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Everything posted by Girthdevon

  1. So In Love - black rascals feat cassio ware - polar 12153 refosoul Classic Blaze.....
  2. Get Another Plan - abstract truth - streetwave 12151 refosoul Francois K & Eric Kupper Mix....
  3. Forget to mention that nearly all i've posted i've pulled out my sales stuff...... Feel free to enquire if you like em. Cheers Girf
  4. Coming up shortly...... Cheers Girth
  5. Divine Love - ultra nate - am:pm 12111 refosoul One of MAW finest and most overlooked...
  6. Nothings Changed - ten city - atlantic 12110 refosoul Brill original mix - Byron of course....
  7. Don't Bring Me Down - spirits - mca 12107 refosoul Finest gospel house from 1994.....
  8. Its Over - jay williams - big beat 12105 refosoul Fave Komix....
  9. Symphony - BNH - donell rush - id 12103 refosoul Brand New Heavies mix
  10. Lets Get Together - alexander o'neal - emi 12101 refosoul The big man from 1996....
  11. Can't Get Over Your Love - simphonia - republic 12093 refosoul Not got much like this ready recorded....will sort a few out for later. Here's a killer Joey Negro mix from the early 90s...Cheers Girth
  12. A few included that are on 45 in some selections sofar.....and a hell of alot that would be lovely on a 45 Girf
  13. I haven't found anything else very similar to WIWY - 'There Ain't No Way' is also popular, very mellow / two stepper..... Cheers Gareth
  14. Sorry, small typo - meant to read 'straight rip off, for the intro of Dena Deadly's 'I Don't Eva Wanna Stop' from a couple of years back' - it was bugging the hell out of me and while listening on the way to Monumental last night, my mate Russ immediately clocked it..... Chars Girf
  15. And was bugging me as to why it was so familiar.....straight rip of the intro for Dena Deadly's 'I Don't Eva Wanna Stop' from a couple of years back.... Girf
  16. What was I drinking last night ??
  17. & Willie Hutch - Ode To My Lady Oh shit, sorry.......I bloody love you........ Girf
  18. Just included this on the LP / CD swap......all time fave version..... Girf
  19. Same gun-totin sleeve, you'll be pleased to hear....no need to call in the sausage police Girf
  20. Often wondered what the story was with this LP - fairly common, one you'd see in second hand shops, bootfairs etc all over, for very little money....and altho' I had a couple of copies around indoors for sale I'd never actually played it until about 3 or 4 years back.....one of the most solid crossover albums there is. I can only imagine all the different labels i'd seen it on over the years were down to attempting to cash in on their success with PIR. Most seen on Trip I think, don't recall seeing a copy on Little Star ??? finally kept a nice mint German copy...fave track 'Now He's Home' Cheers Girth
  21. Allo Cubo - orig has 'Lay' on the flip - reissue has 'part 2'..... Cheers Girth
  22. Indeed Girf
  23. Twenty years and Derek clears it up in under 20 mins.......great version by Chante Moore from the 90s too..... Cheers Girth
  24. All sold items noted - plenty still goin' on........Cheers Girth
  25. You seem to have no trouble remembering what they were wearing....but lets see you remember what YOU were wearing........ Girf

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