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Everything posted by Girthdevon

  1. After discussing this t'otha night D'Arcy, I was trying to remember how many we had of these at Crazy Beat. I think it was something like 15-20 copies and we sold em at about £30 ??? Those were the days, eh !!! Girf
  2. I think about £125-£150 on the Toby Kang and £200-£250 for a Pulse.......anything under and yer laughin'...... Girf
  3. PM'd you.....cheers Girth
  4. Hardly newish its just under 20 years old........and sorry, but there's a whole load of better modern R&B tunes out there....than this pile of 'swing beat' sh*te...... IMO of course...... Girf
  5. Thats it, I remember now, you played it at A New Chapter........not sure if it blows Hathaway & Bailey tho', i'd have to hear it again......better than Tom's rather forced vocal.......FBI's version is cool and well worth checking out Girf
  6. FBI or Tom Jones ?? Girf
  7. Where Would You Be Today - ilana - volt
  8. Wrong title - I've got a copy of Faith Will Bring It Home..... Girf
  9. I found 6 'copies' of this LP at a bootfair once - one problem tho' - not a single one had the vinyl in....sleeves only.......2 weeks after at the same fair I found one copy, with the right vinyl, but absolutely mashed to bits :angry: Girf
  10. There you go.....there'll come a day when everything has been reissued, and we'll have to start reissuing the reissues Girf
  11. I don't think i've ever seen this on CD......being a 1982 release it wouldn't have an original release on CD. And i've yet to see it reissued.....someone tell me otherwise ??? Thanks Gareth
  12. List updated....all sold items noted....... Don't forget - soundclips can be provided on anything you are curious about..... Cheers Girth
  13. My fave side as well Adam - and the buyer too..... Girf
  14. Just a quickie update on these three.... Firstly I've had massive interest in the H. Andrews 45......about 30 odd separate pm's & emails from my list mailout.......but no-one able to actually price it and out of all that only two (other) actual offers, the highest of which was (just) below a figure I had in mind. I had done my homework, so I knew it was super scarce and that the prices given in Manship's or T Brown's guides were way out of date......I've now had conversations with a couple of collectors who also have copies, and a well known dealer, and all agree that we've seen way less copies of this than some £1000+ tunes.....so for the time being I am gonna hold off selling it, and either decide to auction it in the near future or use it for a good trade for something I really want..... The Buddy Ace & Justice Dept. now both sold..... Cheers Gareth
  15. List updated....more sold items noted.......still plenty goin' on....... Don't forget - soundclips can be provided on anything you are curious about..... Cheers Girth
  16. List updated - 12" & LPs added - all sold items noted......... Cheers Girth
  17. Girthdevon


    You could try crazybeat.co.uk....i'm sure they would have one of this issue in the back stock, and would happily check for you.....I only have the UK 12" (662388 6) in stock at the moment..... Cheers Girth
  18. Yo people........all three still available plus more set sale on a separate thread..... I've had plenty of PMs & emails bout these three tho' but no offers yet that i'm happy to accept.......the H Andrews in particular has drawn alot of interest but only two offers of note - to be honest, even before I let it be known I had a spare, I was expecting a bit more than i've been offered. I knew it was a very scarce item, relatively unknown and considering the names who have shown interest, its obviously a gap in a good many collections - and absolutely no-one seems sure of a firm price ??? i'm 100% sure that neither John or Tim would offer it up @ their guide prices so unless someone really wants it and is prepared to make an offer that makes me smile, I am inclined to hang on to it and let it mature a little....... Cheers Girth
  19. Updated with sold items......
  20. I've got a distant cousin on my dads side, from Liverpool, who I was told by my gran, collected records....."not what i'm into, i'm sure" I said to my gran........I hadn't seen him in years, i've always lived near London, and when we eventually met up at a family get together I was gobsmacked to find out he collected soul as I did, listened & followed Richard Searling, was probably @ Parkers when I was going too, both reeled off a similar list of fave LPs & tracks.......small world eh!! Girth
  21. Fast & furious, tried & tested floorfillers............ ......are those which I would avoid like the plague Girf
  22. Just on my way out the door to DJ - will deal with any mails, orders & questions when I get in later tonite... Cheers Girth
  23. Hey - the flip on this is called 'I Like Music'...... Cheers Gareth
  24. Hi - just on my way out to DJ the @ ANC 80s modern soul special & beer appreciation society monthly AGM I will post soundclips when I get in this evening - no time left now.... Cheers Gareth Details of this evening if anyone fancies it !! Next Wed (16th May) sees A New Chapter return . This time it`s the 80`s special part 2 . Joining myself (Mark Houghton) ,Steve Cole and Gareth Donovan will be Special Guests Simon Murray and Paul Phillips As usual the night runs from 6.30 and takes place at the "3 Blind Mice (formerly Smersh Bar) ", 5 Ravey St London EC2 (nearest tubes- Old St/Liverpool St). Admission is Free.
  25. I've got the guide and have a feeling it may be well out on these three !!! Girf

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