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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Got some news for you- WE have moved on from Videos over here in uk to this new fangled thing called a dvd. The other problem is whether they were recorded in the format we use over here which is PAL, not secam or that NTSL thing. Some interesting subjects you have especially the Penthouse one- Do you have "Debbie does Dallas" as well
  2. your absolutely right Pete- What was I thinking! I suppose its personal as The Astra has been behaving like an ex partner that keeps asking- do you love me after shes kicked you in the balls! PS. If I m to be executed can I pick the method of execution?
  3. Because you actually like the music Pete and that gets in the way of being a shrewd b***t**d
  4. Thanks Pete!- really do appreciate your point of view! Now back to your little pixieland mates and make mama some luvly stardust cookies!
  5. Think of a northern/ soul track an then match it to a make and model of car Wonder what it would sound like in that car! Ive an Astra Diesel - Do you love me by La familiar inc What about a Ferrari testerossa- What track goes with that?
  6. I want one as well- This is really good
  7. Did anyone see lat weeks Soul deep?- What I thought was interesting was the comment that Berry Gordy was purely making(motown machine) music for white people.- This is in my opinion why Motown should never be considered as part of the "Northern soul scene" - Cannot see Carmichael /relf/ Nelson making records for the white popoulation back in the 60s but I may be wrong about it
  8. The last three on your list are bloddy excellent records. Not been well this month so only a couple of buys Determinations- You cant hold onto love- Important Delegation Lp - this ones from 1981 and not the 79 release Oh I forgot- Do I Do- Stevie Wonder (German12 inch release) 9 minutes long
  9. Hi would like a cd or acetate of Quasar One by Cleveland Eaton Anyone got apart from Richard S who I keep asking over the years to give me a tape of. Cheers Ernie
  10. Ive said this before- F****king Police Story- What utter shite!
  11. If Im not looking after my daughter that weekend- I will be going. Not looking for nostagia but what has he come up with now! It could be facinating! Ian has had a chequered career but at least hes got the balls to put his money where his mouth is, and before anyone says anything yes I know his parents were well off. For those of us who used to frequent the Mecca when did you last see a DJ who used only one deck yet the floor was still full and romping?
  12. Hi- Anyone know the price of this and availibilty Benny harper- My prayer
  13. Tossers will be united! Dont let the gashers grind you down!
  14. Great record- Not sure about the twang- will have to listen closely on my Dansette Ha ha!
  15. What do you expect to get it for Ritchie a fiver?
  16. Oh my God the Duke of Wellington- I used to go to watch the Salford Jets play there every week- Wakling round the Town Town Looking at the squares! does anyone remeber this !
  17. Hi Alan- God it was so many years ago- Remeber Joe Turners dance academy where we first played northern- Lanky Hall, Pembroke halls(i dj there once). Do you remember a guy called Iam Mc Mullen or Ian Newcombe? Stiil come back to sSwinton acouple of times ayear as my family are still there! All the best Steve
  18. Dont know if its been riessued but its worth £150 tops Flyers done
  19. You wanna hear what Ritchie & Tubbs call me up here in Aberdeen! If I reacted to what they say about me Id be suicidal- Help get me the Samaritans! or better still get me a pint of Guiness! Original thread- Over reaction- Who is going to die because of this? Get it into perspective- This is about Yapping not about poor souls in Africa?Angola dying of a bloody awful disease. We do not know we were born at times when you hear about things like that!
  20. Thanks for sniping my want As for the cameo one - I have along story about it and about why the chnges of name took place.
  21. Shit I need another person to paddle this fecking boat! Will report back Ritchie
  22. Ah well it will take all day for her to find it then! ha Ha
  23. Is the hammer Pete to wake you up from a dream of "60s is only a dream" 60s is only a dream- Ok go back to sleep then!
  24. Got one Pete thanks- forgot all about this track- brilliant it is
  25. - Find my way by the three degrees on roulette Same song as cameo Also Michael Wycoff on RCA but cannot remember the track (lover or something)

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