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Jerry Hipkiss

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Everything posted by Jerry Hipkiss

  1. "Spread love" was Al Hudson and the Soul Partners...classic stuff with probably the longest intro known to man! Hippo.
  2. What? Standing still and not talking? Couldn't be Dave Wise..but it is! Hippo.
  3. Got a feeling that this was the copy that "Little" Steve Smith (no relation) had in Gloucester in the (early?) 80's, and it was well-known then that only a few copies had been discovered. Hippo.
  4. Nice pics Tony, look forward to some more! Jerry.
  5. If that's the UK 7", well worth having as the UK remix sounds fresh nowadays...well mine does Hippo.
  6. It's another Soussan jobbie from '77, as was "These Heartaches" - not put together for the mod scene but for the Brut-soaked stompin' masses Hippo.
  7. Interesting...just wondered if that was pressed somewhere other than the West Coast, for national release? Ain't it strange how one of the longest-known NS labels can still fascinate us anoraks?
  8. Roger, is there a pressing plant mark for that one on the far left (the plain block print)?
  9. Thanks for the laugh Mark...and this from a man who found his Lorraine Silver Emidisc (bought at St. Ives!) last night... Hippo.
  10. You have to say that if you saw that second Sheppards in a box, you'd shout "Boot!!" But it's obvious that Mirwood used several different pressing plants in several different cities throughout the sixties. Complex one, this... Hippo.
  11. Careful Paul, watch your blood pressure matey Funnily enough, i've heard of people with a soft spot for the "vocal" to Afternoon of the Rhino! Hippo.
  12. The only contact with the law in Stroud I had was outside the Marshall Rooms one all-dayer when a young officer accosted me and said "'ere, you were in the year below me at school!" I probably verballed him to boredom..... Great memories of my only triple header - Egham niter on the Friday, Marshall Rooms all-dayer the next day, and then straight down to Yate in the snow. Oh yes, I'd do it all again!! Hippo.
  13. Really glad to see positive news - come on mate, we're all rootin for ya! Hippo.
  14. Mac "came out" out towards the end of Yate, moved away from Worcs to Birmingham/Derby I think, and no-ones seen or heard of him since. Pity, he was a good sort. P.S. Don't forget Greety...we could hold the reunion near a kebab shop... Hippo.
  15. Never seen that before, but the label is, I think, identical to the first Dean Parrish "Tell Her" boot, so I'd guess it's from 1969/70. Hippo.
  16. Likewise...but couldn't it be a case of the dancing keeping some people fit? Who needs a gym anyway?
  17. Just checking Pottsy, should that be 117-B, not A? Your scan shows -B on the label like the others...
  18. oh well, for once I'm in the clear...pronounced dip, W3 mark and all. Interesting to find all these variations as up till now I think most of us thought that there was just the one batch! Happy Hippo
  19. Thanks for that John - that gives me something to do when I get home from work...looking at that pronounced dip on Rudzi's scan gives me a sinking feeling...another NS myth blown out of the water! Hippo.
  20. Thanks Pete, maybe if JM's reading this he can enlighten us...
  21. I thought that all the copies around in the 70's were part of a warehouse buy-up, but on JM's auctions he mentions counterfeit copies...anyone tell me the difference? Hippo.
  22. Dave, Chico, I mentioned this thread to Karen (ex Cornwall now Hull) at Smokin' Tees in Stroud last night...funny how she came up with many of the same stories that you've mentioned! Then another ex-Yater, Tim Abbott, mentioned that he'd spent some (ahem) enforced time with Graham Bickford, and that set us all off on another 30 minutes of racy tales...
  23. Rob, it's that look of regret on your face everytime we mention it. Funny how one little transaction all those years ago sticks in the mind! Hippo.
  24. Back to cars, and one of the trips that always sticks in my mind is coming home from St. Ives one morning in Steve Reuters Triumph Stag - class...but I'm still trying to work out how me and Paul O'Brien (neither of whom are exactly small) managed to fit in the back seat of a sports car. Nevertheless we did, and flying back across the Cotswolds in an open top car is a good way to keep yourself awake! Mind you, not all our journeys were that classy... Hippo.

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