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Ernie Andrews

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Everything posted by Ernie Andrews

  1. brilliant - just brilliant! Full stop!
  2. get well soon rick!
  3. All prices in Pounds P&P recorded delivery £2.75 in UK more outside Baltimore & Ohio marching band - Condition Red -Jubilee white demo £20 Very rare original SOLD Cornelius Bros - Too late to turn back now - UA EX £7 Rimshots - do what you feel - Stang white demo - Ex £10 (rare white demo) Fabulous Shalimars - Playing alosing game - Cotillion Issue - VG+ £20 Cissy Stone - Gone but not Forgotten -UK Decca - VG++ £15 Marvin Gaye - Come get to this - Tamla - Ex £7 Or take the lot for £50 inc P&P
  4. Ive just checked ebay & one went for £100 and that was an issue - Wow
  5. Ive got a Red & White demo! So I wonder what that might go for. Where did you sell it?
  6. Love - three times! Just wish they didn't have the live tracking in the background!
  7. Nothing could describe how brilliant this man was in the art form. RIP Bobby Womack.
  8. Prices in pounds Paypal only All lables Clean Raven Wildroot Cant take it no more - new faces 69 EX £70 (reduced from a former list) Rare Pleasure - let me down easy- UK DJM promo - EX 20 Fabulous Shalimars - Playing a losing game - Cotillion Issue VG+ £20 P&P £3 recorde delivery more outside uk
  9. Black Cock - Juicy Sushi - Cheap one please and not on discogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6BEMzVhhIc
  10. Ady You could have had mine - I did offer!
  11. I got mine over a couple of years - When I bought a pack of records form the US a copy of this always seemend to be in with the lot so I sold them for a tenner tops
  12. Im amazed you got £50 for it- loads of copies about Think Ive sold about 6 in the last 10 years for between £6 & £10 mostly VG+ or Ex Agree bit fast for today!
  13. All records are Ex cond if not better and are all originals Raven Wildroot - Cant take it no more - new faces 69 Baltimore & Ohio Marching Band - Condition red.- Jubilee Jimmy Cliff- Waterfall - A&M Jean & darlings - How can you mistreat the one you love - Volt £100 Plus postage
  14. I prefer Looking for love!
  15. Fantastic Find Nick! Well done and I hope the warm feeling of finding such a rarity lasts a few weeks if not months. If you do put it for auction we must have a sweep stake on here for what it will go for! Well done again
  16. Agree with others track 1 was very good!
  17. Well the Acetate looks a bit new to me! I asked the seller for further Info and he hasn't responded. I cant be 100% but Ive heard this somewhere else. My hearing might be going but it also doesn't sound like Ike Perry.
  18. Well Ive been selling my collection on here & ebay. for the last 15 months Ive sold ex copies of a record valued at £50-£75 for 4.99 because to be honest the whole scene is saturated. Yes I would like £20 for a record valued at £75 but even though it suggests a bargain at £20 to most these days they aint even gonna pay £20 unless its an absolute want and Im not buying at a cheap rate to punt on for an extra £10 cos its just not working. Guestimate! Ive sold 20 records in the last 6 months on ebay book valued at maybe a £600 - £700 for less than £150 . That's the reality of it and £150 in my pocket as against nothing but pieces of plastic I no longer want- well as they say Beggars cant be choosy!
  19. All Prices in Pounds P&P in uk £2.50 recorded delivery Anything over £50 Special @ £7 All labels Clean except where stated Raven Wildroot - Cant take it no More -New faces 69 - Ex £85 Frank Williams & Rocketeers - Good Thing - Lloyd - EX £50 Spaceark - Do what you can do - Color world - Ex £40 Rotary Connection - teach me how to fly - Cadet concept - Ex £12 Bare Wire - Groovin is easy -Stereo Village - VG+ £15 Bobby Hebb - True I love you - Laurie - Ex £20 Gene Chandler - I can take care of myself - UK Action - VG+ (no centre) £25 The Inverts - Look out Love - Tower - VG (plays ex) £30 Cool Breeze - People ask what love is - UK pathway - Ex £15 Rare Pleasure - let me down easy - UK DJM demo - EX £30 Fork in the road - I cant turn around - French Vogue (with pic sleeve) - VG+ £20 Jerry Jackson - Are you glad when were apart - Dutch CBS (with pic sleeve ) VG+ £10 Jean & darlings - How can you mistreat the one you love - Volt white demo - EX £20 Jimmy Cliff - Waterfall - A&M white demo - EX £10 Righteous Bros - Hold on(to what you've got) - Haven white demo - EX £15 Honey & bees - Why do you hurt the one you love - Arctic - VG(plays ex) £20 ON Hold
  20. Robb - I thought he said he has one sorted. Mines available if he needs!
  21. was just gonna offer mine!
  22. got a very nice uk copy which was actually released by accident before the US copy
  23. Im sorry as per my previous post Handling charges are in the original price of the item and as I said is called unit cost which includes Transport/parking /Rent lighting heating etc. This applies to a business not an individual seller. If the person declares themselves as a business to ebay then so be it but they will be offsetting these costs against the tax man which makes this £8 extra outrageous if they are a dealer.
  24. if they are a dealer then they are really ripping you off as postage cost is only that Postage. All other costs are taken as part of the overall auction - Its called Unit cost and they claim this against tax in their return.

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