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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. John Manship has this for sale at £400.00 so its probably around the £300.00 mark not looking at a price guide
  2. What record did you buy or trade for a specific track only to find that the other side was either just as good or better. EG: Soul patrol - Save your love (Other side being- Need of love) 10 times better than- Save your love
  3. Whats the ISBN number please Neil cos us heathens up here in the North of Scotland rarely come down across that wall!
  4. John - You have -Hes my guy- listed on Trinity 1002- on your site!
  5. Forgot to add -these only available for 24 hours then its evil bay You can make me an offer you know!
  6. Did you get my PM Cheers Steve
  7. Cheers for that Tone - I love the record I have "The wedding of scocietys child" But knew absolutely nothing about him Many thanks
  8. Cheers for that what label is the one you know on - Mine is on Exit I would actually play it out- I love it
  9. If Interested eith Pm me or ring - Cheers Steve -Price can be negotiated alittle bit Postage and packing Free in Uk Paypal to: s.eckersley@nhs.net Want to hear anything after 8pm on 07899658590 Offers can be made for multiples or single items George Carrow - Angel baby (you don't even love me) Columbia Demo -Mint Minus £40.00 French Fries - Danse Ala Music - Epic Demo - Mint minus £30.00 Three Degrees - Contact - Warner Bros demo- Mint minus £40.00 Centre Stage - Someday Someway - Dispo - Mint minus £25.00 Liberation - Don't spread your love around - GSF demo - EX (label Stn) £30.00 Georgie Fame - Daylight - Uk Island demo - Mint minus £20.00 Jackie Edwards - I feel so bad - Uk 2nd issue demo- Mint minus £30.00 Skip Easterling - Keep the fire burning - Alon - Ex £30.00 Bill Blacks Combo - Little Queenie - German 60s London (Rare) VG+++ £25.00 The Dramatics - Shes my kinda girl - Capitol - Mint minus - £15.00 Jones Girls - If you don't love me no more - Paramount demo - Mint minus £15.00 Ralph Graham - What am I to do - RCA demo - Mint minus £15.00 Kim Weston - Thrill a moment - Gordy - Mint minus £45.00 Dee Dee Warwick - Funny How we change places - Australian Private stock demo - EX Lovemakers - When your next to me - US Island - Mint minus £15.00 Brighter side of darkness - Oh Baby - Starvue - Mint minus £15.00 The Valentines - Gotta get yourself together - Sound stage 7 - mint minus £15.00 Globetrotters - Cheer me up - Kirshner Pic slv - mint minus £15.00 The Impressions - Cant satisfy / You've been cheating - UK Stateside demo noc - Ex £20.00 The Olympics - Broken Hip - Tri disc - Mint minus £10.00 The Joneses - Who loves you - Epic demo - Mint £40.00 Jay & Techniques - Don't ask me to forget - Event - mint minus £8.00 Temprees - I found Love on a disco floor - UK Epic - mint Minus £6.00 The Webs - This thing called love - Popside - Mint minus £8.00 Clarence Johns (Vamp) - Don't mind waiting - Mar- Vel - Mint minus £20.00 Moving Violation - Spinning Top - UK Atlantic - mint minus £10.00 Sons of Robin Stone - Got to get you back - Uk Atlantic - Mint minus £8.00 Sold Tamiko - Don't laugh if I cry - Atco - Mint minus (Writing over title) £30.00 Fabulous Four - If I knew - Peak (rare 1st label) - VG+ £30.00 Steptones - Success don't come easy - Fast track - mint minus £10.00 Casuals on the square - End of time - LSP - mint minus £20.00 Sister Sledge - Love don't go through no changes - Atco test press - VG+++ £35.00 Del-chords - Your mommy lied to your daddy - Mr Genius - Mint minus £30.00 Gwen McCrae - Melody of Life - TK12" - mInt - £30.00 +++Forgot this one - Bobby Taylor - Ive been blessed - VIP demo (Red Vynil) -Mint minus £30
  10. 2 class tunes for me at the mecca was -Norma Jenkins - Can you imagine that -on Desert Moon and - Esther Williams - You gotta let me show you - Friends & co
  11. Didnt know love affair had done love grows as I thought it was by Edison Lighthouse
  12. Troy Seals - Where was he from? - records he made? Groups he might have been with? I have a record by Him called "The wedding of societys child" any one know this and if they do what do they think (describe it)
  13. Pete remeber those aussie 45s I got from dublin there were 3 or 4 of those sleeves in those boxes- but I think they were pop tunes in them otherwise I would have taken them.
  14. Last time you came round with though lovely pieces I played the intrigues to you and you said you quite liked it and I told you where you could get a white demo copy from. So where did you find the $3 one then ? You are a luck so -n -so! So Now weve got you doing La da di da da di da and weve got Ian doing De De De detha detha detha What next ? And you have ago at me when i Start singing -
  15. How rare is the Uk copy on Polydor?
  16. hate to be a pain in the arse but I dont have a up to date computer so cant down load things like this- cant even play the tracks posted on here and yes I know I should get a new computer! Would some kind soul download this for me onto a cd disc and I will pay them for it! One of my all time fav groups Please Please Please Pretty Please! Steve
  17. Yes I know it Also she recorded on Decca - Born to lose - have you heard that one? Its a stomper
  18. Sorry cannot see how the carol woods could be worth£100.00 - Its not very good IMO lots of offbeats 1 There are loads of rare solid soul dancers out there worth alot less so I suppose you must be using John manships as a guide or you would offer it a over half what you are asking or even less. I dont want it but I thought the discussion around manships guide is a dead duck so how you can ask £50 less than manship and think thats the real value of this record I just understand it! Its what someone is prepared to pay Why dont you do a poll and ask people to genuinely say what they might offer for it. Based on hearing only the a side I would say no more that £60.00 and thats justa subjective figure of what I would be prepared to pay for it.! Here's a real example of this- Just agreed a price about the Soul exotics on Terri - manship price £250.00 I offered £50 and it was accepted because its not very popular but a good soul record. who know the soul exotics might go massive and it gets to be worth alot more or it will be consigned to the also rans box and be worth only what I paid for it!
  19. My fav five of the moment are - of my own collection Johnny Green - My little green thumb - Tou-sea - rather unusual 60s dancer Ronnie Walker - Everything is Everything - vent -Brilliant 70s Royal jesters - use your head - jester - sheer magic Jimmy castor - its ok (From the roots Lp)- Stomping and chaotic Rare Bread - Its the Magic in you - MGM - Wigan sound like the Osmonds on acid
  20. Its ok on Jet set in VG+ cond or better - I have the Lp but would like the 45 Pm Me with price
  21. Ive got a record by arlene Brown on a label called DUD sound- actually its not bad RnB except its a poor recording
  22. Moment of Truth- You got me hummin Flashlight LP Canadian Salsoul- with beware shes pulling my strings on it Alternatively get the Super rare 12" of Beware shes pulling my strings
  23. Ive got one Stevee- See you Saturday!
  24. Handle it with care - Darell Nulisch- Soul Togetherness cant get this one off the turntable!
  25. This is now sold ! sorry

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