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Everything posted by Girthdevon

  1. I'd include yer bad self in that lot Mark....... Girf
  2. We give nearly all our solo guests @ Monumental 90 min sets - and on the rare occasions we have two guests they have an hour each.....I see anything less as an insult..... Girf
  3. I can't believe that you didn't see that coming
  4. Everytime I have been abroad, either as a punter or DJing, many of the local DJs are like a breath of fresh air. They don't carry the same hang ups or blinkered view of the music, that years of DJing & puntering in the UK can bestow upon you. Myself & the other two promoters @ Monumental have recently been discussing bringing over a couple of these DJs....but being a small event it comes down to cost and whether we can afford to take the loss if it doesn't pan out. I'm hoping that we can get something sorted in the near future. And roll on Soul 4 Real in Bilbao in 2 weeks time !!! Girf
  5. Play a 13 min long jazz track......gives you time to get to the bar n'all...... Girf
  6. Did you mean George, Karl....otherwise I think John will be most chuffed
  7. Allo Steve - The German only 12"!!! - the only quantity we ever had on this were the 10 (approx) copies at time of release......after that just the odd one here & there. And a couple of those would have from those 10.....so yes extremely scarce on 12" Girf
  8. Anyone on here got a 45 of this - I know Bob Cosby has...very scarce as far as I know.... Girf
  9. Very interesting thread, although i've never really understood the whole issue / demo collecting thing. As Mark said above, 25 years ago he wouldn't have had the need to hunt down an issue or demo. Just having the record in an original format was good enough. And it takes all these years to recognise how scarce one format is over another. When did this start to happen ???. Also, anyone know the reasoning behind the major label 'same both side' demo's of the 70s ??? who decided which side to demo and which to relegate to the issue only. On occasions needing their ears cleaned out . Cheers Girth
  10. Red issue of The Topics on Mercury...supposed to be very scarce....... Girf
  11. 100% official reissue - I know the guy who did it - with Al's full backing Chars Girf
  12. These are exactly the type of things myself, Mark Houghton & Stevie C regularly feature at our monthly Wed session 'A New Chapter' and have done since we started it a few years back.....i'd say at least 2/3rds of your list have been played......and we held an 80s special last year, which we intend on doing again. Too many tunes we missed..... Next session is..... Wednesday 21 February A New Chapter at 3 Blind Mice, 5 Ravey Street, Shoreditch. Mark Houghton, Gareth Donovan and Stevie Cee - real soul for folks who feel soul, 70s to new independent releases. 'The Mighty Chapter' rumbles on into it's 5th year.. 6.30pm - 11.30ish. FREE entry. Tubes: Old St. Liverpool St. As for the 'cheap as chips' or 'wow how much' - all depends on how indemand it is with the French / European Boogie collectors....many of those tunes have disappeared across the English Channel in the last 10 years.......and its that demand which has caused the rise in price of things like Chocolate Buttermilk, David Sea & Crosswinds. Cheers Girth
  13. And if you like that Paul - check out 'Why Did I Let You Go?' - on the LP or this 12" - https://www.discogs.com/release/56719. Cheers Girth
  14. Hadn't played the LP in an age and was wallowing in it this afternoon - the ballad flip of 'Love Affair' is top class, Love Vibes needs reviving & all 3 unissued are outstanding. And Mr Houghton just told me he used to play track 5 too....but then he would wouldn't he. Being the Golden Anorak. Thanks for info guys.... Girf
  15. And so you should - wouldn't sell my own at any price..... Girfy
  16. I sold for £15 but reckon it should be worth more..... Cheers Girf
  17. Allo Peeps Just selling a copy of the Jesse James - Looking Back LP from 1990 on Gunsmoke.....and was trying to recall which of the tracks were previously unissued. If You Want A Love Affair I Don't Want It To End Don't Take Away Your Love I Never Meant To Love Her More Than A Friend Of Mine Love Vibes At Last You Ought To Be Here With Me Tracks 1 & 4 are back to back on 20th Century Tracks 6 & 7 are back to back on Midtown - is 'At Last' on 'Zay' the same version ??? Track 8 - also on 20th Century - I don't have my copy to hand to check the flip and I have a feeling its not even included on this LP.... Leaving tracks 2, 3 & 5 as the prev unissued ??...... Can anyone confirm - and are they all 20th Century sessions???...... Feckin brill LP too Cheers Girth
  18. Was probably there myself, helping on the record stall. Some of the best laughs i've had & strangest sights i've seen have been on the Vauxhall site at Great Yarmouth..... in fact, Great Yarmouth full stop Girf
  19. No I don't think its him either Have a look on the site - there's a whole page of 'award winning' designs.....check the 'Lost' flyer on the home page with heads swapped for DJ's faces......its amazing what you can do with Photoshop these days.....they should invest in it
  20. A quick look on the Caister site and here's one of the very best.....thats not me in the middle, by the way.
  21. James, you've obviously not been handed a Caister flyer in recent years then - from the same school of design.... Girf
  22. I could go for a deep soul one.....over 24 hours of wristslashers Girf
  23. Personally I say bring it on....I leave neg feedback whenever it's called for, and only after going down the proper channels - and in well over 2000 positives i've only got 2 negs.....if the neg is warranted there should be no comebacks. And if I do get one its a drop in the ocean of positives....plus I always make sure I reply with a good one liner that explains exactly what the neg was for. Girf
  24. I've had this on a couple of occasions - as well as the already mentioned....that it is the actual cost of postage & packing to the USA, and actually cheaper than they would have to charge to send the equivalent to me......invite him to scour Ebay and when he finds a UK seller who will send an LP airmail for 'half that price', you'll match it.......offer him surface mail, but be sure to point out the extremely long wait for his buy...... And stick him some negative feedback....thats what its for...... Girf

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