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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. 2 for me other than loads that have been mentioned Cleveland Eaton - Quazar One (think their is 2 acetates only) and Ive not heard it in 30 years Hapiness is - Ill always love my mama (one off acetate of a cover of the Intruders)
  2. last year woke up looked out of the boat to see this Cormorant !
  3. who was the top collector who gave the opinion?
  4. Cheers guys got a Canadian & New Zealand copies coming!
  5. Yes Please - One of them Id like
  6. Condition Red Im after unusual releases of this classic oldie. Please let me know what you have - It doesnt have to be in fantastic vynil condition but the lable has to be decent. I do have some but looking forward to getting as many different ones as I can Also Im after the LP as well purely for the cover P.S Pete Smith said someone contacted him re a New Zealand copy Regards Steve
  7. They are all fucking bootlegs :lol: (NOT!) Hope your well mate! Really nice list! Might be down to that Dundee anniversary! ATB Steve
  8. I pushed this for years with no luck! - Hopefully will have its day!
  9. Sold a minter £30 and shouldnt be anymore!
  10. Got a Magic night on Pye which actually came out 2 weeks before the Roulette copy
  11. Hi Steve might have 3 or 4 - will look
  12. heres my two; 1st one :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvis7fL7RCs&feature=player_detailpage second one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=kYDPu0qPKU0
  13. It was done for the Visually impaired DJ - Disability does not mean Inability to fook up a record!
  14. Does anyone dance to this these dayshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PmZZ5bviVY&feature=player_detailpage
  15. Not only is this pretty fast but has so many off-beats you could strangle yourself with your legshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGvVWjL-6vE&feature=player_detailpage
  16. The Greatest Northern soul record of all time! Well I think so
  17. I sold one of them to Richard Searling in 78 for £12 when the Okeh copies were around £2-4 as Canadian in those daywere rated as rarer!
  18. So does that mean that thre Snake could be a £500 record because its in demand and no-one wants to sell their copy - Get Real! Its my opinion only but prices on records dont hike 5 fold in a short space of time - Thats my point! Its a false economy created by specualtive behaviour! I never said that prices dont go up!
  19. Its just rubbish - price hiking with little or no empirical evidence to support it! IR was known for years between collectors dealer DJs etc - An average record but difficult to find as a MGM number with the rarest probably being Chinatown by the Move. as I said most peple were pricing this 2-3 years ago based on rarity at around £100-150 and had been that price for years ! Then all of a sudden it jumps 5 fold ! ON What basis is their a justification for that to happen? The price scene to me has lost the plot and it seems that its based on sheer speculative behaviour. Would it be acceptable for a £30 record eg Marion James - Im the woman for you to be increased in price just because Butch or Sam start to play it abroad and a couple of Dealers knowing this decide to Increase the price and value of said £30 average priced record to £500? Its bloody rubbish! I may be wrong (And apologies If I am) someone on here a dealer once bought a record off me in a swap(Prince Ellis) with avalue of £25 and within 2 weeks had it advertised for £200 because people on here were saying its quite a hard one to get! So they valued it at £25 one day and 14 days later it was £200! Its just b*llocks! I still dont think its worth more than £50 tops because its quite rare! So how did the person hike the price from £25 to £200 - sheer speculation!
  20. well Ive bid on one of your records Vince! WEll Ive bid on one of your records Vince! Anymore Rock albums for sale? Another example of what I was saying - The matta baby - pretty rare but not that much in demand except for nostalgics like me! Think Pete S has had about 3 copies - Ive had 4 in my life! Its been around the £100 to £150 mark tops! Tim brown decides for some unknown reason to make it an auction piece starting at £400 and now everyone & his dog thinks its a £400 record! The Plot has been lost!
  21. Vince you put what you want on it! Because prices mean nothing these days a £5 record can be a £100 record just because someone says so. You will get some bright spark listing fats for 2K and the person selling will say IT was listed on Ebay for £7.5K I keep using this as an example! Irma routen was a rare MGM number that for years sold for £150 so just because IL and maybe afew others says its the bees knees its now £750 ! The record price scene is Shot to pieces IMO
  22. Im guilty in the past of only buying to listen to the popular side and have sold records not even knowing what the other side sounds like!
  23. Tony Middleton - Paris Blues - Polydor
  24. ok Heres job lot of 30 originals all Us Copies unless stated adn clean labels unless stated 1. Petula Clark - Sign of the times - US Warner =VG+ 2. Johnny maestro - Heartburn - parkway - VG+ 3 Street People - Your my one weeksness Girl - Vigor - EX 4. Archie Bell - here I go again - Atlantic -EX 5. Edwin Starr - There you go - Phillapine Soul- VG+ 6 Marvin Gaye - Come get to this - US Tamla 7.Maurice & radiants - Baby youve got it - Chess - VG- OK for Djing 8 Clyde Brown - You call me back - Atlantic demo - VG+ 9. Renee Perri - I aim to please - Soulville demo - VG+ 10. CODs - Im a good guy- Kellmac white demo - VG (Plays ex) 11. James Brown - I love you for sentimental reasons - Polydor -Ex 12 Jean Battle - Ive got to come in - Clintone -VG- Bit crackly for first 15 secs then settles down - OK for Djing 13. Debbie taylor - Just dont pay - Arista Issue - VG 14, Royal Five - Dont Stop - P&L - Ex 15. Jackie Ross - Selfish One - Chess - VG+ 16. Holidays - Makin up time - Golden worls - VG+ WOL 17.Ben E King - Teeny Weeny Little bit - Atco - EX 18.Dynamic Superiors - One Nighter - Motown - VG+ 19. Ted Taylor - Everywhere I go - Jewel dem0- Ex 20. Four Tops - I just cant get you off my mind - Dunhill - VG+ 21 The Commodores - The Zoo - Mowest w/d - VG+ 22 Melvin Davis - I need my baby - Rock Mill - EX 23 Edwin Starr - Back street - Ric Tic - VG+ 24 Joe Taylor You dont love me - HMC - VG 25 Billy Duke - Millionairs - VG- OK for Djing 26 Betty Everett - I got to tell somebody - Fantasy - EX 27 Peaches - Music to my heart - Constellation w/d - VG+ 28 The Mob - I dig everything about you - Colossus - Ex 29 Platters - sweet sweet lovin - Musicor VG The Bwanas - Pretty Girl - Chisa - EX Price for the lot INC POstage £130

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