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Jerry Hipkiss

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Everything posted by Jerry Hipkiss

  1. You KNOW...it's the one that goes...and it bears no resemblance to anything you've ever heard
  2. Paul, if all dj's played everything requested it would make for a disjointed set, and you'd end up hearing Frank Wilson every 30 minutes...I'm happy to take requests and work them in if they fit into the flow of what I'm doing, but if not I just tell 'em that the next DJ is going to play it!
  3. So sad, chatted with him often over the years and his "Record Collectors" show on BBC across the Midlands was an essential listen on Friday nights until it was axed a couple of years ago. My condolences.
  4. there's another thread on "Look in your box" somewhere, but the grey one was reissue for the NS scene in 72/73.
  5. There was a throwaway line in Soul Time in 77ish saying that it had been booted on a lookalike but was fairly easy to spot, but I never found out if it was a limited boot, as I certainly don't remember seeing any. Buy the album to be sure!
  6. Seem to remember Take it Baby getting poor reviews in the music press at the time.
  7. So the Soul police can stand down then???
  8. Never thought about a value on that, bought it as a new release as well!! Z Z Hill must be another of the harder ones then?
  9. Just make sure my L. Allen goes to a good home mate!
  10. Sadly with the increasing blandness of bigger stations , Richard will never be able to reach a mass audience, I hope he gets a regular show somewhere but it will either be on a specialist station (so preaching only to the converted) or a small community station...I really hope he does get something.
  11. Never knew they ever did demos!
  12. Excellent - the toys version is listed as June 66 in some places though...
  13. As Sue Darbys version was produced by the writers (Linzer/Randell), am I right in thinking that was the first version, then the Toys, then ? Mark and the Mysterians? Or was The Toys the first version and they then cut it with Sue Darby??
  14. Heh, I'd forgotten that - what a style guru!!
  15. Rimshots - "Do what you feel" Luv - "Crazy Changes" Southside Johnny - "I played the fool"....
  16. Oooer there's a thought...
  17. Play it now and again, should be a monster revival on this as it's got THE LOT!
  18. At a guess, looking at the credits, I'd say no relation to Frankie B - but as usual I wait to be shot down in flames...
  19. Me too, thanks for clearing that up!
  20. I take it ownership of some tracks would have reverted to the producer anyway?
  21. Look, I'm a stompa kind of guy, don't know much about ballads, but Dunn Pearson "Even a fool" gives me goosebumps!
  22. Exactly why I didn't do anything about selling my 30+ promos including the demo 12" box set....oh well, I'll hold on to 'em...
  23. ...not to mention the stories! I pm'd a member about a record I had with his name in the runout and was gobsmacked with the story that came back! Maybe with his permission I'll post it in the open as it will touch a chord with a few people. Why am I here? I'm addicted to NS, warts and all, and the more I learn, the more I realise that after 40 years I know two thirds of bu**er all! Hippo.
  24. Yeah, but the MM version by Second City Sound was an inferior cover of the Mood Mosaic original - as far as I remember anyway, it's buried deep in the wardrobe...

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