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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I dont hink hes replied to anyone who has sent messages
  2. River of Salt - Ketty Lester -not sure how long but its bloody short
  3. Released on Salsoul Records - some great records on Salsoul
  4. No Ian it wasnt me but I too saw the build up & thought there gonna be trouble here and thats why I got out of the road. Not Sure If I sat down next to Epic in the corridor or a girl called Julie Issacs(she was a Blackpool girl who I absolutely adored) God Im feeling quite emotional
  5. Christ Ian - I was stood next to you when the pair of them Turned up Richard said hello but Simon Ignored me cos He had failed to rip me off outside global months earlier. Your right about people wanting to get at him and I thought OH F88K and hastily went into the corridor to get out of the way. REmember Soussan as he was leaving calling everybody stupid F***kers. One of the very few times I was actually frightened at the Mecca. One of the memories I tend not to remember with fondness Christ the hairs are standing on the back of my neck thinking about it!
  6. Im surprised Dave Thorley hasnt made a contribution to this thread as he told us some really funny and hair raising stories especially about the one in the Deep south and it was so hot he took off his tshirt and forgot to pick it up as he left a certain shop/cafe. Only to return ayear or so later and a Guy is walking down the road with Daves actual t-shirt on.
  7. I suppose we all had 0 ratings to start with but to put some people off sellers say if less than five feedback please contact seller before bidding.
  8. Could never rember Ricks name thats why I called him Richard and not RSearling of course When did Rick find Mr Big Shot as I pulled 3 out of a box and then passed it to Rick but this might have been much later. God its so long ago. At the time I was also in a rock band so I had quite abit of knowledge about rock music and thats why I got the part time job. I worked not far from Oxford road so it took me just 5 miutes to get to Global although I lived out at SWinton. What was Sizs name who worked at Stolen from Ivor - he was the one who came in with the box full of British from the big find.
  9. Ebay should be removing his ID etc I put abid on a VHS camera only to get amessage from another ebayer to tell me these were fakes. The seller was reported and the listing ended. Why hasnt this happened with this guy - Cos Ebay make alot of money from it
  10. Impala was the first label- couple of years ago there were loads around on Mr genius - swings and roundabouts Ive bought 3 copies on Mr Genius in the last 2 years for about £20 each
  11. cant wait to see if they are going to list 600 copies of My Old mans a dustman
  12. Adam Wade - Rain from the skies - US Epic Demo VG+ £10 Madelaine Bell - Picture me gone - MOD - VG+ £10 Four bars - Waitin on the right guy - Falew - VG+ £25 Four Pros - Evrybodys got some soul - Carla W/D - EX £40 Volumes - Gotta give her love - Astra (Red Vynil) Mint minus £30 Buckinghams - Dont you care - Portugese Pic slv - Ex £10 Jones Family - You got to feel it baby - Jen Jilus - Mint minus £20 Ricky gee - Who called the cops on me - Sta-set - Mint minus £25 Yvonne Caroll - Stuck on you- Domain - Mint minus £20 Strings & Things - fabulous new York - Jetset Ex £8 Postage will be £1 per disk if in UK more outside recorded 70pence extra in Uk Paypal or cash Pm Me or ring 07811120233
  13. When I was young and working at global just Fiday eve and sats I went through thousands of boxes and have admitted in the past that I must have crushed lots of what are now rare soul records (I know I should be shot). Anyhow I was supposed to be going with Richard (Not searling) to New York to order boxes of discs etc look through . This would be 1974/5. My parents put a block on me going and just as well as Richard got mugged and ended up in hospital for few days. Move forward 30 years and I get to eventually go to New York. gets in the record shop with loads of racks for 45s but non in them. I ask if he has any 45s and says yes in the back but my boss has not decided what to do with them come back friday which I did. I show the Boss the coulor of my money about $1200 as I had spent abit at Strider and other places. The Guy says hes not selling as he hasnt decided. - Ok I buy half a dozen Lps and walk out dissapointed. A Month or so later Steve Bouden emails me from France telling me hes just gone into the same shop and got a copy of the Sillouhettes - Not me baby for $1.00 - I am in tears Spent 8 days raking through thousands of records with little luck apart from meeting Peter Brown(having lunch and talking about P&P records PAP records and Patrick Adams) and being given some records by him and Mr Bouden is in for 1 hour and gets an £800 record Thems the brakes
  14. So refreshing to hear you say you get a buzz John being a dealer and so many years in the business. When I was at global I didnt have the same feeling as I do now- Maybe because it was about just selling and only getting a discount if I wanted something. When I find something now I get such a buzz - even the small hauls like in Dublin 3 years ago (40 records) really made me feel wonderful! Record collectors weird? no just bloody obsessive! (New syndrome to be announced in some Psychiatry magazine)
  15. How about this one Paid for a copy of Dee Dee Edwards - all the way home in Feb Never arrived I ask for proof of postage and all it says is Great Britain nothing else no ref to my name or any part of my address. Had to file a claim with Paypal who says they contacted the post and its still in transit What utter bollocks paypal are as well as the seller
  16. Just got acopy of Lee Morris - I have love for you on Starville label number 1983 But why are all the other records listed on this label in the 1200s e.g. sheila banks / desires etc surely this label did not have over 700 releases P.S Bought the Lee Morris blind for $20 but AM I so pleased
  17. looked back at my old posts and sold one on here for £18 a year or so ago Played out once right after a predominant set of motown and it died a death but one of the DJs gave his thumbs up
  18. I amazed at Judson Moore is now sold at this price - It was only £20 a few months ago Why has it jumped in price 4 fold?
  19. I have a German Pic sleeve - but its not for sale - Good luck with the purchases Brilliant record IMO Never seen a US Demo
  20. As I worked at Global at weekends - yes a lot was found but sold on. I am ether going senile or I just cant remmeber but I thought the big UK find was from The Mnachester BBC Vaults, I remmber Siz waliking into some place we had a northern night in the centre of manchester with abox full of everything and anything and cost 5p each. I ended up getting lots of pop demos. There was also a market in Manchester that sold 45s and I picked up abot 50 records for 10p each with some of the records not in the big league but are around the £100 mark today Touch of venus demo and Jimmy Clark demo etc
  21. My point was - That I would have nothing against this guy if he got involved in some discussion about the music. I personally dont think this site should be used as a shop window for selling records that are not motivated by concern for the music rather than pure monetary greed- which i call opportunism. What if every tom dick or harry decided that something with a bit of abeat was soul or northern soul and we were flooded with sales that mean absolutely sod all! in the soul circle. I think the site would become a mess. & Mike & co have a hard enogh job without sifting through 100s of bogus members. My advice to these potential sellers is stick to ebay unless you are prepared to get involved in the site and its aims.
  22. The price is not the issue here! It is exploitation or opportunism maybe a better phrase. Ebay seller who have no interest in soul should stay mainly on the Plain (EBAY) Johans shirt - same start price as the last one on ebay finished
  23. I Thought this site was for like minded people not a bloody shop for people who dont give a toss about soul music but just trying to capitalise on an audience that probably wont want it at that starting price. WHy dont you put it on ebay like all the other non soulies do or are you trying to take advantage - methinks Ill go and sell the Holland shirt fully signed by Johan Cruyff on some dutch football fan site - Ive no interetst in Dutch football at all but hey Ill exploit them!
  24. Rate it - Its brilliant - Sold a spare on here for £18 ayear ago and one went on Ebay a couple of weeks ago for nearly £70. I played it out at Dundee once and it killed the floor stone dead

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