Being 40 something and listening to this with my 2 year old daughter in the back seat who actually enjoyed the excerpts but pulled a face when Judy street was played just before we got to Planet Kidz! I thought that this would have been a good first installment and then another 5 episodes should be the order of the day in the same way as that TV programme about sex and the decades. No disrespect to Jo but the interviews were with the same old crew Levine/Brown /Cosgrove who is now in the elite of TV presenting up here in Scotland.
Could have had like I say 5 other shows on aspects of the scene(Rare records/ Current Clubs or venues, Collectors views/ a couple on the 80s and 90s maybe one on Specific artists/ and even one session on asking the punters about fav records and playing them) that might have given the joe public a better insight.It was ridiculous to talk about expensive records (Frank Wilson) and then not play it to the Radio 4 public even if we have heard it a thousand times.
I was dissapointed but then Ive been dissapointed so many times by these shows. 40 years into 30 minutes could you imagine them doing that with football their would be an outcry! :angry: