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Jerry Hipkiss

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Everything posted by Jerry Hipkiss

  1. In between The Temptones and stardom, there was another group - Executive Suite, who issued "Christine" on Jubilee in 1970. No relation, AFAIK, to the ES of "When the fuel runs out" fame... Jerry.
  2. Wasn't me Simon...as far as I know ...though I will admit to being there!
  3. Dave, sorry, I missed this post at the time, but according to Karen, yes, sadly it's true. Stll got my copy of "Mr. Big shot " with his name scratched in the run-out! Hippo.
  4. Stemmons deffo got many plays at Yate - sadly my befuddled brain can't remember who played it most. Did you have your Wand issue then, Dave? Jerry.
  5. Say no more, squire ...still think this rings truer than the mono/stereo story, love to know the rest of the tale!
  6. Is this fact? I heard that story at the time, but since then I've been told that they only had the stereo version and wanted the boot to mix the right sound for mono release...but as stereo singles were common then, wouldn't they just have gone ahead with what they had? Although they'd never admit to it, I wouldn't be surprised if Ringleader is correct... Jerry.
  7. Trouble is...apparently they didn't show in Cheltenham...literally last minute cancellation according to the local rag.
  8. Thanks Pottsy, that makes sense.
  9. Had a phone call from Steve Whittle last night, sadly his wife Julie has died from cancer. Spare a thought for him everyone...
  10. Yes, I believe so, not done in the '70's for the NS market as far as I'm aware, but don't know the exact details. Hippo.
  11. A few years back my good mate Paul O' B took himself on a cruise; landed in Lanzarote and while looking round a market the old vinyl direction finder fired up...under a parrots cage (he assures me) were two records. One was a Karate demo which he just couldn't leave, burnt a hole in his suitcase till he got back. sadly it was The Peels "Juanita Banana"! Disappointed? Well, partly - the other 45 was a Joe Hicks original . Still love to know how it got there... Hippo.
  12. Can't ever recall seeing a white demo Steve! The multi-colored ones are legal, Soulville and Jay-Walking were related companies, which is why JW appears in the dead wax.
  13. The Verve demos were damaged due to a flood at the warehouse, or so I was once told - still wouldn't part with my High Keys though . If the ballast story is a myth, then it's a verrrry old one, I remember hearing it in the early 70's. Also at that time, which must seem unbelievable to younger soulies, Tesco had loads of imports at 10pence each (still got a cover with the price tag on it!). I remember getting Watts 103rd on Keymen, Bob and Earl "Sissy" on Chene, Donnie Elbert on Command Performance among others, nothing too rare but nice collection fillers, the most valuable turned out to be Status Quo demos on Cadet Concept! Did anyone actually get any real valuables from that haul? Hippo.
  14. Funny that-just walked down wellington street on my way into work this morning...bedsit land! Yes, I well remember the fuss about the light coming in - though they did finally get some thick curtains up. it was OK in winter, but when it got light early in summer it could take the edge off the night a bit. Not completely though! Hippo.
  15. Agreed...Dave Flynn brought one back from Japan for me last year, well worth what i payed for it, how the hell did I miss it at the time? Ah well...might well give it a spin at Soulfusion next Saturday. Hippo.
  16. Always was sad that they never could follow up the success of this single...Their names were Rodney and Phil and they came over for promotional duties at the time.In those pre-internet days that meant slogging round the country, so I met them at the radio station I was at and they were good guys. Hippo.
  17. Not sure mate, but I take it you mean Joi Cardwell? Hippo.
  18. Interesting...thought VJ went belly-up around the end of '65, just when Mirwood were getting going! BTW talking of LP's, if you have the old B & C Bob and Earl album, try getting the US Crestview version from the same year (1969?) and spotting the differences - alternate takes, even down to "My little girl" being vocal on the UK and instr. on the US release!
  19. Ah...that would be the local issue on Bisto then...
  20. Christmas Eve 1965, my big sis took me and my mate to our local mod club, the Blue Moon in Cheltenham (she'd already taken us to the Marquee in London to a Radio London pop do)... first "out of the ordinary" single to make an impression on this schoolboy was Willie Mitchell "Everythings gonna be alright" with "That drivin' beat" on the flip...we were in awe of the top kiddies and hard boys, how things change, nowadays I can trade insults with the best of 'em ...fell in love with the soul stuff (and the blonde american girl DJ), and sort of stayed with it when my mates went for the rock stuff...started dj'ing around '69, doing youth clubs and night clubs, playing pop and soul, and the early imports as the scene grew to a level where I was too busy to get to the Torch until they lost the niter licence, however I did get there for an all-dayer, then found time for sweaty Saturday nights at the Cats, but didn't get to Wigan until early '75...then Yate started and it was downhill all the way! Roll on Soulfusion on the 18th!
  21. Never heard of it being played at an NS doo Richard...in fact I hadn't heard it since the 60's but sad bugger that I am ID'd it straight away when a non-NS mate rang and asked me about it! I believe it actually came out as B-side to two different US 45's. Hippo.
  22. My demo of Jackie Lee "Oh my darling" has the same markings, again on vinyl...and Martyn/Roger, yes there is a styrene demo of "Shotgun and the Duck", done at Monarch, delta no. 60607., with the title spread over two lines as per the issue. Can't do a scan of it at the moment, but I'm sure you get the picture Jerry.
  23. Funnily enough, just had a phone call from "Little" Steve, who confirms that his copy came from Pep in 1980, and he thinks that Colin Curtis had owned it prior to Pep. Hippo.
  24. Think you're in the ballpark on that price - mine came from Adey Pierce at no more than 20. AFAIK Mira was the pop-orientated branch...my favourite in that style has to be The Forum "The river is wide"...but there may have been some crossover between labels. Jerry.
  25. Thanks Tone, agreed that the GWP ones look very similar - fascinating info. Now where's my anorak... Hippo.

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