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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Sowing seeds of doubt! We need abit more doubting what comes from our American friends these days! If you can tell whether something was written on paper yesterday or 30 years ago then the same can be done for vinyl. I should invent a quick test laser and make myself millions!
  2. Just think about it- Most people know that most of the magnetis records are worth alot of cash. So much so that they spend $200 getting a boxful pressed up and even get a bell sound stamp put in in the process because we have the technology today to do so. ! The only way to know if its gen or not is to test the age of the plastic! It is severely worrying and if you read one of my previous comments on Frederick hymes you really have to wonder if it is worth spending anything over $100.00 for a record
  3. Lots have places have been visited a few times but rarities still turn up later. I was in New york Feb and in a shop reccommended to me. His 45 racks were empty saying he just got rid of 8000 records. He had another room full but would not let me in even when flashing $600 at him- He said he hadnt decided what to do with them yet! 2 months later a guy from france walks into the same shop and gets a silouhettes-not me baby for $1 So it doesnt surprise me if its Philadelphia
  4. Are you ready for this - The brothers on Canadian White RCA Demo. Also- Swing by Hokis Pokis on Canadian White RCA demo
  5. Iv learned absolutely nothing on here cos Im thick! I just nick everybody elses ideas and lists of tunes and Its made me a very happy Man!
  6. Two sides to every story- Jimmy Love- Josie If I told you- The Casinos - Del-vel I find no fault- Johnny Jones - Fury
  7. I have a few for sale Email me! Just sold reney guyer
  8. No It wasnt booted but I was about to do so, but had second thoughts after the Marsha gee and George Blackwell fiasco (48rpm) Anyone got any of these.
  9. you said youm would give them to me for 50p - AH favouritism I see!
  10. I actually like Carol Jianis version of Make Sure
  11. Thats because I tried to buy it direct with my credit card. Came back to me to say it had gone
  12. Well Pete my Friend do you want to bet on it! say a nice modern 45 or something! Or that picture sleeve of I saw the light. :angry:
  13. Do you want to sell the First Class- Ive been after it for years- Actually played Jimmy Ruffins version at our last soul night.
  14. I have a Wilson Pickett album on RCA- Dont like it at all
  15. So whats good- You have to be selective! and this sometimes takes time even one evening when your trying to match one good! record with another Good record! I thnk you have to stop digging on this one
  16. This linked to another thread on various arstist albums. I have Dont pretend on a US VJ label which has most of the Mirwood collection on it including the Belles Yellow VJ label. Unfortunately no cover. Paid $10 for it 6 months ago Anyone know of this album or what the cover looked like!
  17. Either Pass the feelin on - Creative source or All my life - Athur Prysock both on Polydor. Today Im playing Delegation US Copy on Mercury or its Uk copy is called Eau de vie on Ariola but has the same tracks
  18. Actually I have a canadian Copy on Salsoul but it says Philly groove on the Album cover. The reissue was on Green light
  19. Their was one on Minit that had the Themes- No explanation needed, Alder RAy and Jimmy Lewis let him know and afew others. Good album IMo
  20. Pete Ive just noticed you are using one of my favourite artists as your avatar. Someone once tried to sell this on ebay as northern soul. Brilliant artist who never really got ultimate fame and riches but probably deserved it. Lyrics from I saw the light- Now I love you best, its not something that I say in Jest ! Ha HA!
  21. So are you telling everyone who djs and has a collection of over 1000 records that they carry the whole lot with them! : Everyone has to sort out what they are taking and if you have dj to that venue before you get a feel for what the crowd wantsso you are selective - Sorry mate I think your talking out of your rectum on this one.
  22. Got test press myself- Got it from new York in FEB Yes it still gets played
  23. Reduced some prices before they go on ebay this afternoon
  24. Heres a few for sale only- Please ring me on 07899 658590 I only have email at work! Will negotiate price on multiples (you can Pm me until 4pm) Please pm me just ring the above number- Alittle haggling is always invited! Sell by Sunday evening or they will go on ebay Monday with reserves of course for some of them. Reducing a few prices before I put on ebay this afternoon reduced price in brackets) Olympics- No more will I cry- Loma Mint- £25 Sold Pep Brown- Im the one who loves you- Polydor W/d -ex £50 (40) Lord Luther- My mistake- Shireck - Ex £150 ((125) Sonny Stiles- Give alittle bit - Joy w/d ex £100 (70) Gene Chandler- There was a time- Australian Coral M- £150 (100) Roy hamilton- Panic is on - MGM Mint- £100 (75) Cookie jackson- Love brings Pain - Uptown Mint- £30 sold Meadow- You dont know the pain - Fine records ex £200 (150) Luther Ingram- Aint that nice - Decca EX £50 (40) Esther Williams- You gotta let me show you- Friends & co - Mint- £25 Josephine Taylor - Is it worth a chance - Twinight VG £25 Madeline Bell - Picture me gone - Mod VG++ £20 Cool Sounds - Who can I turn to - Warner Bros W/d - VG+ £30 Popular 5 - baby you got it - Minit Mint- £15 Sue Raney- Before the rains - Imperial demo - Mint- £10 Barbara jean English - Dancing to keep from crying - Zakira Mint- £10 Continental 4- The way I love you - Jay walking VG-(ok o DJ with) £10 Purple Rain- This old man- Gorilla Mint- £10 Southern Trumpets - Good news - Betterworld VG £85 Reflections - You dont love me- Went Mint- £20 Jay traynor - Come on - ABC W/D - Ex (warp nap) £50 (35) Bessie banks- I cant make it - Verve demo Mint - £30 Sold Ohio Players - You dont mean it - Compass VG++ £15 All the next ones are £5 each or the lot for £70 (50) All are VG+ to Mint - Spice - Sweet Norma Jean - Sound Gems Mint- Martha Reeves- Higher and Higher - Arista W/D - Mint - Four Sonics- Its takes two - Sport Mint - Gentlemen & ladies - Like her Roulette W/D Mint- Barbara Lewis - Girls need loving care - Atlantic EX Execuitve Suite- When fuel runs out (2 copies) Babylon Mint- Tina Roberts - Snow- Security VG+ Fire & Rain - Helllo stranger - Mercury EX Helena ferguson - Come on and dance - Mighty two EX Babrbara lewis- Snap your fingers - Atlantic Mint- Raymond Smith - Seven Day lover - IX Chains W/D - Ex Sweet Rain- Magic man - RCA demo- Mint - Niece Dezel - It doesnt matter - J&S - VG+ Harvey Averne - Run away Child - Uptite W/d - VG+ Dells- All abot the papers - 20th century - VG+ Nina Simone- Bes that way sometine- RCA W/D - VG+ Mark IV - Honey I still love you- Mercury VG+ Shirelles - Dont go Home - Scepter W/D - EX Please dont forget if you want something or to hear it then phone me as I wont be at my PC until monday when I will be listing on ebay. P&P £1.50 for first and 50pextra per disc
  25. What about - Flashlight- Beware shes pulling my strings? Fabulous Tune

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