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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. I stand corrected on both counts- Sorry Wiganer (However I did get acopy some time ago for £11.00 but only one)- Its still a pop record Adam Im in shock then. Manships 3rd says £20 so was it Tim Browns Guide that said £75 But again I apologise Sorry Eddie didnt mean to sabotage your sales but their has to be a debate around prices- maybe I should have just put it the look at my box section. But if the consensus in that section said £20 I would still be accused of sabotage- So I cant win on that one. maybe we should have a section on prices and list some prices and ask people to vote for which one they think its worth - similar to what goes on on Rivals .net Once again apologies
  2. Adam If I did sell myself short OK but you have different prices here and 4 of them are below £60.00 (Did I sell myself short with Cado belle to you?) Phil T put me onto this and he paid £20 for it as well less than a year ago - Nice record but certainly not indemand to warrant a jump to that price IMO P.S We are in a record depression so if anything it should be even cheaper. I would be interested to see a price guide on the this record - & If I am wrong Im always man enough to admit Im wrong.. No disrepect to you Adam but as a dealer you have a vested interest in keeping prices inflated. Yes it is all about supply & demand but we have to keep this in perspective otherwise - It will just become a shambles Regards Steve
  3. Correct me if iM wrong with evidence but I have not discussed anything with yourself Wiganer - You may have the wrong person on this one! Which Christine Quaite record are you talking about - "If youve got a heart"? on Staeside
  4. Please do a search on here and you will see copies at £20 Ex & mint
  5. I have Phillips MINI cd recorder for sale in excellent condition. Just bought a Direct turntable to pc kit so I am selling this. Comes with instruction book and remote and connections Looking for in the region of £60-£70 plus postage
  6. I can understand the jackie Wilson demo being rare But how come Orthea Barnes has jumped from £20 to £60 in six months?
  7. Dont you do any bloody work out there ! Hi Richie how are you? Im back from Rome & Burnt to a crisp
  8. Heres another good one on Buddah. The Ebony's - Makin love aint no fun been playing this at home quite a bit
  9. I Pmd you with the ones I have and you never replied to my message Please look at the small list I sent you and tell me what your offers are as you clearly know what you want to pay and what they are worth - Mike Noriega has assisted you in this matter over the years as you have said!
  10. Paris Blues? The only way the Blues are heading for Paris is if Birmingham is twinned with St Germain See you in the Championship next season Johnny Boy - Up the Seasiders!
  11. 70s I think - best described as Crossover
  12. Sorry Rupert - I dont know how to load and I have a cd recorded that Ive never used yet- Im a techno numpty! Its £200 in T Browns Book. One went on Ebay for £85 in worse condition 2 or 3 months ago
  13. Lydia Pense & new Invaders - Ill forgive you & forget you - Invader W/D - VG but plays nearly ex £35.00 Sold John & Morgan - Everybody said no! - EGG - Ex Offers around £100- ON HOLD! Ray Agee - Real Real love - Krafton - EX (This is a white label demo?) £30 Jones family - Youve got to feel it baby - Jen Jillus - EX £25 Buckinghams - Dont you care - Portugese CBS EP Pic slv - EX £10 Crowns - Better luck next time - Veejay W/D -VG+ £10 Ricky gee - Who called the Cops - Sta-Set - EX £25 Herman Grimes - Better than Crying -T&G - Mint minus £20 Bobby Womack - I dont Know - UA w/d Mint minus £6 Three rivers Blues band - I wanna be loved - Lion - VG+ £50 (didnt want to sell this but needs must) pm me please. However I m away to Rome tommorrow so you had beter be quick. Paypal is ok no fees on top P&P £1.50 in Uk£3 outside
  14. Wow - never seen one of them- How much is it?
  15. £5 for the Street people - How can people justify paying up to £20 for bootlegs when you can buy this fantastic 70s track for a fiver
  16. Dont know how rare this one is - Joyce Bond on Windmill but it took me bloody years to obtain it I played it out at our last soul night and kenny Burrell said he had never heard her version of "Make me Yours" before.
  17. Cheers Guys for the info. Dont want to make a mess as apparantly its a £200 record and chances of seeing another one is quite remote.
  18. Got this fabulous Uk tune - The guy on ebay had it(explined it had abad warp) showing playing on you-tube on an old fidelity portable record player. However when I get it the warp is so bad it jumps half the record. What can I do to flatten it out. Not worried about the other side - I just want it to play ok. Tried weights etc - no luck Anyone suggest anything sensible! cheers Steve
  19. Thats it I need to be sectioned - I could understand playing it so much if I had a girlfriend who was gorgeous and kept thinking to myself (Keep your hands off my baby - pretty baybay!) but im totally single an this is doing my head in. Played it at 6.30am this morning when I got up - Some poeple have acoffee , somepeople have fag first! Me I put the Magicians on and start bloody dancing in my undies! Is there a "Soul Psychiatrist" on this site please cos I need help. Maybe I need a dose of Tolbert or the sensations or something! HELP ME Please Help ME!
  20. For me its got to be Helena ferguson - My terms on London When I was young I used to collect the Compass label and the Uk issues and this was regarded as one of the rarest with London saying only 67 copies were sold and very few demos were sent out!
  21. John If you sold it to Sam - I have it and will let you have it to compare. PS When I bought it Sam said he bought it from you for not far off 4 figures. If thats correct pm me and I will send it down to you.. If you want an independant view ask John Weston of Birmingham (spagetti weston on here) as he has an original and was with me when we were at the RItz in Mcr some year ago and we looked at all the cpies for sale and you could see through them and also they cut your hands as the edges were so sharp. So if these are all forgeries that have flooded in will you be re-evaluating the price of the origianl of this record back to your vol 2 price? Please answer Regards Steve P.S John Weston was with me when I bought the one off Sam
  22. Do you fancy selling it-?
  23. I can confirm - Cameo - Multicolour label and same cat number. One on Ebay under seller 45heaven (Barrie Waddington)
  24. When I met Peter Brown in new York 3 years ago I asked about pressing records and said dont you have to have minumum number? He said no he goes in weekly to get a track pressed up - maybe 5 or 10 or 50 copies and they cost $2.00 each to make and he was selling them to local New York shops for $4- I know I was there when he was in the shop selling them. So although I personally havnt been in to get some pressed - I dont Disbelive a close associate of Patrick Adams when he tells me how he makes his living these days.
  25. yes but the ultimates is a dreamy record whereas the magicians is a mad bang your feet on the floor tune but yes i love the ultimates - great record

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