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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I think- Youve got to crawl before you walk - The 8th Day on Invictus Anyone know it? apart from Sepia cos he heard it saturday last
  2. I have stop Playing and I cant forget about you- Whats the other one?
  3. Sorry Pete but the Tower release was 68/69 so it cant be later. Usual price for either demo or issue is around £20 but it can all change when its reactivated. Some idiot will cover up transglobal express and try to pass it off as an alternate version - HA HA Thats entertainment!
  4. Mike sice this move I cannot download tunes- All I get is a message in a new soul source window saying cannot do it? Please advise
  5. I have a white demo of TUME - Love shortage on 45 - I think there are quite a few copies out there- Nice tune
  6. Love the odd instrumental into a set or maybe play 3 in an hour would be just pushing it But if I was Pushing it then these are the 3 I would play Sam Ambrose & friends - Theyll be coming (is this the same guy as Dreamsville?) Frankie Crocker- Ton of Dynamite and saving the best for last would be : 8'oclock- Total eclipse- or for those who only buy pressings "Supertime " by the Golden world Strings - Sorry but this is sheer bloody Magic this record and epitomises why Northern Soul is Northern soul and not just some cheap crummie upbeat soul music.
  7. Always got the impression Mr Ms was for forgotton oldies but I went in once and heard whoever it was playing Spaceark- Do what you can do God that was weird and Yes I was knackered doing a fast shuffle to it! AH memories!
  8. Ive said this before but got 40 soul records out of a shop in Dublin 18 months ago and for 1 euro each and in there was Mandrill- Too late on arista white demo in mint cond Split decision- Spinners on UK Atlantic 50p that was not bad seeing most people didnt think it was on Uk 45!
  9. Whats your site called so I can listen to it. Tried to see ones at sound library but their site is poor
  10. Some of us cannot see them because our URL will not allow- Thats why you should post them up here rather than some bloody link some of us cannot access
  11. How much did you pay for the Roe o Tation?
  12. Posse - Bloody oldies- get some decent tunes Gasher
  13. Whats the difference in price for the issue or demo?
  14. Sent you a pm Dan- The Gasher is a close friend of mine- BUt God knows what my colleague did then in that lab. Maybe Ill never know. As I said he owed me one
  15. Just added a Buddy Miles Lp that includes - Im Just a kiss away
  16. Morning Richie- Haha ha Well if you dont call it carbon dating I dont know what they call it but they put a laser through the discs and told me one was older than the other by about 30 years ( They usually do it with bone)
  17. Ive been saying this for ages- With technoology as it is and being so cheap to make you can make any record you want and pass it off as an original and unless you can carbon date the plastic their are always going to be doubts. Question to Mr manship? - How do you drop a price guide of a record from £1000.00 to £200.00 without testing that all the copies found or sold are original pressings? Just interested
  18. Uk copy of "Split decision"- Atlantic in Mint minus cond- This is not as easy as you would think £8.00 Ill be around on Uk atlantic in Ex cond £5.00 I dont know -lanier and co- Syncoppate in Ex £5.00 Postage will be £1.80 Buddy Miles- All the faces Lp in EX condition £20 inc P&P
  19. On a back street- Jimmy Miller- Counterpoint VG+ £25 I still care- Virgil Murray - Kool Kat- Mint minus £30 Tell me that I m wrong- Blood sweat and tears -US Columbia -Mint minus £15 Postage £1.50 recorded delivery
  20. Hard to explain but if you get both copies and play them you will find in the first 30 seconds the intros are different! One has a complete stop in it and the other one just keeps going If someone posted up the tunes you will get my drift!
  21. I had a discotron up until 3 years ago great fun then it stopped working for some reason. Amazing what decca used to make isnt it!
  22. Ive been after a copy of this for 2 years
  23. Thats not very Nice Gasher-

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