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Jerry Hipkiss

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Everything posted by Jerry Hipkiss

  1. From Cheltenham mate - but what's nine miles ... the Chelt and Glos crowd grew up together, in fact Northern Soul is about the one area where Cheltenham and Gloucester people hang together! Jerry.
  2. Yup, that would be the same guy - he was from Gloucester, just about THE face on the mod scene in '66, best scooter, best blonde babe with him...at the time you remember him, he was jocking at the Cats and supposedly was the first with a Sandi Sheldon (the full story is in the "In Crowd" book). Sadly he got very much on the nasty stuff and died in the late '80's. Sad, sad, sad. Jerry.
  3. I dug my copy out last weekend while completing my database, first time I'd played it in years. I'd no idea it was getting plays again - now I'll have to dig deep in the wardrobe to find it and put it in the play box! Jerry.
  4. The first boot I ever bought was the Invitations "What's wrong with me baby" on a red label from Froggy Taylor in '69, along with 6 by 6 on Soul. Thinkthat was before the Soul Sounds boots, but can't be 100 per cent on it. And to my eternal shame, that wasto replace my elder sisters Stateside issue which I'd sold (behind her back) in 1967. Think she's just about forgiven me...
  5. Spooky coincidence time - was going to post something on this! If all we read in the past is true, then Soussan bought all the Mirwood stuff, tapes, acetates and all. I remember reading somewhere that he was told to clear the crap out of Fred Smith's (I think) garage as he was disenchanted with the whole thing. Therefore, if that's true, I suppose he legally had them and they weren't boots. Bit of a grey area, though. Jerry "Hippo" Hipkiss
  6. Can't think for the life of me the name of the hotel - it wasn't the Durlston Court, was it? I remember going there with Pete French driving, thick fog and following the white lines (no, not that ) all the way from Cheltenham. Must have been mad - and then coming out into a freeeeeezing seaside morning! Yate baths was good fun - hardly a big niter, more a houseparty, but had some good times there. Even better when Dinks took over, we moved to the Stars and Stripes, and my hero Clarkie got into his stride...
  7. Can be a little confusing for the first time visitor though - the entrance is sort of set back - as JOT says, park in Matalan, then a good pair of ears should guide you! Quite a lot happening down this neck of the woods - current listing on https://uk.geocities.com/southwestsouluk/whatson.html Jerry.
  8. For a soulie growing up in Gloucestershire, The all dayers at the Subscription rooms in Stroud, Wheelrights and the Roundabout were must go to places. Reckon the age is telling mate - the alldayers in Stroud were at the Marshall Rooms, not the Subs, although there were a couple of Friday evening do's at the Subs but they were worried about the floor giving way. No idea why! Hippo - the DJ one - oh sod it, this could get confusing...
  9. Trouble is Mick, there are too many people that do - and treat it as a bible, not a guide... Hippo.
  10. Definitely is 19 November Mike, 'cos I'm on the warm-up spot again (don't ask why I'm not on prime time, it's all to do with my Y2K bookings getting in the way!) then the Christmas one is on Monday 27th December, two room jobbie till 2am. You coming down for the November one then? Hippo (the DJ one... )

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