Paula Radcliffe (Athens) - Who will do your running now? (marvin Smith) Get the idea - lets hear some more but be careful!
  10. £50- I would have thought- Pete-S usually sells for this- Good tune
  11. The enchantment track is excellent but I keep playing another track on the album"Im not the one you lost but the one you found" -Its got such a catchy chorus it could be a big number if promoted.
  12. What about "Delegation"-
  13. Talking about Quantic- Im djing at the Dublin alldayer in the modern rom this saturday and Ill be playing- Dont mess/joke with a hungry man featuring Spanky Wilson- To me its sheer class
  14. Police story- Pat williams- Absolute Crap!
  15. Would anyone reccommend a Particular soul magazine or are they outdated given the internet?
  16. Hi Mike- Understand your sentiments but is this not called censorship! While I dont condone threatening behaviour we all make negative comments about certain people or particular issues. If you look at my avatar you would see that I might use the term Hail Caesar! or My army will cut you down like dogs" but its all done in good fun-The problem on this site is that sometimes you dont know whether people are being serious or not and thats very thought provoking which actually makes the site very good. I recently had adissagreement with a friend of mine who then told me via this site that I was barred from the soul nite- To anyone outside my little circle of friends it could have been misconstrued as real hatred but actually we kissed and made up the a couple of days later. So what I am saying is when you get the good you inevitably get some bad with it. Its not all sweet and roses in the garden, but I appreciate it makes your job harder!
  17. Does that mean it went down well! I thought I might put it on my playlist for the Dublin Alldayer but needed support to bolster my confidence in it!
  18. Hi I got a demo of - The people want music on Juana and it growson you after a few plays- Anyone seen an issue to tell me if their is a different b-side track as the demo is the same on both sides.
  19. Ive started playing - You make me so happy What do others think of this?
  20. I like it but my friends up her say Ive got crap taste so Im not sure the value of my opinion is! I still like it- How much would it be?
  21. I was an extremely lucky child who sat in Night clubs with Djs until 2 oclock in the morning.(Reason- My Father was a proffessional singer in the club scene) Saw some artists singing various songs that had the classic soul beat. I was hooked so when I bought my first record which was he who picks arose- Edwin Starr it just grew from there!
  22. James Bounty- Auction on Love/ Rags to riches
  23. I had abit of luck with Do what you wanna do- Think I paid 60 for it and the bonus was " you dropped your candy in the sand was on the b side Financial problems last year made me sell it but I did get avery good price for it. One went on ebay at the same time for $900 Would really like the French ep that has both the hype discs on it
  24. Me & You -fantastics - anyone got one for sale and price
  25. cuddled up with my little 21month old daughter as she falls asleep in my arms- Sheer heaven! The I get stressed out at 5pm Sunday as she has to go back to her Mothers! Ah well I live for the next saturday night that she stays with me! Yes I am soppy!

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