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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. Yes Woof - They do want to sell hundreds at a couple every month or so and if you start at £500 and reduce over the period you can make quite a bit of dosh especially if you set up a few names on ebay and punt out tunes under different IDs Remember in the old days you had to press a couple of hundred otherwise the plant wasnt interested - Now you can do 5 copies for $2 each because technology is so cheap to produce the goods!
  2. Im not technically advanced to load tunes yet but heres alink to Manships site He has aclip Regards Steve https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/searchartist....ANS&Format=
  3. Right just had my hourly fix and I am off my head with it- Its like being an alcoholic - I need another listen Its driving me batty I was even jumping around flapping my arms like a bird to the tune
  4. Dont want to get myself in bother here as the person said UK dealers. The question I want answering is by John Manship himself is "How can he drop the value of the the FHIII record from £1000 to £200 in 2 price guides when hardly any originals have turned up. If your reading this John could you please explain it for us- many thanks in anticipation
  5. You know when you sing a tune to yourself and cannot get it out of your head. What is the latest one for you MIne - Its the Magicians - Keep your hands off my baby Im now having to go upstairs to get my hourly fix of it
  6. Do you mean - Billy Hawks - I believe Im loosing you! (Theres a site i Germany that uses it as the intro) Rare original LP that one is off
  7. So Why do reputable dealers still sell them as originals and how can John Manship drop his price from £1000 in his 2001/2002 guide to £200 when hardly any originals have turned up Would someone please explain that!
  8. Ive been saying this for years - With the technology available you can copy anything including Matrix stamps. the tool required to do this cost no more than £20-£30 from a tool maker who makes chasing stamps. The really good example of the technooly at work here is the Frederick Hymes III - These were pressed up exactly like the original by the label owner but reputable dealers here in the Uk have been passing them off as originals when they knew they were not . I got it from the horses mouth who told me what I have just quoted and then he told me in his US accent to "WIse UP" this is business!
  9. Just interested but what is this worth as I have been trying to buy another copy for a friend for the last 2 years without success
  10. Didnt know this had been booted - WHY would they - It was a new release at the time of its height! Strange one this! abnyone got apic of the boot?
  11. Mark - Would you belive that I ended up marrying a girl from the Sally army in Aberdeen and she buggered off with a bouncer from a nightclub - I kid you not. Her Name was Fiona
  12. Lived with a girl called Delyth Ann Roberts from Llangefni We lived in llanfairfechan from 1982 - 84 before she left me I was atotal prat in those days where love was concerend - Come to think of it Im not any better now. Loved her to bits but too scared to show it.
  13. Just picked up this tune Nervous by the Fabulous Playboys on Draco records Anyone know anything about it Opinion - rarity etc
  14. I thought the tarriff for the Public performance licence was based on square feet of flooring and is paid annually P.S you would not believe which Northern records are registered - Its amazing that so much is. I forget the tel number but you can ring them up and they will tell you if the 45 is registered and who has the rights to it. EG: Larry Birdsong - Help me on Sur -speed - is owned by Universal
  15. Russ is this a Black or Blue issue?
  16. HMMM! If this keeps going someone is going to pay £200 for it My final bid is £66.12 Deal or NO Deal!
  17. Sorry Moggy - Should have read "AT our last night which was a month ago"
  18. I know I have asked for this before but I am desperate to get it or just hear it again. Cleveland Eaton - Quasar One Surely someone else other than Richard S has one of these Someone must have bought Levines copy in the past and I think there were others as well Please indulge me
  20. As in a previous thread - I call my self a league 2 DJ. Been Djing on and off for 33 years - Firstly as amobile doing partires weddings etc. Then in Clubs in and around Manchester. Then on the Northern scene - I did Jigsaw at Farnworth - which was an U18 night and all they would ask for was The pearl Girl by The matta baby. used play it at least 4 times a night. Then having become friends with the late barry Stanton I would do oldies spots at Blackpool casino. Got out of the Northern scene in 1980 and went back to doing parties weddings etc. Did the odd Club in the 1990s before meeting up with the Gasher ,Tubbs & Sepia 7 years ago and have done spots in the soul scene again for them and Dundee. Ran my own Disco soul night once 3 years ago when only 6 people turned up but they enjoyed the music. So thats me! Been offered to do radio stints but being single dad makes it difficult.
  21. I sold a mint copy on here 2 years ago for £90 John Weston played this out at out last night a month ago
  22. Ian is the Tume an issue copy? if so whats the b-side like as I only have a white demo with love shortage on both sides Cheers Steve
  23. Its a recent -reissue Harry.
  24. Great record Baz - Picked up a white demo a few weeks back
  25. Fit like Gash - Guess what - Kristen is back and Ive got problems with you know who

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