Played the 7" of the Velvelettes "These things will keep me loving you" on air this morning - still gives me goosebumps - imagine finding that for the first time and covering it as the the Vel-vets!
Motown completists alert...received a promo this week of Gladys Knight "Grapevine"/Edwin Starr "War" remixes from the album, cat. number is Motown Flo-Mo 1.
Conclusions - the Edwin mix is passable, but still the Marvin one is the only one I rate from the album - probably because I never held the original as sacred, unlike some of the other tracks that have been ruined!
Seem to remember reading some while back that a couple had turned up - but there was a school of thought that it was actually a later issue than that on MM.
Always thought it sad that chart anoraks would only recognise him for that Schmaltzy "Let the heartaches begin" or "Mexico" when it was so far removed from the bluesy stuff I heard when I were a mere snip of a 15 year old... , still Radio 2 did mention that aspect this morning.
Used to love his UA single "Cuckoo" - played to death in our local disco in '66!
It's so bloody boring and repetetive
Don't worry, we've been putting up with comments like that since NS first took either get it and love it forever, or, like this guy you can't see it at all. Horses for courses I suppose, still feel sorry for him though. Then again, maybe he can see what I can't in Coldplay
The nearest to the complete line-up was at Ady Pountain/Dave Greets joint 50th last year - Tony, Greety, Thorley, Shay, Ady P., myself and a few more that are a blur, what a gathering of the great and not-so-good
But when talking of Yate we mustn't forget the "backroom boys" - Ady C., Roger Stewart, Pete Widdison etc. - unsung but made many a contribution to the card school...sorry, overall atmosphere
What puzzled me was that Kojak at the time hadn't packed it in - never mind, I'm sure there are more important things to worry about...
Ahhh...Yate in the snow...never seen thunder and lightning during a blizzard before! Having to follow lorry tracks back up the M5, and inevitably losing the silencer on the mound of snow between them...and the time that Pete French had to leave early and had to act as a trailblazer removing fallen branches from the road all the way back to the motorway...great fun
Yes, but it's funny how I knew it was your spot on the tape before I heard the voice...must be the fact that "She's just a pretty thing" was playing!
Ok, so we know that Kojak ran the first lot of Yate niters, first at the Stars and Stripes/Sterling Suite, later at the Baths, until Spring '77 when Dinks of the Southern Soul Club took over and instigated the glory years....BUT...flipping through some old B & S over the weekend (yeah, sad I know ) I found a half-page ad for the SSC niters at the Stars and Stripes in May '76 - a year before they actually started. Now, due to work etc. I wasn't there at that time, so can anyone tell me if they actually occurred - the billing was Tony Ellis, Shay and friends - or did Dinks come to some arrangement with Kojak?
P.S. Typing this listening to those Yate clips - thanks to Simon T. for a great listen!
It was an unreleased Popcorn Wylie thing, one story was that she was one of the Adorables, another was that nobody knew her at all...
One of my big favourites at the time, I'd forgotten how big until I heard RS playing it on a Wigan live tape. Oh bliss....synchronised handclaps or what!
True enough Mark, one mans meat and all that...must admit that my benchmark is probably Big Daddy Rogers (oops, another Big daddy ), that kind of crunching beat is ideal Northern IMHO. Some of the almost doo-wop/rock 'n roll stuff is just too early for me, but I'm trying not to write it all off like some people as there'll always be something that grabs you and says "I'm the exception to the rule..."
Only recently heard this and can't get it out of my (limited) brain:
Dorothy Williams - Watchdog
P.S. Pete - another who agrees with you on Wilson Pickett, never got the appeal of that one at all!
...and yes, I'm going to have to shell out for a copy as well! (unless any one wants to take a Mariah Carey album sampler, the new Nas album sampler, blah blah blah, in part exchange)
Tuning round my radio last Friday evening I caught Mike Hollis (ex Oscar Michael, well known in the West Mids in the early days of the scene) playing Magicians and Ty Karim complete with nice plug for the CD - and this was on Saga FM!
Yeah, you're the kind of guy i hate - I could spend three days and find two thirds of bugger all (and that would be a second issue!)
some people got it, some don't...