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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I have a spare one for 20 squid + postage if you still need it
  2. Why is Shazz 50 quid? Im just interested
  3. 45 single on Wheelsvile - Pete smith sold one to me for 40 squid Everybodues goin wild on b side which was released exactly same track and vocals but listed as someonr else
  4. Just loving You- Ruby winters Sorry but this does not get my vote Into the room as quick as poss
  5. I will be- but sold my collection of this stuff 3 years ago- looking for Philly 45s anything really if its cheap enough Cheers
  6. Hi Guys - unusual request this I need a lot of Popsoul records of the 60s and 70s- Ive been asked to do a soul night playing this kind of stuff and need considerable amounts of 45s. If anyone can help I would appreciate it you can phone me on 07899658590 Stuff like Shalimar / Chic/ james brown/ Odyssy? Disco soul etc 12" or 45s And the last thing theyve got tobe ultra cheap and posted quick Regards Steve
  7. Its Ok - he happens to be a friend- He abuses me all the time and its my turn when he gets back from offshore- I have the new restrainers to tie him to the bed!
  8. Normally Im not too bothered about live acts but Philip Mitchell at Fleetwood sounded just like he did 25 years ago but His spot was not long enough.
  9. Still Love -Sweet Nothing- Brilliant Tune
  10. Under pressure! noo enough time to read titles! How about this one "The Gasher & Willox elope to start a soul night on Mars" Read it and weep!
  11. Which Johnny Jones 45 are you talking about?
  12. I sold one for £ 20 couple of months ago. Loads of copies in US one guy was selling 20 or thirty copies
  13. Being 40 something and listening to this with my 2 year old daughter in the back seat who actually enjoyed the excerpts but pulled a face when Judy street was played just before we got to Planet Kidz! I thought that this would have been a good first installment and then another 5 episodes should be the order of the day in the same way as that TV programme about sex and the decades. No disrespect to Jo but the interviews were with the same old crew Levine/Brown /Cosgrove who is now in the elite of TV presenting up here in Scotland. Could have had like I say 5 other shows on aspects of the scene(Rare records/ Current Clubs or venues, Collectors views/ a couple on the 80s and 90s maybe one on Specific artists/ and even one session on asking the punters about fav records and playing them) that might have given the joe public a better insight.It was ridiculous to talk about expensive records (Frank Wilson) and then not play it to the Radio 4 public even if we have heard it a thousand times. I was dissapointed but then Ive been dissapointed so many times by these shows. 40 years into 30 minutes could you imagine them doing that with football their would be an outcry! :angry:
  14. What does the term rare mean on this scene/ rare cos theres only 2 known copies 25 copies? 50 copies? rare cos theres only one in Scotland but 50 in England and wales? Rare cos its uniisued and only 5 people have heard it? rare cos its a tape only? rare cos its an Lp track only and the Lp was in limited press? rare cos it was Demo only? Rare because it was thought issues werent issued? Rare cos I bloody say so? Someone define the term rare! I dare you! Tubbs should you be at work- Now thats RARE!
  15. Police story- has to be the worst record ever! And second comes " Cats eyes- by Life"
  16. As Per Kev Roberts note on new pressing releases he states that the Oxford nights is coming out soon.He also states that marion carter is head of Ripete records a genuine company! Guess what- Ive had an email from Julian Fowler(lil-Peddler) and guess what he said- He works with Marion Carter every day- Read into this what you will.
  17. I apologise for using the word educate! I am a teacher by trade and thats where it probably comes from. Maybe I should use a different language like for those who live in a timewarp or narrow minded individuals who only want to hear an hour of Wigan/ Stafford etc etc. I get educated everyday with the next thing in life that comes along. Yes I have memories and like to reminisce once in a while. I just put one record on (The first one and it cleared the floor) If it was a rubbish record I should have been shot at dawn but IMO Judson Moore- Push and pull - is not abad record but would like other peoples opinion about it to decide"Am I a crap DJ or not" for putting it on.
  18. Just thought Pete that everyone on here is a distant type of mate and you would do things for mates before you did something for someone you didnt know at all if you know what Im getting at.! So go on and tell me to wise up and live in the real world! Im wating for it!
  19. Well - Its either a soul event or a whist drive? Which one should I choose?
  20. if you are a member of this site - Dont you think a common courtesy would be to advertise your records here before you load them onto ebay.? Just athought and you can shoot me down but I thought this site was for like minded people!
  21. I cleared the dance floor in Dundee with my first record last friday with Judson Moore- push & pull (Brilliant in my view) Cannot remmber what I put on next (Some bloody oldie - Linda Jones I think) and the dance floor was full . What does it take to educate people? Or am I crap DJ- (The gasher need not comment!) Ive remebered what it was- One of the other djs told me if I put on Our love will grow- by the showmen then one of 2 girls would give me a blow job! HMMM!
  22. Meadow- You dont know the pain - Fine records Ex (On manships rarest of the rare) 100 June & Donnie- Whats this I see- Curtom - Mint minus -10 Virgil brothers- Temptation about to get me - Rare earth VG++ -15 Ernie Johnson- Big man cry - Steph and lee - Ex -30 Pep brown - Im the one who loves you - Polydor W/d Ex -40 Black magic- Baby thats a no no- Polydor w/d - ex -5 Mary Wells - My guy - Stateside - Mint- 4 Joan Regan- Dont talk to me about love - UK CBS issue - EX 30 Bunny Sigler - Sunny Sunday - Cameo W/d - VG+ -10 Vinie Zen - Broken bottles and sticks (Same as D Parrish) SSS - ex 25 Ida Addison - What a life - New century plaza - Mint minus -100 PM me or ring 07899 658590 P&P 2 pounds and includes recorded delivery
  23. I know the old saying a record is only worth what someone will pay but is Paul Anka & ernie andrews worth these amounts?
  24. Deeply saddened to hear about this Hammy- CSA is after me for more cash for the ex but it would ntstop me buying the odd 45. Anything not too expensive Ill buy Regards Steve E
  25. I wondered how long it would take you to get on the bandwagon- Is your name Johnny Johnson?

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