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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Couple of weeks ago- That Nutter of a chef Ramsays Nighmare kithchen was playing "Sliced Tomatoes" Now who thought that one up- I was waiting for "Green onions" and "Mashed potato" but alas Nothing.
  2. I asked about this record last year and it was said to be obscure but no more than £100 and that Various people could get me a copy. Good Record which Keith plays on a regular basis. £1200 I dont think so unless Sam has had a lobotomy! Who Knows
  3. Timelaeess Legends is a £300 max 45 although the usual idiots have been bumping the price up This includes sellers who put it on their lists at £700 and then say its sold to create an artificial price when infact they have not sold it. Its an old trick that people should wise up to.
  4. Hi Warren- sorry have notmade out a list yet of any sounds to swap for Benny Curtis. Your statement is still saying Manships 2nd version- Does that mean that if you wanted Frederick hymes that you would pay 1000 pounds for it as opposed to the latest price in his latest edition which is considerable less?
  5. Have to agree Levine & curtis With Richard S coming in a strong third
  6. Yes thats the one-
  7. Looking for predominantly 12" albums or singles or 45s by ANdre de lang Particularly want - "Cant stop the feelin" Any help gratefully appreciated.
  8. Pete its white and very poppy but actually quite likeable What do you think of their other stuff
  9. Hi anyone got acopy of this Come go with me- The Chants on PYE Cheers Steve
  10. overall I thought the soul deep programme was crap! Very few good moments like "The Gospel Highway" and James Carr. Whoever did the research for the programme wants shooting! :angry:
  11. Bo Donaldson & the heywoods doing Girl dont make me wait(Bunny Sigler) Realeased on UK MCA and Bo Bought a demo copy from me. I still have his Cheque from the US. he didnt even know the company had released it. _ IT really is crap!
  12. Bo Donaldson & the heywoods doing Girl dont make me wait(Bunny Sigler) Realeased on UK MCA and Bo Bought a demo copy from me. I still have his Cheque from the US. he didnt even know the company had released it. _ IT really is crap!
  13. So the question is- If it has had 2 uk releases is the second a reissue? Please answer! Therefore on this occasion why (Whichever it is ) is going for silly money? And if I find the birdy song on a ebony uk label which was part of RCA and it was released after its main release does that mean its a reissue even though it is rare and if it was popular is that the reason to say it is worth #500 quid. This rarity issue and demand issue is now becoming a joke because it depends on some bloody idiot who decided he had more money than sense! :angry:
  14. Didnt Know @Think about it girl - was on 45 I thought the 45 was L.O.V.E. Pretty crap and I sold it for about a tenner
  15. So even though I was ayear out if it has had 2 releases which was the reissue?
  16. Please tell me Im wrong! The ice release was released some time after the mercury release. If thats the case then its a reissue and why would anyone want to pay silly money for it! I think there is 2 years between the 2 releases Correct me if Im wrong
  17. Was this ever covered up!
  18. It would have to be on the bus from the Mecca to Wigan and the three records would be _ What good A I- Mickie Champion(The bus used to rock from side to side when this came on the tape machine on the bus.) Prove yourself alady- James bounty and lastly cos the bus goes back to blackpool- Take me Home- Donna King
  19. Just bought a record from uk seller on Ebay- The guy said VG+ I was in shock when it arrived - I think the V should have been removed. I did want the record quite bad and it was a fraction of the guide price but the record looks shagged and it if it werent for the loudness of the record it playes shagged. He also advertised semi known Northern record in M- condition. Yep the condition was ok but both sides are slow ballad- how can he say its nothern it aint even midtempo! ARRRGH!
  20. I suppose that if you live in Mexico then Texas would be North and therefore qualifies as northern soul if we apply the same rhetoric as this guy!
  21. Betty Moorer varies- You can get it as cheap as £40 and then the next copy goes or is listed at around £80 Ike & Tina Turner is £40-£50 on British Joe Turner is £15-£20 on French Philips
  22. Has to be "Fine Young Girl" Theres a fine young girl- taking over my world, when were together things are just gonna be! let me tell you shes got- eyes so pretty- and its just a dogggone pity thats theres only one of her and she happens to be mine- let me tell you shees fine! FIne Fine!
  23. I have to admit that most of what is being said her is actually very relevant. As I have said in other threads thre price guides have really not helped us not so rich people pick up very much on our infrequent trips to the states. But their is a very good point here about the dealers in the UK pushing prices up and soemtimes you cannot blame them as they have chosen it as their buisness whereas we (Myself) its my recreation and not my livelihood. The main concern for me now is the easy repressing of records by unsrcupulous people in the States and passing them off as originals (Frederick Hymes would be a good example). The particular person involved in selling copies of this record with alarming regularity also admitted to me that he had supplied the main dealers in the uk but none of these dealers have questioned the authenticity of the discs in terms of age and that in my view decreases their credibility to the point of who can you trust if you cannot trust supposedly well established dealers in the uk. Taking the Frederick hymes as the exanple- I have what I think is an original and the reason is I took the vynil to an expert in the oil industry here(IN Aberdeen) who works in the lab section of a big company and they confirmed through testing that this was a over 25 years old. I then passed another record which was made recently and they confirmed that this was less than 5 years old by their tests. The point I am making is that the copies coming from the US via ebay and according to the us source, reputable dealers are suspect in that thecopies they have circulated would not pass the tests for age of vinyl. - Thats the scientific approach- having seen other copies just to feel them they are thin vinyl and sharp at the end- the print defintion is poor compared to the originals. So I ask if these are represses then why has My Manchips guide for the original of this record been reduce from £1000.00 to £200 in his latest guide. WHo can you trust? this is my question
  24. Definatley Pat lewis- B side is "Im not over you YeT and for the life of me I cannot remeber who did this originally
  25. Im sure they used - Otis Blackwells "Its all over me" in that film HA!HA!

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