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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Dixie Cups - Chapel of love (NOT) Richie ring me on 01224 557834 left mobile at home Cheers Steve
  2. Anyone know the person listed on here with ID Ashleydean1 This person still owes me 2 records as part of a trade done months ago So many excuses its unbelievable. Con man in my view! they are not expensive record but its the principle of it!
  3. The wedding of societys child by Troy Seals - You have to listen to the lyrics hilarious in my view about a siamese cat being the bridesmaid and everyone dressed in black. Or as the groom was thinking 5 minutes after signing the register into his mind comes Lord Luther on Shireck " My Mistake" Just had another thought - Id love someone to play this as she walks down the isle - Tyrone Davis - Can I change your mind
  4. God Dave If I knew you had copies of this I would havesnapped one up! Regards Steve E
  5. I spoke to someone a few years ago who knew the band members of Solid solution and he asked them about the single "Think about it " To the bands knowledge this was never released as a single. The only single released from the album was L-O-V-E so the record might have been a mispress. Please show it up here for further debate
  6. I think Ive said this before. Some years ago I sold a uk demo of Bo Donaldsson on Ebay- You would not believe who bought it. It was Bo Donaldson himself and he told me that he never knew that ABC had released it in the Uk although it was avery minor hit in US. I kep the Cheque he sent me for it! My opinion is his version is crap! It equates to similar outings done by Wigans ovation. It really is poor!
  7. Hi Kirsty - Got all my access back and the ex has to go to mediation. The fight will still go on! Solicitors bill not aproblem at the end of next month having just sold my flat for a ridiculous amount. Dont know anyone who has Delilah moore and I dont know what its worth. What would you pay Kirsty so it gives me a good guide? Cheers Steve
  8. Delilah moore - It takes love - Middle Earth How much is this before I say Yes please to offer of one
  9. Dangerous Town - Lorna doone - (Stomper) Swing/Got cha girl - Hokis Pokis ( One of my favs from the Mecca)
  10. Chicago pete - look up and smile - Landy bug 8101 (great record)
  11. walked into this dance hall in Walkden called Joe Turners Dance academy- More like alarge garage. Heard this uptempo muisc. Asked what it was and told - its Northern Soul! Next record comes on - I ask what it was the man who runs the academy Joe shows it to me - The dance floor was full when it was playing. I look and ask who was "Alma Cogan" - Joe says -she is a dead 60s singer who covered lots of beatles records. OH Whats this one? "Its You" he replied - I loved it and I am still after a Red and white demo if anyone has it- Still think the record is absolutely brilliant!
  12. Sorry - I dont see how Christine Quaite is worth £75.00 Firstly its a pop record and secondly Its not that that rare! £20.00 at most even in the pop price guide. Even a mint demo would only be £25.00 tops Just because she does a decent version of Long after tonight doesnt mean all her records are as good and as rare!
  13. Absolutely wonderful album- How much is it really worth on London- I have aBunky copy so I thought the London copy to be quite rare to say the least.
  14. Come on John - "Nobody has ever seen my stock" - What about your employees? or do they sign the official secrets act. Invite me down John and let me see your stock because you are honest and upfront arnt you? so theres no secrecy is there! Ive said this for years - Its just amatter of time before quantities of records turn up unless they have been destroyed by idiots like me when I was young and working at Global at the weekends.
  15. I love it - In January this year I picked up a original 60s Spanish Decca promo in Pic sleeve of this great double sider.
  16. The Rationals - I need you - US Capitol VG++ £8.00 George Carrow - Angel baby - US Columbia Demo Mint minus £25.00 Held Ralph Graham - What Am I to so - US RCA demo - mint minus £12.00 Skip Easterling - Keep the fire Burning - US Alon - VG+++ £25.00 Held Steptones - Your love is like the rising sun - US Fast track - Mint minus £25.00 Held The Esquires - How could it be - US Bunky - Mint minus £10.00 Moving Violation - Spinning Top - UK Atlantic - Mint minus £10.00 The Webs - This Thing Called love - US Popside - Mint Minus £6.00 Clarence Johns - Dont Mind Waiting - US Mar-ve - Mint Minus £15.00 Jay & Techniques - Dont ask me to forget - US Event - Mint minus £6.00 Held Soul Twins - Its not what you do its the way you do it - US karen - Mint minus £12.00 Premium - Isnt life wonderful - US Soulin - Mint minus £35.00 Prince Philip - Another fool like me - US Lollipop- Mint minus £80.00 Postage will be £1.50 in UK or £3.00 outside UK
  17. Its difficult to compare Butch to Richard because of the different eras they were big in! However For all the great records Butch finds I am yet to hear him play something so extrordinarily different as much as Richard did in the 70s. When Butch plays something so revolutionary as Cleveland Eatons - Quasar one then we can start comparing. P.S. If anyone see Richard on Friday will they give him this message Steve Eckersley is Still waiting for a cd with the aformentioned track on it! Pretty please Richard
  18. How dare anybody ask £20 for a poor quality pressing? £5 at the most! sheer oportunism rather than helping a fellow sourcer! IMO
  19. Hi - I have aBenny Curtis - Pm Me with your offer- Record is EX
  20. can I have david Rhodes Please Cheers Steve
  21. P&P records is Peter & Patrick and PAP records is Patrick & Peter- How do I know this - Look back at previous threads 2 years ago and you will see me mention I got to have lunch with the great Peter Brown of P&P in New York - Peter is still making music and peddles his own stuff around the shops and thats how I got to meet him in a couple of the record shops. I asked do you have anything by "four below zero" only for the guy to say you had better ask that man in the corner as that Peter Brown- Singer arranger and producer. Have got photos of him somewhere I will post up. What does the DVD say?
  22. Pamala Stanley- This is actually quite hard to locate on 45 and is on the Lp - The Lp goes for around £15-£20 so I would have thought the 45 was worth between £30 & £50 depending on demand. Probably one of my Aberdeen colleagues will tell me Im totally wrong!
  23. If Pap Bear & cubs is worth that then what really is the true value of the Tymes that finished - Now that is dog rare and I forgot to bid on it last night- What atwit!
  24. Sold 2 copies in last month The 45 for £50 and the 12" on TK for £25.00
  25. I had My dear heart back in the 70s bought it again in 2001 and sold it 2003 and I never played the b-side- What did I miss?

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